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Prof. dr. J. (Jessica) Piotrowski

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Programmagroep: Youth & Media Entertainment
Fotograaf: Jessica Piotrowski (Photo by Jaap Vork)

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Kamernummer: C10.09
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
  • Profile
    Photo by Jaap Vork


    Dr. Jessica Taylor Piotrowski is a Professor in the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR) at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) where she holds the Chair Communication in the Digital Society. Dr. Piotrowski’s research asks how individual and socio-cultural differences influence children’s media selection, use, processing, and subsequent effects, with a particular focus on the contexts that support young people’s experiences with digital media. Presently, she is asking how young people (and their network of peers, teachers, (grand)parents, etc.) are learning to cope with the digital society - particularly through the lends of digital competence: a concept that represents both the digital skills and digital knowledge necessary for benefiting from today’s digital world. 

    Note: this page is not updated often, visit www.jessicataylorpiotrowski.com for updated information.

  • Presentations

    Spreekbeurten (Peer-Reviewed Presentations)


    Keessen L., Piotrowski J. T., Sumter S. R., Van Oosten J. M. F. (2022, June 19-23). From me-time to Digi-time? How emerging adults seek and find solitude in the digital age. In D. P. Cingel (Chair), Media use and adolescent and emerging adult social development and well-being [Symposium]. 26th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Rhodes, Greece.


    Wald, R., Piotrowski, J., Araujo, T., & van Oosten, J.M.F. (2022). Virtual Assistants in the Family Home: Understanding Parents’ Motivations to Use Virtual Assistants With Their Child(dren). Paper presentation at the International Communication Association Conference, Paris, France.


    Van der Wal, A., Pouwels, J. L., Piotrowski, J., & Valkenburg, P. M., (2022, May). Just a joke? Adolescents’ preferences for humor in media entertainment and real-life aggression. Paper accepted for the 72nd annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Paris, France.


    De Vries, D.A., Piotrowski, J.T., & de Vreese, C.H. (2022). Measuring digital competence across the lifespan. Paper presented at the Etmaal 2022 Conference on Communication Science. Brussels, Belgium.


    Wald, R., Piotrowski, J., Araujo, T., & van Oosten, J.M.F. (2022). Virtual Assistants in the Family Home: Understanding Parents’ Motivations to Use Virtual Assistants With Their Child(dren). Paper presentation at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Brussels, Belgium.


    Van der Wal, A., Pouwels, J. L., Piotrowski, J., & Valkenburg, P. M., (2022, February). Just a joke? Adolescents’ preferences for humor in media entertainment and real-life aggression. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Brussels, Belgium.


    Heemskerk, D.M., Busch, V., Piotrowski, J.T., Waterlander, W.E., Renders, C.M.,  & van Stralen, M.M. (2021). Sleep is a waste of time!? Understanding adolescent sleep health from a systems science perspective using causal loop diagrams. Poster presented at the Slaapcongres Nederland, Amsterdam, NL.


    Wald, R., Piotrowski, J.T., Araujo, T., & van Oosten, A. (2021, February). Virtual assistants in families. A cross-sectional survey study to understand families’ decisions to use virtual assistants in the family home. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Location: Virtual Conference [COVID-19].


    Van der Wal, A., Piotrowski, J.T., Fikkers, K.M., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2020, May). More Than Just a Laughing Matter: A Content Analysis of Humor in Teens’ Favorite Entertainment Shows. Paper presented at the 70th annual conference of the International Communication Association, Location: Virtual Conference [COVID-19].


    Broekman, F., Bouwers, E., Smeets, R., & Piotrowski, J.T. (2019, May). Summer learning loss in a different context. Paper presented at the 69th annual conference of the International Communication Association, Washington, DC, USA.


    Fikkers, K.M., Piotrowski, J.T., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2018, June). Child’s Play? Assessing the Bi-Directional Longitudinal Relationship between Gaming and Intelligence in Early Childhood. Paper presented at the 48th annual meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


    Broekman, F. & Piotrowski, J.T. (2018, May). Effects of Haptic Movement and Hotspot Salience on the Usability and Educational Effectiveness of Children’s Educational Apps. Paper presented at the 68th annual conference of the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic.


    Beyens, I. & Piotrowski, J.T. (2018, May). Developmental Trajectories of Parental Media Mediation across Childhood. Paper presented at the 68th annual conference of the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic.


    Fikkers, K.M. & Piotrowski, J.T. (2018, May). Person vis-à-vis Content Effects: Individual Differences in Cognitive, Emotional, and Arousal Responses to Media Content. Paper presented at the 68th annual conference of the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic.


    Fikkers, K.M., Piotrowski, J.T, & Valkenburg, P.M. (2018, May). Child’s Play? Assessing the Bi-Directional Longitudinal Relationship between Gaming and Intelligence in Early Childhood. Paper presented at the 68th annual conference of the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic.


    Beyens, I. & Piotrowski, J.T. (2018, February).  Developmental Trajectories of Parental Media Mediation across Childhood. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Ghent, Belgium.


    Fikkers, K.M. & Piotrowski, J.T. (2018, February). Investigating Individual Differences in Youths' Cognitive, Emotional, and Arousal Responses to Entertainment. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Ghent, Belgium.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2017, July). Plugged in: How media attract and affect youth. Presented at the Children’s Media Conference (CMC), Sheffield, United Kingdom.


    Piotrowski, J.T. & Broekman, F. (2017, May). Contextualizing parental needs for children’s apps: The role of dispositional, developmental, and social context variables. In M. Lapierre (Chair) ‘It's Hard Out There for a Parent: Negotiating the Child's Media Landscape’. Paper symposium presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego, USA.


    Beyens, I., Piotrowski, J.T., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2017, May). Which came first? Assessing transactional relationships between children’s violent media use and ADHD-related behaviors. Presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego, USA. (Awarded Top Paper)


    Beyens, I., Piotrowski, J.T., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2017, May). Screen media use and ADHD-related behaviors in children and adolescents: Four decades of research. Presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego, USA.


    Broekman, F.L., Piotrowski, J.T., Beentjes, J.W.J. & Valkenburg, P.M. (2017, May). App features that fulfill parents’ needs in apps for children. Presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego, USA.


    Fikkers, K.M., Piotrowski, J.T., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2016, June). Beyond the lab: Investigating early adolescents’ cognitive, emotional, and arousal responses to violent games. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), Fukuoka, Japan.


