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Dr. E.A. (Els) den Os

Fotograaf: Fred van Diem

  • Science Park 904
  • Kamernummer: B.0159
  • Postbus 1214
    1000 BE Amsterdam
  • Profiel

    Els den Os studied Dutch Language and Literature and General Linguistics, with minors in Italian Linguistics and Phonetics at the University of Amsterdam. After her PhD (University of Utrecht) and a number of postdoc projects she joined KPN Research as a researcher and consultant in the field of language and speech technology. There she worked in a great number of collaborative international (EU Framework) research projects, both as a researcher and project manager. In 2001 she was appointed as “Officer for European Affairs” for three Max Planck Institutes. In 2005 she started working at the Radboud University, first as a project manager of an EU FET project, later as the head of the research office of the Faculty of Arts.  In 2012 she decided to share her grant writing experience  with (young) researchers. She supported numerous proposals.  In 2016 she joined the grant support team of IXA at the UvA. She supports researchers of the Faculties of Law and Humanities. 

  • Nevenwerkzaamheden
    • Max Planck Instituut voor Psycholinguis.