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Dr. A.V. (Alla) Peeters-Podgaevskaja

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Tweede Taalverwerving
Fotograaf: onbekend

  • Spuistraat 134
  • Kamernummer: 621
  • Postbus 1641
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profiel

    Research: Main fields of interest

    •   Child Bilingualism

    As the population of bilinguals (with Russian as one of their mother tongues) in Western Europe and North America grows, the study of Russian language acquisition by such children has become increasingly important. Specific studies examining such bilingual infants and school children are, however, lacking. My particular interest is in cross-linguistic investigation of child language acquisition and the relationship betwee language and cognition. Research interests are:
    - Learnability of language
    - Acquisition of morphology
    - Acquisition of written language
    - Developmental language disorders
    • Conceptualization of spatial locations/  Comparative study on Slavic spatial prepositions

    The study of spatial language provides insights into the way(s) in which the human mind deals with the surrounding world and so also into the functioning of human cognition. The existing literature and theories on spatial language are generally based on a very limited number of familiar Western European languages (notably German, French, and English) and some American Indian languages. Slavic languages are not taken into account. However, Slavic languages are quite specific among the languages of Europe because of the interaction between the verb with its aspect and prefix on the one hand, and prepositions and the choice of case on the other hand. One of the most specific features of Slavic languages, as I have shown in my previous studies, is the capability of Slavic speakers (Russian, Polish) to focus his attention, within one and the same contact situation, either on the boundaries of a location, or on the area of contact between a located object and a location. Another specific aspect of spatial relationships in Slavic languages is mapping a motion event onto a locative static situation. The orientation of the (moving) located object and its placement with respect to the location as a point of reference differ for the various Slavic languages.


    • Russian language acquisition (BA);
    • Russian linguistics (BA);
    • Slavic Linguistics (BA);
    • Bilingual First Language Acquisition (MA)


    • Flash Russian
    • Webklas light project
    • Voice Response project
    • EuroTandem project
    • Question Mark project
    • Russian for bilingual school children (language course)

    Personal information

  • Publications and Presentations

    Books and Language courses

    Podgaevskaja, A., Bron, J. & Louwerse, N. 2012 . Paspoort voor Rusland. Russisch voor iedereen . Deel 3. Amsterdam: Pegasus (pp. 320). (in preparation)

    Podgaevskaja, A.,T. Langerak (eds.) 2010. Paspoort voor Rusland. Russisch voor iedereen . Deel 1. Amsterdam: Pegasus (pp. 389).

    Podgaevskaja, A., L. Poddoubskaia, N. Iancheeva 2010. V putešestvie s grammatikoj. Russkij jazyk dlja dvujazyčnyx detej, 2 [Russisch voor tweetalige kinderen, deel 2]. Amsterdam: Pegasus (pp. 344). (see PDF)

    Podgaevskaja, A. 2010. Paspoort voor Rusland. Russisch voor iedereen . Oefenboek . Amsterdam: Pegasus (pp. 207). (herziene versie)

    Podgaevskaja, A.V. 2008. Konceptualizacija prostranstva i ee otraženie v russkom jazyke. [Ruimtelijke conceptualiseringin het Russisch .] [Pegasus Oost-Europese Studies 10]. Amsterdam (pp. 361). (proefschrift)

    Podgaevskaja, A., L. Poddoubskaia, N. Iancheeva 2008. Priklučenija v gorode Gramoteev. Russkijjazyk dlja dvujazyčnyx detej, 1 [Russisch voor tweetalige kinderen, deel 1]. Amsterdam: Pegasus (pp. 280). (see PDF)

    Podgaevskaja, A., Honselaar, W. 2007. Praktische Grammatica van de Russische Taal . Amsterdam: Pegasus (pp. 600).

    Podgaevskaja, A.2003, 2005. Rusland zonder grenzen . Amsterdam: Pegasus (pp. 439).

    Honselaar, W. 2000. Groot Russisch-Nederlands Woorden-boek . Amsterdam: Pegasus. (co-redacteur)

    Louwerse, N. et al. 1996. Paspoort voor Rusland. Russisch voor het voortgezet onderwijs . Deel 2. Pegasus, Amsterdam (pp. 287).