    Fikkers, K.M., Piotrowski, J.T., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2016, June). A matter of style? The differential effects of parental mediation on early adolescents’ media violence exposure and aggression. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), Fukuoka, Japan.


    Broekman, F.L., Piotrowski, J.T., Beentjes, J.W.J. & Valkenburg, P.M. (2016, June). A parental perspective on apps for young children. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), Fukuoka, Japan.


    Piotrowski, J.T.  & Meester, L. (2015). The opportunities of creative apps in middle childhood.  In S.Vaala (Chair) ‘Content, Context, and Consequences of “Educational” Apps in the Lives of Children’. Paper symposium conducted at the meeting of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 


    Busse, P. & Piotrowski, J.T. (2015). Assessing the longitudinal relationship between Peruvian children’s TV exposure and unhealthy food consumption. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


    Vossen, H.G.M., Piotrowski, J.T. , & Valkenburg, P.M. (2015). The longitudinal relationship between media violence and empathy: Was it sympathy all along? Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


    Fikkers, K.M., Piotrowski, J.T., Lugtig, P., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2015). The role of perceived norms in the relationship between media violence exposure and adolescents’ aggression.  Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


    Nikkelen, S., Vossen, H.G.M., Piotrowski, J.T., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2015). Media violence and adolescents’ ADHD-related behaviors: The role of parental mediation. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


    Diamessis, A. T. & Piotrowski, J.T. (2015). The association of educational media and parent mediation on preschoolers’ language development. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Literacy, Crete, Greece.


    Nikkelen, S., Vossen, H.G.M.,  Piotrowski, J.T., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2015). Media violence and adolescents’ ADHD-related behaviors: The role of parental mediation. Paper presented at the Etmaal 2015 Conference on Communication Science.  Antwerp, Belgium.


    Fikkers, K.M., Piotrowski, J.T., Lugtig, P., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2015). The role of perceived norms in the relationship between media violence exposure and adolescents’ aggression.  Paper presented at the Etmaal 2015 Conference on Communication Science.  Antwerp, Belgium.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2014). Participatory cues and program familiarity predict young children’s learning from educational television.  Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Seattle, WA, USA.


    Fikkers, K.M., Piotrowski, J.T., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2014). Validity and reliability of media violence exposure measures.  Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Seattle, WA, USA.


    Piotrowski, J.T., Litman, J.A., & Valkenburg, P. (2013). Measuring epistemic curiosity in young children.  In A. Strobel (Chair) Epistemic curiosity and need for cognition assessment and correlates. Paper symposium conducted at the 2013 meeting of the International Society of the Study of Individual Differences, Barcelona, Spain.


    Piotrowski, J.T., Jordan, A.B., Bleakley, A., & Hennessy, M. (2013). Identifying household television practices to reduce children’s television time.  Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, London, England.


    Vossen, H.G.M., Piotrowski, J.T., Valkenburg, P.M. (2013). Development and validation of the adolescent measure of empathy and sympathy (AMES). Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, London, England.


    Valkenburg, P.M., Piotrowski, J.T., Hermanns, J., de Leeuw, R. (2013). Developing and validating the perceived parental media mediation scale: A self-determination perspective. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, London, England.


    Fikkers, K.M., Piotrowski, J.T., Weeda, W., Vossen, H.G.M., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2013). How Family Conflict Moderates the Relationship between Media Violence and Adolescents' Aggression.  Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, London, England.


    Fikkers, K.M., Piotrowski, J.T., Weeda, W., Vossen, H.G.M., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2013). Double dose: The joint effect of media violence and family conflict on adolescents’ aggression. Paper presented at the George Gerbner Conference on Communication, Conflict, and Aggression, Budapest, Hungary.


    Vossen, H.G.M., Piotrowski, J.T., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2013). Development and validation of the adolescent measure of empathy and sympathy (AMES).  Paper presented at the Etmaal 2013 on Communication Science.  Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


    Fikkers, K.M., Piotrowski, J.T., Weeda, W., Vossen, H.G.M., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2013). Double dose: How violent media exposure and family conflict interact to predict adolescents’ aggression.  Paper presented at the Etmaal 2013 Conference on Communication Science.  Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2012, June). How reduced narrative processing demands impact preschoolers’ comprehension of educational television. Paper presented at the StoryNet workshop Narratives and Entertainment.  Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2012, May). How reduced narrative processing demands impact preschoolers’ comprehension of educational television. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ. (Awarded Top Paper)


    Lapierre, M.A., Piotrowski, J.T., & Linebarger, D.L. (2012, May). Background television in homes with young children.  Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ. (Awarded Top Paper)


    Linebarger, D.L., Barr, R., Lapierre, M.A., Piotrowski, J.T., & Finch, J. (2012, June). Relations among early television exposure, parental supervision during that exposure, and temperament.  Poster presented at the meeting of the International Conference on Infant Studies, Minneapolis, MN.


    Piotrowski, J.T., Lapierre, M.A., & Linebarger, D.L. (2011, November). Association between parenting style and children’s media use.  In N. Jennings (Chair), Parenting, caregiving, and Media: Young children and their media environment. Paper symposium conducted at the meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA. 


    Lapierre, M.A., Piotrowski, J.T., & Linebarger, D.L. (2011, November). Parenting and media use: Where do American parents turn for media advice? In N. Jennings (Chair), Parenting, caregiving, and Media: Young children and their media environment. Paper symposium conducted at the meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA. 


    Garrity, K., Piotrowski, J.T., Lapierre, M.A., & Linebarger, D.L.  (2011, November). The influence of the home literacy environment on children’s language and literacy skills.  Paper presented at the meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.


    Piotrowski, J.T., Bleakley, A., Hennessy, M., Kydd, S., & Jordan, A.B. (2011, October). Demographic differences in the relationship between parents’ television reduction behaviors and children’s viewing time.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.


    Jordan, A.B., Hennessy, M., Piotrowski, J.T.*, Bleakley, A., Kydd, S., Mallya, G., Solomon, S.R., & Winkler, R. (2011, October). Developing media interventions to reduce household sugar-sweetened beverage consumption.  Poster presented at the annual meeting of The Obesity Society, Orlando, FL.


    Piotrowski, J.T., Lapierre, M.A., Linebarger, D.L. (2011, May). How American children spend their time: Media and other activities.  Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Boston, MA.


    Lapierre, M.A., Piotrowski, J.T., & Linebarger, D.L. (2011, April). Doctor’s orders: Assessing the relationship between pediatricians’ media guidance and children’s media use in American families.  Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, QC Canada.


