Dr Emilia Olsson is an assistant professor of condensed matter theory in the Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITFA) and the group leader of the Materials Theory and Modelling group at the Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography (ARCNL). Her research focuses on atomic scale prediction and understanding of solid-state materials, and applicaiton specific materials design. Pushing materials to extreme limits, materials for novel technologies require atomic level understanding in order to predict, comprehend, and control their properties, with the need for novel fundamental physics methodologies and theories to be developed.
Using cutting-edge density functional theory (DFT) and molecular dynamics (MD), the Materials Theory and Modelling group conducts simulations of bulk, surface, thin-films, and interface systems to explore and design novel materials for energy, semiconductor, lithography applications and beyond. We also expand into larger materials modelling scales, embracing multi scale modelling and machine learning allowing a computational materials design framework to be used in our aim to understand and design interfaces from the atomic scale for next generation technologies. Our atomic scale insights enable novel candidate materials, and breakdown/performance limiting mechanisms in current materials to be identified, leading the development of improved functional materials.
To read more about our research, please visit our departmental and group websites.
We regularly have opportunities for research projects in our group, and welcome you to be part of the growing Materials Theory and Modelling group!
For PhD or postdoc positions, please see the available job listings below, or send us your CV and cover letter directly if there are no listed open positions.
For internships matching the duration of MSc or BSc projects, we welcome informal applications and project ideas from you as a current BSc or MSc student that are interested in materials modelling.
If you are interested to join us, please contact us at olsson@arcnl.nl or ki.e.olsson@uva.nl
For available positions, please see https://arcnl.nl/jobs/phd-position-application-specific-computational-materials-design
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