    2012. 'Otkaz ot bezlikix slov: slovotvorčestvo Solženicyna'. In R. Genis (et al.) (eds.) Between West and East . Festschrift for Wim Honselaar . [ POES 20 ]. Amsterdam. 491-517. (see PDF)  
    2012.'A case against case. Acquisition of Russian case in monolingual and bilingual children'. In R. Genis (et al.) (eds.) Between West and East . Festschrift for Wim Honselaar . [ POES 20 ]. Amsterdam. 317-339. (together with B. Janssen) (see PDF)  
    2012. 'K voprosu o jazykovoj interferencii: usvoenie pozicionnyx glagolov russko-niderlandskimi det'mi'.In T. A. Krugljakova (et al.) (eds.) Problemy ontolingvistiki - 2012 . S.-Petersburg. 520-525. (see PDF )
    2012. 'Strategii ponimanija prostogo predloženija russkojazyčnymi i russko-niderlandskimi det'mi v vozraste 6-9 let'. In T.A. Krugljakova (et al.) (eds.) Problemy ontolingvistiki - 2012 . S.-Petersburg. 560-565. (see PDF)
    2012. '... and I stayed behind on my old village.' Competition of the prepositions in and on in Old Russian'. In H. van der Liet & M. Norde (eds.) Language for its own sake . Amsterdam. 229-254.
    2012. ' Relevance of the case cue and comprehension strategies in bilingual Dutch-Russian children' (pp. 30).(revised, together with B. Janssen)  
    2010. 'Problemy dvujazyčija i celostnaja koncepcija prepodavanija russkogo jazyka kak vtorogo rodnogo'. In М .L. Remnjova, А.А. Polikarpov (eds.) Russian Language: its Historical Destiny and Present State . Proceedings and materials . Moscow. 619-620.     
    2009. 'Učebnik po russkomu jazyku dlja detej-bilingvov: jazykovaja koncepcija i programma obučenija russkomu jazyku kak vtoromu rodnomu'. Russkij jazyk za rubežom , 6. 95-101. (see PDF)
    2008. 'Problemy osvoenija russkogo jazyka kak vtorogo rodnogo det'mi 5-7 let i sozdanie adekvatnogo učebnogo posobija'. In E. de Haard, W. Honselaar & J. Stelleman(eds.) Literature and Beyond. Festschrift forWillem G. Weststeijn . [ POES 11/2 ]. Amsterdam. 609-627. (see PDF)
    2007. 'Variativnost' v vybore predlogov v i na pri lokal'nyx ob'ektax v pamjatnikax delovoji bytovoj pis'mennosti 14 - 17 vekov'. In М .L. Remnjova, А . А . Polikarpov (eds.) Russian Language: its Historical Destiny and Present State . Proceedings and materials . Moscow. 289-290.  
    2003. 'Problemy rasxoždenij v prostranstvennoj konceptualizacii fizičeskix lokal'nyxob'ektov v sovremennom russkom literaturnom jazyke i nekotoryx russkix dialektax'. Dutch Contributionstothe Thirteenth International Congress of Slavists (SSGL 30). Amsterdam - New York: Rodopi . 289-330. (see PDF)
    2003. 'Kategorija vremeni i naivnaja kartina mira (na materiale russkogo i gollandskogo jazykov)'. In W. Honselaar, E. de Haard & W. Weststeijn (eds.) Time flies . Festschrift for William Veder . [ POES2 ]. Amsterdam. 267-292. 
    2003. 'Razgovory na kuxne ... o kuxne'. In W.Honselaar, E. de Haard & W. Weststeijn (eds.) Diehet kleine eert, is het groteweerd . Festschrift voor Adrie Barentsen . [ POES 1 ]. Amsterdam.267-282.  
    2003. 'Bol'šoj russko-gollandskij slovar' - novyj etap v sozdanii dvujazyčnyx slovarej'. Russkij tekst i russkij diskurs segodnja . Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of MAPRYAL . 626-633. 
    2001. ' Problemy obratnoj konceptualizacii lokal ' nyx ob ' ektov v russkom literaturnom jazyke i ego dialektax '. In М .L. Remnjova, А . А . Polikarpov (eds.) Russian Language: its Historical Destiny and Present State . Proceedingsandmaterials . Moscow . 111-112 .   
    2001. ' Zri v koren' ofwel terug naar de roots (1). In: Levende Talen magazine 2 , 27.
    2001. ' Zri v koren' ofwel terug naar de roots ( 2 ). In: Levende Talen magazine 3 , 36-37 .
    Texts of publications