    Linebarger, D.L., Barr, R.F., Lapierre, M.A., & Piotrowski, J.T. (2011, April). Predicting executive function skills from background television exposure.  Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, QC Canada.


    Piotrowski, J.T., Jennings, N., & Linebarger, D.L. (2011, March). Extending the lessons of educational television with young children.  In S.M. Fisch (Chair), New directions in children’s learning from media: Learning from multiple media platforms. Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, QC Canada.


    Lapierre, M.A., Piotrowski, J.T., & Linebarger, D.L. (2011, March). Investigating correlates of self-regulation in early childhood with a nationally representative sample of U.S. Families.  Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, QC Canada.


    Lapierre, M.L., Piotrowski, J.T., & Linebarger, D.L. (2010, November). Measuring the home media environment of young children: Results from a nationally representative sample of American families. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Communication Association, San Francisco, CA.


    Linebarger, D.L., Lapierre, M.A., & Piotrowski, J.T. (2010, April). The implications of background television exposure.  In J.T. Piotrowski (Chair), A window into children’s media use: Results from a national parent survey. Symposium conducted at the Conference on Human Development, New York City, NY.


    Piotrowski, J.T., Lapierre, M.A., & Linebarger, D.L. (2010, April). How young children spend their time.  In J.T. Piotrowski (Chair), A window into children’s media use: Results from a national parent survey. Symposium conducted at the Conference on Human Development, New York City, NY.


    Lapierre, M.A., Piotrowski, J.T., & Linebarger, D.L. (2010, April). Understanding the home media environment: Results from the Annenberg survey of children, media, and parenting practices.  In J.T. Piotrowski (Chair), A window into children’s media use: Results from a national parent survey. Symposium conducted at the Conference on Human Development, New York City, NY.


    Garrity, K., Linebarger, D.L., Piotrowski, J.T., & Lapierre, M. (2010, April). The influence of the home literacy environment on children’s language and literacy skills. Paper presented at the Conference on Human Development, New York City, NY. 


    Linebarger, D.L., Lapierre, M.A., Vaala, S., Piotrowski, J.T., Barr, R. (2010, March). The implications of repeated exposure to background television on young children’s executive functioning skills: Results from a national parent survey.  In R. Barr (Chair), Learning from media during childhood. Symposium conducted at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York City, NY.


    Linebarger, D.L., Piotrowski, J.T., & Lapierre, M. (2009, November).  The relationship between media use and the language & literacy skills of young children: Results from a national parent survey.  In M. Robb (chair), Young children’s patterns of media use and related outcomes as a function of economic and minority status.  Paper symposium presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for the Education of Young Children, Washington, DC.


    Piotrowski, J.T., Vaala, S., & Linebarger, D.L. (2009, April). Can Postcards from Buster help inside the ELL classroom? An examination of receptive and productive vocabulary acquisition.  Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.


    Piotrowski, J.T. & Linebarger, D.L. (2008, May). The impact of television narratives on the early literacy skills of preschoolers.  Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Montreal, CA.


    Sanders-Jackson, A., Cappella, J.N., Linebarger, D.L., Piotrowski, J.T., O’Keeffe, M., Strasser, A., & Lerman, C. (2008, May). Addiction and eyes on screen: How smokers process smoking-related PSAs.  Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Montreal, CA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. & Linebarger, D.L. (2007, November). Exploring individual eye movement patterns when viewing smoking cessation PSAs.  Paper presented at the meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2007, May). Measuring narrative in children’s television programming. Paper presented at the workshop Exploring Media Narratives: New Concepts & Methods, Erfurt, Germany.


    Piotrowski, J.T. & Linebarger, D.L. (2007, March). Evaluating interactive media within the context of learning. Poster session presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA.


    Linebarger, D.L. & Piotrowski, J.T. (2007, March). Evaluating the educational potential of health interstitials with preschoolers.  Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2006, November). The time-crunched family and preschool television: Is 24-hour television the answer? Paper presented at the meeting of the National Communication Association, Student Division, San Antonio, TX. (Awarded Top Paper)


    Taylor, J.L. (2006, May). Repeated viewings of Dora the Explorer and its influence on young children’s learning. Paper presented at the meeting of the Eastern Communication Association, Applied Communication Division, Philadelphia, PA.  (Awarded Top Paper)


    Spreekbeurten (Invited Presentations) 


    Piotrowsk, J.T. (2022). Ages, Stages, and the Digital Society. Google, San Bruno, California, USA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2022). Growing Up Digital. Cinekid Roundtable Series. Amsterdam, NL.


    de Vries, D., Piotrowski, J.T., de Vreese, C. (2022, April). Developing & Validation of DigIQ. Sociaal-Economische Raad (SER), Den Haag, NL.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2020, September). Kids First. 14th International Conference: Keeping Children and Young People Safe Online, Poland [virtual keynote, pandemic].


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2020, June). Users First. European Insafe Network Training Meeting, Norway [virtual keynote, pandemic].


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2020, June). Summer of COVID-19: Kids Online?, Children & Screens, New York [virtual webinar].


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2020, May). The Switch to Distance Learning. Reinventing School Podcast.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2019, November). Entertaining Generation Digital, Turner Networks Summit. London, U.K..


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2019, October). Generation Digital. Digital Environments and Developing Minds: Research and Strategies for Professionals, Producers and Policy Makers conference. Sydney, Australia.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2019, September). Creating for Culture Creators (Masterclass Generation Z). Nederlandse Publieke Omroep. Amsterdam, Netherlands.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2019, September). Digital resilience across the lifespan. Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties. Amsterdam, Netherlands.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2019, July). Today’s teens, tomorrow’s world. WeMakeVR. Amsterdam, Netherlands.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2019, July). Tips & Tricks for Presentation and Publication in Academia. ECREA European Media and Communication Summer School, Tartu, Estonia.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2019, May). Growing Up Digital: The Role of Media in the Lives of Gen Z. Goddard Earth Science and Office of Communications, NASA, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2019, April). RTL Factory – Filtering Fakes from Facts, Onsite Expert and Juror. Details available at: https://readymag.com/RTLGroup/2019-Backstage-InFocus02/


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2019, April). Measuring CAM: Stepping up our game. Sesame Workshop. New York City, USA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2019, February). The all-important thumbs-up: What drives teens’ media preferences. Vidcon London, London, UK.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2019, February). Separating fact from fiction: The truth about young people and the media. Vidcon London, London, UK.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2018, December). If you love something, let it go mobile. Facebook NL, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Content Protected Under Non-Disclosure Agreement]


