I love to disseminate my academic research to a wider public through community outreaches as a way of engaging in open science within the society. Through the organisation of symposia, participation in public workshops, and partnerships with cultural organisations, I contribute to research valorisation and facilitate a collaborative ecosystem between the ‘town and gown’ wherein the academic and cultural institutions and members of the society converge. In 2023 I organized a symposium titled ”Decoloniality-transnationalism-and-afrofuturism-the-dialogue”, with a subsidie from the Dutch Slavery Memorial Year program (Fonds voor Cultuurparticiptie) and in partnership with the Decolonial Dialogues@Humanities UvA and Isokan Concepts. See the seminar on YouTube here. I also organized an event titled "The Black Heritage" equally funded by the Fonds voor Cultuurparticiptie and in partnership with De Voorkamer and Isokan Concepts.
As a cultural practitioner and performing artist, I participate in public activities and collaborations with communities of people with diverse cultural backgrounds. My musical and cultural pursuits promote intercultural communication and are deeply rooted in African philosophies such as Ubuntu and Omolúàbí, as well as indigenous knowledge systems. These include:
- Mami Wata philosophy and oral history in West Africa and the African diaspora. Read more
- Music and Poetry (Trills & Chills) – Read My World Literature Festival at Tuinhuis, Amsterdam. Read more
- Arts and Culture as medium of celebration, resistance, and transformation - Black Heritage Special at De Voorkamer, Lombok, Utrecht.
- Music and Intercultural exchange - Community Outreach at AZC, Utrecht.
For more information into my cultural activities, please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/isokan.concepts/