    2012. Nashi dvujazychnye deti [Our bilingual children]. 23 September, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. (see PP)
    2012. K voprosu o jazykovoj interferencii: usvoenie pozicionnyx glagolov russko-niderlandskimi det'mi [Language transfer: acquisition of posture verbs in Dutch-Russian children]. 24-26 April, S.-Petersburg, Russia. (see PP)
    2012. On Russian morphology in bilingual children of 6-7yearsold. 'Discourse BiSLI'. 30 January, Utrecht, the Netherlands. (see PP)  
    2010. Experimenteel onderzoek naar de relevantie van naamval voor Nederlands-Russische kinderen. (together with B. Janssen), Slavistendagen. 15 September,Leuven, België. (see PP)
    2009. Specific features of Slavic space: conceptualization and interpretation. ACLC, UvA, 15 May, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. (see PP)
    2009. Een nieuwe taalcursus voor tweetalige kinderen. Studiedag van Levende Talen. 27 September, Amsterdam, Nederland.  
    2009. Učebnik po russkomu jazyku dlja detej-bilingvov. Jazykovaja koncepcija i programma obučenija [Russian course for bilingual children]. 2e Congres of the Euroloog. 5 March, London, Great Britain.  
    2009. Toetsen Spreekvaardigheid.Conference'Proeve. UvA digitaal toetsen' (together with N. Danshina). January, Amsterdam, Nederland. 
    2008. Taalontwikkeling en taalcompetenties van tweetalige (Nederlands-Russische) kinderen in de leeftijd van 5-7 jaar. Slavistendagen. April,Gent, België. (see PP)  
    2007. Sociolingvističeskij i rečevoj portrety dvujazyčnogo rebenka. Metodičeskie podxody v prepodavanii russkogo jazyka kak vtorogo. Conference of teachers in Russian language and literature. 4 December, Aalsmeer, Nederland. (see PP)
    2007. Variativnost' v vybore predlogov v i na pri lokal'nyx ob'ektax v pamjatnikax delovoj i bytovoj pis'mennosti XIV - XVII vv. The 3d International Congress "Russian Language: its Historical Destiny and Present State". 23 March, Moscow, Russia.  
    2006. Ruimtelijke conceptualisering van fysieke locaties in het Oud-Russisch . Slavistendagen, 16 June, Leiden, Nederland.  
    2004. Rusland zonder grenzen: een nieuwe taalcursus voorgevorderden. Studiedag van Levende Talen. Mei, Leiden, Nederland. 
    2003. Bol'šojrussko-gollandskij slovar' - novyj etap v sozdanii dvujazyčnyx slovarej (together with W.Honselaar). Het 10e Congres van MAPRYAL. 30 June, S.-Peters-burg, Russia.  
    2002. Conceptualisering van ruimtelijke locaties in het standaard Russisch en Russische dialecten. Slavic Circle, UvA. 7 March, Amsterdam, Nederland.  
    2002. Het averechtse gebruik van de ruimtelijke preposities v ('in') en na ('op') in combinatie met concrete fysieke locaties in het Russisch. ACLC, UvA, 14 April, Amsterdam, Nederland.
    2001. Problemy obratnoj konceptualizacii lokal'nyx ob'ektov v russkom literaturnom jazyke i ego dialektax.The 1st International Congress "Russian Language: its Historical Destiny and Present State". 13-16 March, Moscow, Russia.  
    2000. The spatial conceptualization of locations in modern standard Russian and its Dialects. The 1st conference of the Intarnational Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Association. 3-4 November, North Carolina, VS.  
    PP presentations

    Workshops and seminars

    2012. Lecture and workshop 'Our bilingual children'. Russian school in Eindhoven, September.
    2009-2010. Seminar 'Talen in Contact, Talen in Conflict'. Taal- en letterkunde, UvA.  
    2009. Miniworkshop 'Taalen teken:Demeertalige stad'.Illustere School, UvA. March.  
    2007. Miniworkshop 'Naar de universiteit op z'n Russisch'. De UvA nacht van de wetenschap, UvA. June. 
    2005. Miniseminar 'Taalverwerving Russisch'. Proefstuderen Taal- en Letterkunde, UvA. 7 April. 
    2003 - 2006: lectures on Russian history at the Keizer Karel College at Amstelveen. 
    2001. Workshop 'Aspect van het werkwoord in het Russisch', studiedag van Levende Talen. Maart, Amersfoort, Nederland.  
    2000. Workshop'Aspect van het werkwoordin het Russisch', studiedag van Levende Talen. November,Utrecht, Nederland.  