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2018, November). Separating fact from “fact”: The truth about young people and the media. Pompeu Fabra University. Barcelona, Spain.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2018, November). If you love something, let it go mobile. Facebook NL, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Content Protected Under Non-Disclosure Agreement]


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2018, August). If you love something, let it go mobile. Facebook NL, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Content Protected Under Non-Disclosure Agreement]


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2018). Separating fact from fiction: The true relationship between young people and the media. VidCon USA, Anaheim, California, USA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2018). The psychology of how adolescents consume media. Fireside Chat, VidCon. USA, Anaheim, California, USA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2018). From Research to Practice. KU Leuven. Leuven, Belgium.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2018). Finding orchids in a field of dandelions: The challenges and opportunities of studying differential susceptibility in media effects research. University of Vienna. Vienna, Austria.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2018). The psychology of how kids consume media. Fireside Chat, VidCon Europe, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2017). Finding orchids in a field of dandelions. Presentation, University of Haifa. Haifa, Israel.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2017). Plugged in: How media attract and affect youth. Presentation, University of Haifa. Haifa, Israel.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2017). Plugged in: How media attract and affect youth. Presentation, Tel Aviv University. Tel Aviv, Israel.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2017). Plugged in: How media attract and affect youth. Book presentation, KetNet, Leuven, Belgium.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2017). Plugged in: How media attract and affect youth. Book presentation, Georgetown University, Georgetown, Washington, D.C., USA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2017). Plugged in: How media attract and affect youth. Book presentation, Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2017). Plugged in: How media attract and affect youth. Book presentation, Center on Media & Child Health, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2017). Plugged in: How media attract and affect youth. Book presentation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2017). Plugged in: How media attract and affect youth. Book presentation, Michigan State University, Lansing, MA, USA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2017). Plugged in: How media attract and affect youth. Book presentation, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA, USA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2017). Plugged in: How media attract and affect youth. Book presentation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2017). Plugged in: How media attract and affect youth. Book presentation, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2016). Effects of Online Advertising on Children’s Visual Attention and Task Performance During Free and Goal-Directed Internet Use [PhD candidate: Nils Holmberg]– Faculty Opponent Summary & Commentary, Doctoral Defense, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2016). Plugged In: Key Insights into Youth, Media, & Technology.  Invited speaker, Dust or Magic, Lambertville, New Jersey, USA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2016). Digital media & education: Perfect match or absolute clash? Keynote speaker, Do you catch my drift? A multidisciplinary view on educational message design, Utrecht University.  Amsterdam, NL.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2016). Plugged In: Key Insights into Youth, Media, & Technology. Kinder Media Awards, Hilversum, NL


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2015). Media Literacy. Moderator and Closing Speaker. Cinekid, Amsterdam, NL.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2015). Digital media & education: Perfect match or absolute clash? Invited speaker. Amsterdam Research Initiative, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2015). There’s an app for that: The (un)likely relationship between apps and education. APPril Festival, Utrecht, NL.


    Piotrowski, J.T.  (2015). The (un)likely relationship between digital media and education.      Invited speaker. Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap (Ministry of Education, Culture and Science), Den Haag, NL.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2015).  Positive media effects in childhood.  Invited speaker. Pedagogy Department, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL.


    Piotrowski, J.T., (2014). Learning while playing? Invited speaker. Apps for Kids Seminar, co-hosted by Cinekid & Kennisnet, Amsterdam, NL.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2014).  Learning while playing? The educational opportunities of digital media in childhood. Invited speaker. Congres Digitalisering in Opvoeding en Onderwijs (Congress on Digital Media in Education), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL.


    Piotrowski, J.T., Vossen, H., & Valkenburg, P. (2013).  The reciprocal relationship between media and childhood.  Invited speaker. 1st Children and Media Congress, Istanbul, Turkey.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2013, October).  Cinekid expert meeting: Designing apps for children. Invited panelist. Cinekid for Professionals Conference, Amsterdam, NL.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2013, May). Children and media: An international perspective. Invited speaker, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2013, May). Growing up digital. Invited speaker, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2012, March). Mass communication seminar.  Invited speaker, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven: School for Mass Communication Research, Leuven, Belgium.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2011, March). Professor dinner discussion series.  Invited speaker, Penn Alumni Student Society, Philadelphia, PA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2011, February). Professional development series: Organizing the dissertation. Invited panelist, Annenberg School for Communication, Philadelphia, PA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2011, February). Teaching workshop for graduate students: Mentoring undergraduate and graduate students.  Invited panelist, Center for Teaching and Learning & Annenberg School for Communication, Philadelphia, PA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2010, November).  Children and media socialization.  Invited panelist, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. (2010, March).  Professional development workshop series II: Making the most of conference presentations.  Invited panelist, Annenberg Center for Advanced Study in Communication, Philadelphia, PA.


    Piotrowski, J.T. & Linebarger, D.L. (2009, December). Children’s television: Extending research into practice.  Invited presentation, PBS Kids Sprout, Philadelphia, PA.

  • Research Funding & Awards

    Wervend Vermogen (Research Funding)


    Consortium Partner

    Research Funding (2022) for the project “Thriving Teens: whole systems approach to benefit teens’ mental wellbeing” [with PI Maartje van Stralen]. Received from from ZonMw Organization (The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development)


    Co-Principal Investigator

    Research Funding (2022) for the project “DigIQ: Test en verbeter je digitale kennis en vaardigheden” [with D. de Vries, F. Huysmans]. Received from the Stichting GO.


    Co-Principal Investigator

    Research Funding (2022), Faculty Research Priority Area, “Youth Digitality” [with E. Smit, G. Overbeek, H. Larsen]. Received from the Faculteit der Maatschappij en Gedragswetenschappen (FMG), University of Amsterdam.


    Principal Investigator & Promotor

    Research Funding (2021) for the doctoral project “Digital Transformation of Me-Time' (DIGI-ME)” [together with S. Sumter & A. van Oosten]. Received from the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam.


    Principal Investigator

    Research Funding (2020) for the project “DIGCOM: Mapping and supporting digital competence across the Netherlands”. Received from the Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.  


