Nijk, A. A. (28-2-2023). Data and code for the article 'Bouba/Kiki in Homer? Looking for iconicity in the language of the epics'. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Nijk, A. A. (2024). Pragmatische partikels in Plato: Handreiking voor het eindexamen Grieks. Lampas. Tijdschrift voor classici, 57(1), 24-46.
Nijk, A. A. (2023). Looking for iconicity in Attic oratory: Four quantitative case studies. Rhetorica: A journal of the history of rhetoric, 42(2).
Nijk, A. A. (16-2-2023). Data and code for the article 'Looking for iconicity in Attic oratory: Four quantitative case studies', Rhetorica 42.2. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Nijk, A. A. (2022). STURM, LAURA: Die Verbalperiphrase im Altgriechischen. Synchronie und Diachronie. Kratylos, 66, 81-86.
Prijs / subsidie
Nijk, A. (2024). Fellowship in Hellenic studies.
Nijk, A. (2013). Promoties in de Geesteswetenschappen (PindeG).
Laseur, I. (organiser), van den Berg, S. (organiser), Bos, L. (organiser) & Nijk, A. (organiser) (13-6-2024 - 14-6-2024). ACASA Workshop on Stylistic Innovation, Amsterdam. Workshop 'Stylistic Innovation: Classical studies and beyond'. A workshop exploring issues of: stylistic expression and representation, the process (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Nijk, A. A. (28-2-2023). Data and code for the article 'Bouba/Kiki in Homer? Looking for iconicity in the language of the epics'. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Nijk, A. A. (16-2-2023). Data and code for the article 'Looking for iconicity in Attic oratory: Four quantitative case studies', Rhetorica 42.2. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
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