  • Dissertation

    Titel nieuwe paragraaf

    Podgaevskaja, A.V. 2008. Konceptualizacija prostranstva i jejo otraženie v russkom jazyke. [Ruimtelijke conceptualisering in het Russisch]. [Pegasus Oost-Europese Studies 10]. Amsterdam.


    Spatial language and spatial cognition are important topics of current cognitive research. The study of spatial language provides insights into the way(s) in which the human mind deals with the surrounding world and so also into the functioning of human cognition. The existing literature and theories on the linguistic representation of spatial cognition, based on a number of languages (some European, American-Indian, African and Asian languages), do not cover the whole range of linguistic diversity. Until now, Slavic languages have not been taken into account neither in comparative linguistic studies, nor in typological studies, although, as a language group, Slavic languages vary considerably from other languages, because of the complex interaction between the verb with its aspect and prefix on the one hand, and prepositions in combination with a certain case on the other.

                In Russian, movement towards a goal (a dynamic situation) and lo-ca-lisation in or on a goal (a static scene) are expressed through the combination of the accusative case (for the dynamic situation) or the locative case (for the static scene) with either one of the two prepositions v   'in' en na 'on'. And so, the preposition v   is associated with a localisation within interior of three-dimensional spatial entities and bounded surfaces, whereas na is used to highlight he contact of the localised object with the location.

                The conviction that the descriptive research methodology and the existing cognitive analyses concerning the Russian prepositions v   and na are satisfactory in partonly, has led toan elaboration of the various cognitive approaches, es pecially of the functional approach. Employing this enhanced apparatus, I looked at various kinds of contact between objects, as well as contacts between human beings and locations. Moreover, I introduced a new approach, which I have termed egofocal. It takes into account the focus of the observer and his/her zooming in or out of locative scenes. This approach is especially relevant for certain Slavic languages, which can present one and the same locative contact situation in different ways depending on this aspect.

                Next to the first complete description of all spatial categories and concepts in Russian, an attempt was made to provide a description of spatial entities as they are envisaged and experienced in the 'naive picture' of the world. Moreover, an algorithm was developed, which served to establish the conceptua- li-sation and linguistic representation of existing as well as potential locations. This algorithm is highly important to explicate spatial conceptualisation in Rus-sian, but also to serve a practical purpose in second language acquisition and lexicographical studies.


    Veel cognitieve studies van de laatste decenia zijn gericht op het bestuderen van de onderlinge relatie tussen ruimte en menselijke cognitie. Daarbij wordt vooral gekeken naarde talige uitdrukking van bepaalde locatieve scenes en situaties.Slavisch materiaal wordt amper bij z'n onderzoek betrokken. In mijn proefschrift heb ik vooral gekeken naar de conceptualisering en interpretatie van verschillende ruimtelijke locaties in de situatie van beweging naar een doel, inclusief her resulterende contact met dit doel, en lokalisering in of op een doel. Het standaard Russisch maakt een duidelijk onderscheid tussen lokalisering binnen gesloten ruimtes (con-tainers) of afgegrens de opper-vlaktes en lokalisering op de oppervlaktes wanneer juist het contact met de lo-catie geprofileerd wordt. Dit wordt o.a. door middel van de voorzetsels v 'in' en na 'op' uitgedrukt. In de gesproken taal, in verschillende dialecten en in de diachronie ziet men echter een grote variatie in het gebruik van de twee voorzetsels bij een en dezelfde locatie. De bestaande methodologie kan dit fenomeen niet afdoende verklaren. De oplossing werd gezocht in de herformulering van de ideeën over de functionaliteit en het ontwikkelen van een originele egofocale benadering waarin de visie/focus van de spreker en zijn kennis over de aard van het contact tussen gelokali- seerde objecten en locaties centraal staan. Naast de eerste complete beschrijving van alle ruimtelijke categorieën en hun concrete concepten werd een zo compleet mogelijke beschrijving van de 'naïeve ruimte' in het Russisch gegeven. Bovendien wordt een algoritme ontwikkeld op basis waarvan de conceptualisering en de taalkundige representatie vastgesteld kunnen worden van niet alleen bestaande locaties maar ook van in potentie mogelijke locaties. Zo'n algo-ritme is van groot theoretisch belang als theorie van ruimtelijke con-ceptualisering in het Russisch, maar ook van praktisch belang voor het vreem-de-talenonderwijs enlexicogra-fische studies.