    Co-Principal Investigator & Promotor

    Research Funding (2020) for the project “Charge your Brainzzz 2.0: evaluation of a co-created healthy sleep intervention for adolescents using a complex systems approach”. Received from ZonMw Organization (The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development)


    Principal Investigator & Promotor

    Research Funding (2020) for the doctoral project “In Rosie We Trust: Virtual Assistants in Families” [together with T. Araujo and A. van Oosten]. Received from the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam. Role: Promotor].


    Co-Principal Investigator

    Research Funding (2020) for the project “Diving into sustainability: Tailoring immersive media about sustainability for children” [together with H. Sungur]. Received from the Digital Communication Methods Lab (DigiComLab), University of Amsterdam.


    Co-Principal Investigator

    Research Funding (2017) for the project “Assessing children’s media motivations” [together with R. Kühne]. Received from the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam.


    Principal Investigator

    Research Funding (2016) for the project “The attraction and power of Minecraft” [together with M. Scheffler]. Received from KennisNet and the Graduate School of Communication, University of Amsterdam.


    Co-Principal Investigator

    Research Funding (2015) for the open access publication of “Plugged In: How Media Attract and Affect Youth” [together with P.M. Valkenburg]. Received from Yale University Press.


    Principal Investigator

    Research Funding (2014) for the project “Can apps support children’s creativity?” Received in conjunction from Cinekid and the Graduate School of Communication, University of Amsterdam.


    Principal Investigator & Promotor

    Research Funding (2013) for the project “There’s an App for That!  Distinctive Features of Apps for Young Children”. Received from the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam.

    Prijzen (Research Prizes)


    Top Published Article Award (2022) from the Children, Adolescents, and the Media Division of the International Communication Association. Awarded for paper: More Than Just a Laughing Matter: A Coding Framework of Humor in Media Entertainment for Tweens and Teens [published in the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media].


    Piet Visser Prijs (2021) from the Slaapcongres Nederland for the article: Sleep is a waste of time!? Understanding adolescent sleep health from a systems science perspective using causal loop diagrams. [ongoing research].


    Top Published Article Award (2020) from the Children, Adolescents, and the Media Division of the International Communication Association. Awarded for paper: Child’s play? Assessing the bidirectional longitudinal relationship between gaming and intelligence in early childhood [published in the Journal of Communication].


    Travel Funding (2018) for participation in the consortia-development workshop Childhood, Youth, and Digital Technologies. Received from Aarhus University, DK.


    Top Paper Award (2017) from the Children, Adolescents, and the Media Division of the International Communication Association.  Awarded for paper: Which came first? Assessing transactional relationships between children’s violent media use and ADHD-related behaviors.


    Young Scholars Travel Grant (2013, January) for research visit to Northwestern University. Received from the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam.


    Top Paper Award (2012) from the Children, Adolescents, and the Media Division of the International Communication Association.  Awarded for paper: How reduced narrative processing demands impact preschoolers’ comprehension of educational television.


    Top Paper Award (2012) from the Children, Adolescents, and the Media Division of the International Communication Association.  Awarded for paper: Background television in homes with young children.


    Top Paper Award (2006) from the Mass Communication Division of the National Communication Association.  Awarded for paper: The time-crunched family and preschool television:Is 24-hour television the answer? 


    Top Paper Award (2006) from the Applied Communication Division of the Eastern Communication Association.  Awarded for paper: Repeated viewings of Dora the Explorer and its influence on young children’s learning. 


    George Gerbner Award (2004) from the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.  Awarded for best senior honors thesis by an undergraduate student.

    Onderwijswaardering (Education Recognition)

    • Recognition of Excellence in Service (2020, June) for efforts to support the University teaching community during the Covid-19 pandemic via the development and support of the Keep on Teaching program. Awarded by the University of Amsterdam during the General Assembly of the VSNU (Dutch Universities Association).
    • Nominee, Lecturer of the Year Award (2020, May; 2021 May) presented by the Student Council and the ASVA Student Union, University of Amsterdam.
    • Excellence in Teaching Award (2017, June) for the highest evaluated elective in the Master program (course “Digital Media Lifestyles”), Graduate School of Communication, University of Amsterdam.
    • Nominee, Lecturer of the Year Award (2017, February) presented by the Student Council and the ASVA Student Union, University of Amsterdam.
    • Excellence in Teaching Award (2016, December) for commitment towards strengthening the relationship between education and communication practice, First Annual Thematic Award, Department of Communication Science, University of Amsterdam.
    • Excellence in Teaching Award (2015, June) for the highest evaluated elective in the Master program (course “Digital Media across the Lifespan”), Graduate School of Communication, University of Amsterdam.
    • Excellence in Teaching Award (2013, December) for the course “Digital Media Across the Lifespan”, Graduate School of Communication, University of Amsterdam.
    • Excellence in Teaching Award (2013, June) for the course “Persuasion & Resistance”, Graduate School of Communication, University of Amsterdam.
    • Annenberg Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship (2010), from the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.
    • Nominee, Penn Prize for Excellence in Teaching (2007) from the College of Arts & Science, University of Pennsylvania. Nominated for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student. 
    • James D. Woods Award (2005) from the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.  Awarded for outstanding teaching by a graduate student.
  • Publicaties


    • Hutton, J. S., Piotrowski, J. T., Bagot, K., Blumberg, F., Canli, T., Chein, J., Christakis, D. A., Grafman, J., Griffin, J. A., Hummer, T., Kuss, D. J., Lerner, M., Marcovitch, S., Paulus, M. P., Perlman, G., Romeo, R., Thomason, M. E., Turel, O., Weinstein, A., ... Potenza, M. N. (2024). Digital Media and Developing Brains: Concerns and Opportunities. Current Addiction Reports, 11(2), 287–298. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40429-024-00545-3 [details]
    • Piotrowski, J. T. (2024). Youth and the Digital Society. In T. Araujo, & P. Neyens (Eds.), Communication Research into the Digital Society: Fundamental Insights from the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (pp. 87-100). Amsterdam University Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/jj.11895525.8, https://doi.org/10.1515/9789048560608-006 [details]
    • Wald, R., Piotrowski, J. T., van Oosten, J. M. F., & Araujo, T. (2024). Who are the (Non-)Adopters of Smart Speakers? A Cross-Sectional Survey Study of Dutch families. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 52, 4-28. https://doi.org/10.5117/TCW2023.X.001.WALD [details]
    • Wald, R., Piotrowski, J., Araujo, T. B., & van Oosten, J. M. F. (2024). Voices of Resignation. Explaining differences in families' smart speaker usage and privacy cynicism. In ECREA 2024
    • Wald, R., van Oosten, J. M. F., Piotrowski, J. T., & Araujo, T. (2024). Smart speaker data donations in families: The Project Rosie perspective. In Proceedings of ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference (IDC): 17-20 June 2024 : Delft NL : "Inclusive happeness" (pp. 680-685). Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3628516.3659374 [details]


