Marie-Aude Baronian is a Senior Lecturer in Film and Visual Culture and a
member of ASCA (Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis). Her most recent books
include Mémoire et Image. Regards sur la Catastrophe arménienne (L'Age
d'Homme, 2013), and Cinéma et Mémoire. Sur Atom Egoyan (Editions
Académie Belgique, 2013). Her next book La Caméra à la nuque. Penser l'image
filmique avec Emmanuel Lévinas will appear in 2014. She currently works on
costume, fashion and design in film and in philosophy.
Fields of interest:
-Armenian diasporic cinema
-Contemporary French thought
-Film and Traumatic History
-Archive and Testimony
-Costume, Fashion and Design
-Fim Theory and Film Aesthetics