  • Publicaties


    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V. (2024). Writing Proficiency Development in Heritage Russian Learners in the Netherlands: A Longitudinal Study. In O. Kisselev, O. Laleko, & I. Dubinina (Eds.), Russian as a Heritage Language: From Research to Classroom Applications (pp. 117-138). (Routledge Russian Language Pedagogy and Research). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003380276



    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V., Janssen, B. E., & Baker, A. E. (2020). The acquisition of relative clauses in Russian and Polish in monolingual and bilingual children. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 10(2), 216-248. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1075/lab.17031.pee [details]
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A., & Arkema, L. (2020). Russian Foreigners' Speech Imitation. In E. Fortuin, P. Houtzagers, & J. Kalsbeek (Eds.), Dutch Contributions to the Sixteenth International Congress of Slavists. Linguistics: Belgrade, August 20-27, 2018 (pp. 194-218). (Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics; Vol. 44). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004417137_009 [details]



    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V. (2016). Svoeobrazie dvujazychija i neobxodimost' sozdanija uchebnika po russkomu jazyku s nacional'no-jazykovoj specifikoj. In Problemy prepodavanija russkogo jazyka (pp. 1-20). Tokyo.


    • Honselaar, W., & Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (2014). Глаголы "doen" и "делать": братья-близнецы или дальние родственники? Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics, 40, 229-261. http://www.rodopi.nl/senj.asp?BookId=SSGL+40 [details]


    • Janssen, B. E., & Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V. (2012). Strategii ponimanija prostogo predloženija russkojazyčnymi i russko-niderlandskimi det'mi v vozraste 6-9 let. In T. A. Krugljakova (Ed.), Problemy ontolingvistiki - 2012: materialy meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferencii, posvjaščennoj 130-letiju so dnja roždenija K. I. Čukovskogo i 120-letiju so dnja roždenija A. N. Gvozdeva, 24 - 26 aprelja 2012 g., Sankt-Peterburg (pp. 560-565). Zlatoust. [details]
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V. (2012). K voprosu o jazykovoj interferencii: usvoenie pozicionnych glagolov russko-niderlandskimi det'mi. In T. A. Krugljakova (Ed.), Problemy ontolingvistiki - 2012: materialy meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferencii, posvjaščennoj 130-letiju so dnja roždenija K. I. Čukovskogo i 120-letiju so dnja roždenija A. N. Gvozdeva, 24 - 26 aprelja 2012 g., Sankt-Peterburg (pp. 520-525). Zlatoust. [details]


    • Podgaevskaja, A. (2007). On variation in the choice of prepositions 'v' and 'na' in combination with landmarks-locations in the legal documents and letters of the 14th - 17th centuries. In M. L. Remnjova, & A. A. Polikarpov (Eds.), Russian Language: its Historical Destiny and Present State (pp. 289-290). Moscow: Moscow University Press. [details]


    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V., & Sarbassova, G. (2024). Selective mutism and bilingualism: A case study of Kazakh-Dutch twins. In М«Мǝдениет, өркениет, жаhаният контексiндигi гуманитарлық ғылым: Тiл, Этнос, Коғам» атты халықаралық конгресс материалдары: Proceedings of the international congress “The humanities in the context of culture and global civilization: language, ethnos, and society” (pp. 199-204).


    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V. (2023). Ja govorju po-russki! Russkij jazyk i detskoe mnogojazychie. Pegasus.


    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V., Ringblom, N., Nenonen, O., & Kolodina, N. (2021). Language maintenance and shift: Oral and reading skills in heritage Russian in different language contact environments. In M. Elivanova (Ed.), Problemy ontolingvistiki - 2021: jazykovaja sistema rebenka v situacii odno- i mnogojazychija (pp. 228-235). Izdatel'stvo BBM.