    • Keessen, L., Piotrowski, J., Sumter, S. R., & van Oosten, J. M. F. (2023). Development and validation of need for solitude scale. Manuscript submitted for publication.
    • Wald, R., Araujo, T. B., van Oosten, J. M. F., & Piotrowski, J. (2023). What do the News Say About Siri, Alexa, and Co.? A Topic Model Network Analysis of News Messages About Virtual Assistants between 2011 and 2022.. Manuscript submitted for publication.
    • Wald, R., Piotrowski, J. T., Araujo, T., & van Oosten, J. M. F. (2023). Virtual assistants in the family home: Understanding parents’ motivations to use virtual assistants with their Child(dren). Computers in Human Behavior, 139, Article 107526. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2022.107526 [details]




    • Beyens, I., Piotrowski, J. T., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2020). Which came first? Assessing transactional relationships between children’s violent media use and ADHD-related behaviors. Communication Research, 47(8), 1228-1245. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/0093650218782300 [details]
    • Fikkers, K. M., & Piotrowski, J. T. (2020). Content and person effects in media research: Studying differences in cognitive, emotional, and arousal responses to media content. Media Psychology, 23(4), 493-520. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/15213269.2019.1608257 [details]
    • Piotrowski, J. T., & Fikkers, K. M. (2020). Media Violence and Aggression. In M. B. Oliver, A. A. Raney, & J. Bryant (Eds.), Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research (4th ed., pp. 211-226). (Routledge Communication Series). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429491146-14 [details]
    • van der Wal, A., Piotrowski, J. T., Fikkers, K. M., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2020). More than Just a Laughing Matter: A Coding Framework of Humor in Media Entertainment for Tweens and Teens. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 64(3), 478-498. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/08838151.2020.1796389 [details]


    • Beyens, I., Valkenburg, P. M., & Piotrowski, J. (2019). Developmental Trajectories of Parental Mediation Across Early and Middle Childhood. Human Communication Research, 45(2), 226-250. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1093/hcr/hqy016 [details]
    • Fikkers, K. M., Piotrowski, J. T., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2019). Child’s play? Assessing the bidirectional longitudinal relationship between gaming and intelligence in early childhood. Journal of Communication, 69(2), 124-143. https://doi.org/10.1093/joc/jqz003 [details]






    • Lapierre, M. A., Piotrowski, J., & Linebarger, D. L. (2014). Assessing the relationship between pediatric media guidance and media use in American families. Clinical pediatrics, 53(12), 1166-1173. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/0009922814540038 [details]
    • Liebeskind, K. G., Piotrowski, J., Lapierre, M. A., & Linebarger, D. L. (2014). The home literacy environment: exploring how media and parent-child interactions are associated with children’s language production. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 14(4), 482-509. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468798413512850 [details]
    • Linebarger, D. L., Barr, R., Lapierre, M. A., & Piotrowski, J. (2014). Associations between parenting, media use, cumulative risk, and children’s executive functioning. Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics, 35(6), 367-377. https://doi.org/10.1097/DBP.0000000000000069 [details]
    • Piotrowski, J. (2014). Participatory cues and program familiarity predict young children’s learning from educational television. Media Psychology, 17(3), 311-331. https://doi.org/10.1080/15213269.2014.932288 [details]
    • Piotrowski, J. (2014). The relationship between narrative processing demands and young American children’s comprehension of educational television. Journal of Children and Media, 8(3), 267-285. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/17482798.2013.878740 [details]
    • Piotrowski, J., Litman, J. A., & Valkenburg, P. (2014). Measuring epistemic curiosity in young children. Infant and Child Development, 23(5), 542-553. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1002/icd.1847 [details]


    • Bleakley, A., Piotrowski, J., Hennessy, M., & Jordan, A. (2013). Predictors of parents’ intention to limit children’s television viewing. Journal of Public Health, 35(4), 525-532. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1093/pubmed/fds104 [details]
    • Fikkers, K. M., Piotrowski, J. T., Weeda, W. D., Vossen, H. G. M., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2013). Double dose: High family conflict enhances the effect of media violence exposure on adolescents’ aggression. Societies, 3(3), 280-292. https://doi.org/10.3390/soc3030280 [details]
    • Piotrowski, J., Jennings, N. A., & Linebarger, D. L. (2013). Extending the lessons of educational television with young American children. Journal of Children and Media, 7(2), 216-234. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/17482798.2012.693053 [details]
    • Piotrowski, J., Lapierre, M. A., & Linebarger, D. L. (2013). Investigating correlates of self-regulation in early childhood with a representative sample of English-speaking American families. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 22(3), 423-436. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-012-9595-z [details]
    • Valkenburg, P. M., Piotrowski, J., Hermanns, J., & de Leeuw, R. (2013). Developing and validating the Perceived Parental Media Mediation Scale: a self-determination perspective. Human Communication Research, 39(4), 445-469. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/hcre.12010 [details]


    • Jordan, A., Piotrowski, J., Bleakley, A., & Mallya, G. (2012). Developing media interventions to reduce household sugar-sweetened beverage consumption. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 640(1), 118-135. https://doi.org/10.1177/0002716211425656 [details]
    • Lapierre, M. A., Piotrowski, J., & Linebarger, D. L. (2012). Background television in the homes of US children. Pediatrics, 130(5), 839-846. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2011-2581 [details]


    • Sanders-Jackson, A. N., Cappella, J. N., Linebarger, D. L., Piotrowski, J., O'Keeffe, M., & Strasser, A. A. (2011). Visual attention to anti-smoking PSAs: smoking cues versus other attention-grabbing features. Human Communication Research, 37(2), 275-292. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2958.2010.01402.x [details]



    • Linebarger, D. L., & Piotrowski, J. (2009). TV as storyteller: how exposure to television narratives impacts at-risk preschoolers' story knowledge and narrative skills. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 27(1), 47-69. https://doi.org/10.1348/026151008X400445 [details]



    • de Vries, D. A., Piotrowski, J., & de Vreese, C. H. (2022). Resultaten onderzoek digitale competenties (DIGCOM). Amsterdam School of Communication Research. https://osf.io/7sn6q [details]




    • Wald, R., Araujo, T. B., van Oosten, J. M. F., & Piotrowski, J. (2024). The hot topic of virtual assistants: A Topic Model Network Analysis of Dutch News Media Messages About Virtual Assistants Between 2011 and 2022.. Paper presented at European Communication Science Event, Nijmegen, Netherlands.


