At present, Bowen (Bo) Paulle’s research is focused on the inner workings, effectiveness, spillover effects and scalability of an in-prison rehabilitation program for violent offenders (known as ‘GRIP’). GRIP is presently spreading through California’s state prison system.
After beginning as assistant professor in sociology in 2008, Paulle headed the University of Amsterdam's (UvA) research team evaluating the impact of Saga Education-inspired and Saga Education-consulted High Dosage Tutoring (HDT) projects in the Netherlands from 2014 to August 31st, 2021. In this capacity, as head of the research team, Paulle advocated for – and advised on – HDT projects implemented by two different non-profit organisations. In part because of the strong results achieved by Saga HDT projects in the US, but also thanks to the strong (RCT-based) results generated by both HDT providers in the Netherlands, as of September 1st, Paulle cut back to one day a week at the UvA and stopped working within the UvA's HDT research team. From this point on, for four days a week, Paulle began serving as co-director of Stichting The Bridge Learning Interventions, the non-profit offering HDT to disadvantaged pupils in and around Amsterdam. 'The Bridge' has been implementing HDT in the Netherlands since 2017 and – thanks in part to concerns about Covid learning loss – has an opportunity to scale up its operations in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area and beyond.
Paulle’s main research interests include urban marginality, educational inequality, program evaluation, ethnographic fieldwork and social theory.
'Ik ben geobsedeerd door ongelijkheid en door de vraag wat we daaraan kunnen doen.' Read this recent interview with Bowen (in Dutch).