    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (2019). "Počital by ja, da zapjatye mešajut..." O navykax čtenija v odno- i dvujazyčii. In E. de Haard, W. Honselaar, & W. G. Weststeijn (Eds.), Leaving the stage: Festschrift for Jenny Stelleman on the occasion of her retirement (pp. 223-244). (Pegasus Oost-Europese Studies; Vol. 34). Uitgeverij Pegasus. [details]
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V., & Dorofeeva, E. (2019). Rannie etapy usvoenija kategorii glagola u trëx"jazyčnogo rebënka. In T. A. Krugljakova, T. A. Ušakova, M. A. Elivanova, & S. V. Krasnoščekova (Eds.), Sovremennaja ontolingvistika: problemy, metody, otkrytija: Materialy ežegodnoj meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferencii, 24-26 ijunja 2019. Sankt-Peterburg (pp. 203-209). Listos. [details]


    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V., & Takeda, E. (2018). Usvoenie glagolov mestonaxozhdenija i raspolozhenija v dvujazychii. In T. A. Krugljakova (Ed.), Problemy ontolingvistiki - 2018: Materialy meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferencii, 20-23 marta 2018, Sankt-Peterburg (pp. 182-188). Listos. [details]
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A., & Honselaar, W. (2018). Учебная грамматика русского языка = Praktische grammatica van de Russische taal. (2e ed.) Amsterdam: Pegasus.


    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V., & Oestinova, K. (2017). Osvoenie zvukoproizvodstva dvujazyčnymi det'mi (na primere russko-gollandskogo rebënka). In T. Krugljakova (Ed.), Problemy ontolingvistiki - 2017: Osvoenie i funkcionirovanie jazyka v situacii mnogojazyčija (pp. 78-83).


    • Janssen, B. E., & Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V. (2016). O vlijanii foneticheskoj jarkosti v interpretacii padezhnyx otnoshenij u russkojazychnyx i gollandsko-russkix detej. In T. A. Krugljakova, & M. A. Elivanova (Eds.), Problemy ontolingvistiki - 2016. (pp. 149-155). Ivanovo: Listos.
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (2016). Язык “падонков” : традиция в новизне. In B. Dhooge, & M. De Dobbeleer (Eds.), Услышать ось земную: Festschrift for Thomas Langerak on the occasion of his retirement (pp. 407-432). (Pegasus Oost-Europese studies; Vol. 26). Pegasus. [details]


    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V. (2015). K voprosu o nepolnom osvoenii russkogo jazyka u rannich bilingvov. In L. A. Verbitskaja, K. A. Rogova, & T. I. Popova (Eds.), Russkij jazyk i literatura v prostranstve mirovoj kul'tury: materialy XIII kongressa MAPRJAL: g. Granada, Ispanija, 13-20 sentjabrja 2015 goda. - Tom 10: Napravlenie 9: Metodika prepodavanija russkogo jazyka kak inostrannogo, rodnogo i nerodnogo (pp. 808-813). MAPRJAL. [details]
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V. (2015). Navyki chtenii︠a︡ u dvui︠a︡zychnogo gollandsko-russkogo mal'chika s disleksieǐ. In S. Afonin, & E. Plaksina (Eds.), Curriculare und soziale Aspekte der Bildung und Erziehung bilingualer Kinder (pp. 128-141). (Das neue in Erforschung und Vermittlung des Russischen; No. 6). Elena Plaksina Verlag. http://elena-plaksina-verlag.eu/product_info.php/cPath/78/products_id/52991 [details]
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V., & Verhagen, A. (2015). Adult L2 Acquisition of Reflexive Verbs in Russian and Polish. Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 2(4). https://doi.org/10.14706/JFLTAL151319 [details]


    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V. (2014). Osvoenie vidovych protivopostavlenij dvujazyčnymi gollandsko-russkimi det'mi. In M. L. Remneva, A. A. Polikarpov, & O. V. Kukushkina (Eds.), Russkij̆ jazyk: istoričeskie sudʹby i sovremennostʹ: V Meždunarodnyj kongress issledovatelej russkogo jazyka, Moskva, MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova, filologičeskij fakulʹtet, 18-21 marta 2010 goda: trudy i materialy = Russian Language: Its Historical Destiny and Present State: the Fifth International Congress of Russian Language Researchers: Moscow, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Philology, March 18-21, 2014: proceedings and materials (pp. 596-597). Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta. http://www.philol.msu.ru/~rlc2014/docs/Trudy-i-materialy_RLC2014.pdf [details]