    • Wald, R., Piotrowski, J., Araujo, T. B., & van Oosten, J. M. F. (2023). “Hey Google, We Need Help!”: The Need for Regulatory Frameworks to Safeguard the Implementation of Smart Speakers in Families.. Paper presented at ICA Pre-conference: Building the Conditions for Responsible Human-Centric AI Systems.


    • Keessen, L., Piotrowski, J., Sumter, S. R., & van Oosten, J. M. F. (2022). Me-time in the digital age: Development and validation of the need for solitude scale. Abstract from Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Rhodes, Greece.
    • Wald, R., Piotrowski, J., Araujo, T. B., & van Oosten, J. M. F. (2022). Virtual Assistants in the Family Home. Understanding Parents’ Motivations to Use Virtual Assistants With Their Child(ren). Paper presented at 72nd International Communication Association (ICA) Annual
      Conference, Paris, France.
    • Wald, R., Piotrowski, J., van Oosten, J. M. F., & Araujo, T. B. (2022). Who are the (Non)Adopters of Smart Speakers? A Cross-Sectional Survey Study of Dutch Families. Abstract from European Communication Research and Education Association Conference, Denmark.
    • Wald, R., Piotrowski, J., van Oosten, J. M. F., & Araujo, T. B. (2022). “Hey Google, Come In!” The Domestication of Google Assistant in Dutch Family Homes. Poster session presented at European Communication Research and Education Association CYM Pre-Conference ‘The Datafied Child’.
    • van der Wal, A., Pouwels, J. L., Piotrowski, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2022). Just a joke? Adolescents’ preferences for humor in media entertainment and real-life aggression.. Poster session presented at ICA, Paris, France.


    • van der Wal, A., Piotrowski, J., Fikkers, K. M., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2020). More than just a laughing matter: A content analysis of humor in teens’ favorite entertainment shows. Poster session presented at International Communication Association (ICA), Gold Coast, Australia.


    • van der Wal, A., Piotrowski, J., Fikkers, K. M., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2019). Not simply a laughing matter: Teens’ preferences for different humor types on television.. Abstract from 69th Annual ICA Conference.
    • van der Wal, A., Valkenburg, P. M., Piotrowski, J., & Fikkers, K. M. (2019). Not simply a laughing matter: A content analysis of different humor types in teens’ favorite television shows. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Nijmegen.


    • Beyens, I., & Piotrowski, J. (2018). Developmental trajectories of parental media mediation across childhood. Paper presented at 68th International Communication Association Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
    • Beyens, I., & Piotrowski, J. (2018). Developmental trajectories of parental media mediation across childhood. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Gent, Belgium.
    • Fikkers, K. M., & Piotrowski, J. (2018). Investigating individual differences in youths' cognitive, emotional, and arousal responses to entertainment. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Ghent, Belgium.
    • Fikkers, K. M., & Piotrowski, J. (2018). Person vis-à-vis content effects: Individual differences in cognitive, emotional, and arousal responses to media content. Paper presented at ICA, Prague, Czech Republic.
    • Fikkers, K. M., Piotrowski, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2018). Child’s play? Assessing the bi-directional longitudinal relationship between gaming and intelligence in early childhood. Abstract from 48th annual meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • Fikkers, K. M., Piotrowski, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2018). Child’s play? Assessing the bi-directional longitudinal relationship between gaming and intelligence in early childhood. Paper presented at ICA, Prague, Czech Republic.


    • Beyens, I., Piotrowski, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2017). Assessing intraindividual relationships between children’s violent media use and ADHD-related behaviors.. Paper presented at Consortium on Individual Development Meeting, Utrecht, Netherlands.
    • Beyens, I., Piotrowski, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2017). Children’s violent media use and ADHD-related behaviors: Assessing transactional relationships. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Tilburg, Netherlands.
    • Beyens, I., Piotrowski, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2017). Screen media use and ADHD-related behaviors in children and adolescents: Four decades of research. Paper presented at 67th International Communication Association Conference, San Diego, California, United States.
    • Beyens, I., Piotrowski, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2017). Which came first? Assessing transactional relationships between children’s violent media use and ADHD-related behaviors. Paper presented at 67th International Communication Association Conference, San Diego, California, United States.
    • Broekman, F. L., Piotrowski, J., Beentjes, J. W. J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2017). App features that fulfill parents’ needs in apps for children. Paper presented at Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego, San Diego, United States.
    • Piotrowski, J. (2017). Plugged in: How media attract and affect youth. Paper presented at Children’s Media Conference, Sheffield, United Kingdom.
    • Piotrowski, J., & Broekman, F. L. (2017). Contextualizing parental needs for children's apps: The role of dispositional, developmental, and social context variables. Paper presented at International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, San Diego, CA, United States.


    • Fikkers, K. M., Piotrowski, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2016). A matter of style? The differential effects of parental mediation on early adolescents’ media violence exposure and aggression. Abstract from 66th International Communication Association Conference, Fukuoka, Japan.
    • Fikkers, K. M., Piotrowski, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2016). A matter of style? The differential effects of parental mediation on early adolescents’ media violence exposure and aggression. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • Fikkers, K. M., Piotrowski, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2016). Beyond the lab: Investigating early adolescents’ cognitive, emotional, and arousal responses to violent games. Abstract from 66th International Communication Association Conference, Fukuoka, Japan.
    • Fikkers, K. M., Piotrowski, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2016). Beyond the lab: Investigating early adolescents’ cognitive, emotional, and arousal responses to violent games. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


    • Busse, P., & Piotrowski, J. (2015). Assessing the longitudinal relationship between Peruvian children’s TV exposure and unhealthy food consumption.
    • Diamessis, A. T., & Piotrowski, J. (2015). The association of educational media and parent mediation on preschoolers’ language development..
    • Fikkers, K. M., Piotrowski, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2015). The role of perceived norms in the relationship between media violence exposure and adolescents’ aggression.
    • Fikkers, K. M., Piotrowski, J., Lugtig, P., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2015). The role of perceived norms in the relationship between media violence exposure and adolescents’ aggression.
    • Nikkelen, S. W. C., Vossen, H. G. M., Piotrowski, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2015). Media violence and adolescents’ ADHD-related behaviors: The role of parental mediation.
    • Nikkelen, S. W. C., Vossen, H. G. M., Piotrowski, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2015). Media violence and adolescents’ ADHD-related behaviors: The role of parental mediation.
    • Piotrowski, J., & Meester, L. (2015). The opportunities of creative apps in middle childhood.
    • Vossen, H. G. M., Piotrowski, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2015). The longitudinal relationship between media violence and empathy: Was it sympathy all along?.