    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V., & Andrejushina, E. A. (2013). Trudnosti v osvoenii fonetiki russkogo jazyka niderlandskimi studentami. In L. P. Klobukova (Ed.), Jazyk, literatura, kul’tura: Aktual’nye problemy izučenija i prepodavanija. - Vyp. 9 (pp. 277-291). MAKS Press. [details]
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V., & Dorofeeva, E. J. (2013). Sopostavlenie pis’mennych navykov dvujazyčnych gollandsko-russkich i russkojazyčnych detej. In T. A. Krugljakova (Ed.), Problemy ontolingvistiki 2013: materialy meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferencii: 26-29 ijunja 2013 g., Sankt-Peterburg (pp. 446-451). Izd-vo RGPU im. A.I. Gercena. [details]
    • Podgaevskaja, A., & Waaijer, W. (2013). Dyslexia and Bilingualism: A Dutch-Russian Case Study. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. [details]


    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V. (2010). Problemy dvujazychija i celostnaja koncepcija prepodavanija russkogo jazyka kak vtorogo rodnogo. In M. L. Remneva, & A. A. Polikarpov (Eds.), Russkij jazyk: istoričeskie sud'by i sovremennost': IV Meždunarodnyj Kongress Issledovatelej Russkogo Jazyka: trudy i materialy = Russian language: its historical destiny and present state: IVth International Congress of Russian Language Researchers: proceedings (pp. 289-290). Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta.
    • Podgaevskaja, A., & Langerak, T. (2010). Pasport v Rossiju= Paspoort voor Rusland: Russisch voor het voortgezet onderwijs. Tekstboeken. - 1. - 6e dr. Amsterdam: Pegasus. [details]


    • Podgaevskaja, A., & Honselaar, W. J. J. (2007). Praktische grammatica van de Russische taal. Amsterdam: Pegasus. [details]


    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V. (2021). Prikluchenija v gorode Gramoteev: Metodicheskoe posobie. Pegasus.
    • Podgaevskaja, A., Poddoubskaia, L., & Iancheeva, N. (2021). Priključenija v gorode Gramoteev: russkij jazyk dlja dvujazyčnych detej. (2e ed.) Pegasus.


    • Podgaevskaja, A. V. (2020). Rusland zonder grenzen. Tekstboek: Rossija bez granits. Uitgeverij Pegasus.
    • Podgaevskaja, A. V. (2020). Rusland zonder grenzen. Werkboek: Rossija bez granits. Uitgeverij Pegasus.


    • Podgaevskaja, A. (2019). Paspoort voor Rusland. Oefenboek. Pegasus.


    • Bron, J., Podgaevskaja, A., Louwerse, N., Lubotsky, L., & Meijman, D. (2017). Pasport v Rossiju: Russisch voor iedereen. - Tekstboek II. (5de ed.) Pegasus.



    • Bron, J., Louwerse, N., & Podgaevskaja, A. (2014). Pasport v Rossiju: Russisch voor iedereen: tekstboek 3. Pegasus. http://www.pegasusboek.nl/paspoort-voor-rusland-3-tekstboek.html [details]
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A., & Verhees, S. (2014). V mire etom vse - kak kolence bambuka: japonskoe chajku v sovremennoj russkoj poezii. In W. Honselaar, J. Stelleman, & W. G. Weststeijn (Eds.), To the point: Festschrift for Eric de Haard on the occasion of his 65th birthday (pp. 275-297). (Pegasus Oost-Europese studies; No. 22). Pegasus. [details]


    • Janssen, B., & Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (2012). A case against case: acquisition of Russian case in monolingual and bilingual children. In R. Genis, E. de Haard, J. Kalsbeek, E. Keizer, & J. Stelleman (Eds.), Between West and east: Festschrift for Wim Honselaar on the occasion of his 65th birthday (pp. 317-339). (Pegasus Oost-Europese studies; No. 20). Pegasus. [details]
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (2012). '... and I stayed behind on my old village.' Competition of the prepositions 'in' and 'on' in Old Russian. In H. van der Liet, & M. Norde (Eds.), Language for its own sake: essays on language and literature offered to Harry Perridon (pp. 229-254). (Amsterdam contributions to Scandinavian studies; No. 8). Scandinavisch Instituut, Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (2012). Otkaz ot bezlikich slov: slovotvorčestvo Solženicyna. In R. Genis, E. de Haard, J. Kalsbeek, E. Keizer, & J. Stelleman (Eds.), Between West and East: Festschrift for Wim Honselaar on the occasion of his 65th birthday (pp. 491-517). (Pegasus Oost-Europese studies; No. 20). Pegasus. [details]


    Prijs / subsidie

    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. & Sleeman, P. (2022). Nomination LOT Populariseringsprijs 2021.


    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. & Sleeman, P. (27-06-2022). Lunchroom [Radio]. Taalmysteries. https://www.nhnieuws.nl/podcasts/lunchroom/1120
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. & Sleeman, P. (11-06-2022). De vele mysteries van taal en klank [Print] Algemeen Dagblad. Taalmysteries.


    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (speaker), Ringblom, N. (speaker), Nenonen, O. (speaker) & Kolodina, N. (speaker) (13-4-2021). Language Maintenance and Shift: Oral and Reading skills in Heritage Russian in Different Language Contact Environment, Problemy ontolingvistiki - 2021: jazykovaja sistema rebenka v situacii odno- i mnogojazychija, Petersburg.
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (speaker) (24-6-2019). Early acquisition of the verbal category in a trilingual child, Ontolingvistika - 2019, S.-Petersburg. http://ontolingvistika.ukit.me/
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (speaker) (11-4-2019). Early syntactical development in a trilingual child, Russian Language in the Multilingual World, Moscow. https://ling.hse.ru/rlc/2019/
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (speaker) & Takeda, E. (speaker) (21-2-2018). Posture verbs in bilingual children, Problemy ontolingvistiki - 2018, S. Petersburg. https://www.listos.biz/%D1%84%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B8%D1%8F/%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BC%D1%8B-%D0%BE%D0%BD%…
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (speaker), Kolodina, N. (speaker), Ringblom, N. (speaker) & Nenonen, O. (speaker) (17-2-2018). Comparing Language proficiency in Heritage Language in 4 different Environments, Third International Conference on Heritage/Community Languages, LA, USA, Los Angeles.
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (speaker) (8-6-2017). The Russian Foreigner Talk, Russian Grammar, Helsinki.
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (speaker) (14-4-2017). Early language development of a Russian-Dutch child: longitudinal study, The XVIII International April conference at the HSE, Moscow.
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (speaker) (23-3-2016). Phonetic salience in case acquisition by Dutch-Russian children, Problemy ontolingvistiki - 2016, Petersburg.
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V. (speaker) (6-11-2015). Tweetaligheid: feiten en mythen, Toekomst met Taal: Landelijke studiedag Levende Talen, Utrecht, Nederland.
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V. (speaker) (11-10-2015). National-specific language course: necessaty or fickleness of the teacher, Conference on Russian-Japanese Bilingualism, Tokyo, Japan.
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V. (speaker) (8-5-2015). Adult L2 Acquisition of Reflexive Verbs in Russian and Polish, Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, Sarajevo, Bosnie.
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V. (speaker) (8-11-2014). Meertaligheid. Minderheidstalen: gedoemd tot verdwijnen?, AUV-dag, Amsterdam.
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (speaker) (15-11-2013). Invloed van andere Slavische talen op de vorming van het (Oud)Russisch, Cyrillus en Methodius Seminar, Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. V. (speaker) (19-9-2013). Living Memories, Living Memories, Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Podgaevskaja, A. (speaker) (1-6-2006). Ruimtelijke conceptualisering van fysieke locaties-landmarks in het Oud-Russisch, Slavisten dagen in Leiden (invited), Universiteit van Leiden, Nederland.


    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (participant) (16-11-2024). A New Teaching Era: Pedagogical Arguments in Language Teaching and Learning, Nicosia (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (participant) (4-6-2021 - 5-6-2021). Bruggenbouwers: Russische neerlandistiek en Nederlandse russistiek in historisch perspectief, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (participant) & Dorofeeva, E. (participant) (24-1-2020). De 9de Nederlands-Vlaamse Slavistendagen, Gent. Early syntax in a trilingual child. Case of Russian, Italian and Dutch (participating in a conference, workshop, ...). https://www.nvsd2020.ugent.be/programma/
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (organiser), Rutten, E. (organiser), Stelleman, J. M. (organiser) & Adler, N. (organiser) (22-4-2017). Russia as Game Changer?, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (organiser) (13-4-2017). Ten Days that Shook the World, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (organiser) (23-4-2016). Tweetaligheid: feiten en mythen, Eindhoven (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (organiser) (16-4-2016 - 17-4-2016). Tweetaligheid: feiten en mythen, Leuven (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. (participant) (23-3-2016 - 26-3-2016). Problemy ontolingvistiki - 2016, Petersburg (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).


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