    • Fikkers, K. M., Piotrowski, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2014). Validity and reliability of media violence exposure measures. Abstract from Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Seattle, USA.
    • Piotrowski, J. (2014). Participatory cues and program familiarity predict young children’s learning from educational television. Abstract from Paper prestented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Seattle, USA.


    • Fikkers, K. M., Piotrowski, J., Weeda, W. D., Vossen, H. G. M., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2013). Double dose: How violent media exposure and family conflict interact to predict adolescents' aggression. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
    • Fikkers, K. M., Piotrowski, J., Weeda, W. D., Vossen, H. G. M., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2013). Double dose: The joint effect of media violence and family conflict on adolescents’ aggression. Abstract from Paper presented at the 3rd George Gerbner Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
    • Piotrowski, J., Litman, J. A., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2013). Measuring epistemic curiosity in young children. Abstract from Paper presented at the meeting of the International Society of the Study of Individual Differences.
    • Piotrowski, J., Vossen, H. G. M., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2013). The reciprocal relationship between media and childhood. Paper presented at Presented at the 1st Children and Media Congress.
    • Valkenburg, P. M., Piotrowski, J., Hermanns, J. M. A., & de Leeuw, R. (2013). Developing and validating the perceived parental media mediation scale: A self-determination perspective. Abstract from Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, London, UK.
    • Vossen, H. G. M., Piotrowski, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2013). Development and validation of the adolescent measure of empathy and sympathy (AMES). Abstract from Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, London, UK.


    • Linebarger, D. L., Barr, R., Lapierre, M. A., Piotrowski, J., & Finch, J. (2012). Relations among early television exposure, parental supervision during that exposure, and temperament. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
    • Piotrowski, J. (2012). How reduced narrative processing demands impact preschoolers’ comprehension of educational television. Paper presented at Paper presented at the StoryNet workshop Narratives and Entertainment.

    Prijs / subsidie

    • Piotrowski, J. (2023). Charge your Brainzzz 2.0: evaluation of a co-created healthy sleep intervention for adolescents using a complex systems approach.
    • Piotrowski, J. (2023). Thriving Teens: whole systems approach to benefit teens’ mental wellbeing.
    • van der Wal, A., Piotrowski, J., Fikkers, K. & Valkenburg, P. (2022). Best Published Article Award.
    • Piotrowski, J. (2022). DigIQ: Test en verbeter je digitale kennis en vaardigheden.
    • Piotrowski, J. T., Smit, E., Overbeek, G. & Larsen, H. (2022). Research Priority Areas (RPA’s): Youth Digitality. https://www.uva.nl/shared-content/faculteiten/nl/faculteit-der-maatschappij-en-gedragswetenschappen/nieuws/2022/09/rpas-nl.html
    • Piotrowski, J. T., Sumter, S. & van Oosten, A. (2021). Digital Transformation of Me-Time' (DIGI-ME).
    • Piotrowski, J. (2020). Recognition of excellence in service.
    • Piotrowski, J. (2020). DIGCOM: Mapping and supporting digital competence across the Netherlands.
    • Beyens, I., Piotrowski, J. & Valkenburg, P. M. (2017). Top Paper Award.
    • Piotrowski, J. (2016). First Annual Thematic Teaching Award, Department of Communication Science, University of Amsterdam..
    • Piotrowski, J. (2015). Excellence in Teaching Award.
    • Piotrowski, J. (2013). Excellence in Teaching Award.
    • Piotrowski, J. (2013). Excellence in Teaching Award.
    • Piotrowski, J. (2013). Young Scholars Travel Grant.
    • Piotrowski, J. (2012). Top Paper Award.
    • Piotrowski, J. (2012). Top Paper Award.

    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie

    • Piotrowski, J. (2009-). Vice Chair / Chair Elect for CAM division (2015 – present) Member, ICA Community Taskforce (2016 – present) Internationalization Liaison for CAM (…), International Communication Association.



    • Piotrowski, J. (member of editorial board) (2016). Annals of the International Communication Association (Journal).
    • Piotrowski, J. (member of editorial board) (2016). Mobile Media & Communication (Journal).
    • Piotrowski, J. (member of editorial board) (2016). Media Psychology (Journal).
    • Piotrowski, J. (member of editorial board) (2015). Journal of Children and Media (Journal).


    • Piotrowski, J. (invited speaker) (11-2016). Plugged In: Key Insights into Youth, Media, & Technology, Dust or Magic.
    • Piotrowski, J. (keynote speaker) (10-2016). Digital media & education: Perfect match or absolute clash?, University of Utrecht, Utrecht.
    • Broekman, F. L. (speaker), Piotrowski, J. (speaker), Beentjes, J. W. J. (speaker) & Valkenburg, P. M. (speaker) (6-2016). A parental perspective on apps for young children, International Communication Association.
    • Piotrowski, J. (invited speaker) (4-2016). Plugged In: Key Insights into Youth, Media, & Technology, Kinder Media Awards.


    • Piotrowski, J. (participant) (24-5-2019 - 28-5-2019). International Communication Association (ICA), Washington. Broekman, F., Bouwers, E., Smeets, R., & Piotrowski, J.T. (2019, May). Summer learning loss in a different context. Paper presented at the 69th (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Piotrowski, J. (examiner) (12-2016). Effects of Online Advertising on Children’s Visual Attention and Task Performance During Free and Goal-Directed Internet Use (examination).
    • Piotrowski, J. (examiner) (2-2016). A different(ial) perspective: How social context influences the media violence-aggression relationship among early adolescents (examination).
    • Piotrowski, J. (examiner) (1-2016). The role of media entertainment in children's and adolescents' ADHD-related behaviors: A reason for concern? (examination).


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  • Nevenwerkzaamheden
    • YouTube Kids
      Advisory Board Member, YouTube Kids
    • Center for Open Science (COS)
      Editorial Board for Pilot Project for Improving Access to Social Media