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Dr. M.M. (Michiel) Leezenberg

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Capaciteitsgroep Philosophical Tradition in Context
Fotograaf: onbekend

  • Oude Turfmarkt 141
  • Kamernummer: 2.10
  • Postbus 94201
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Profiel

    Current position

    Michiel Leezenberg is associate professor (UHD) in the Department of Philosophy (chair of Philosophy of Science). He is coordinator of the Research Master in Philosophy and the B.A. honors program in philosophy, and participates in the M.A. program Islam in the Modern World .


    In the academic year 2011-2012, I will be teaching the following courses:
    -Social and Political Ideologies in Islam
    -Foucault: Knowledge, Language, and power
    -The Nationalization of the Humanities
    -Introduction to non-Western and Comparative Philosophy


    At present, I am engaged in the following NWO-funded research projects:

    • Bildung and Enlightenment as Discipline: An Interactional Perspective;
    • (with R. Peters) The Sacred and the Secular: Genealogies of Self, State, and Society in the Modernizing Islamic World

    Just published:

    Just published, 2:

    Also available:

    Last updated: February 18, 2012

  • Publications

    Select list of publications

    -(with G. de Vries) Wetenschapsfilosofie voor Geesteswetenschappen   (Amsterdam University Press)
    - Islamitische filosofie: Een geschiedenis . Amsterdam: Bulaaq 2001 (English translation in preparation)
    - Contexts of Metaphor . Oxford: Elsevier Science 2001 (Current Research in the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface, vol. 7)
    - De vloek van Oedipus: Taal, democratie en geweld in de Griekse tragedie . Amsterdam: Van Gennep 2006
    - Rede en religie: Een verkenning . Eindexamencahier filosofieonderwijs VWO. Amsterdam: Van Gennep 2007
    - Islamitische filosofie: een geschiedenis (tweede editie). Amsterdam: Bulaaq 2008
    -From the Peloponnesian War to the Iraq War: A Postliberal Reading of Greek Tragedy. To appear in L. Hardwick (ed.), Classics in Post-Colonial Worlds . Oxford University Press
    - Comparatieve filosofie van het koffieleuten. Krisis , Summer 2007
    -Islam en verlichting. Wijsgerig Perspectief 46 (2006), no. 4: 7-15
    -Gricean and Confucian Pragmatics: A Contrastive Analysis. Journal of Foreign Languages , November 2006: 2-21
    -Urbanization,Privatization, and Patronage: The Political Economy of Iraqi Kurdistan. In F. Abdul-Jabar & H. Dawod (eds.) The Kurds: Nationalism and Politics . London: Saqi Books 2006, pp. 151-179 (Arabic version: al-tamaddun wa'l-khasskhassa wa'l-mahsubiyya: al-iqtisâd al-siyâsî li kurdistân al- 'irâq. In Fâlih `Abd al-Jabbâr and Hishâm Dâwûd (eds), al-ithniyya wa'l-dawla: al-akrâd fî'l-'irâq wa'l-irân wa turkiyâ . Beyrut: Ma`had al-dirâsât al-istrâtîjiyya 2006)
    -Political Islam among the Kurds. In F. Abdul-Jabar & H. Dawod (eds.) The Kurds: Nationalism and Politics . London: Saqi Books 2006, pp. 203-227; Arabic version: al-islâm al-siyâsî bayn al-akrâd, ibid.
    -Iraqi Kurdistan: Contours of a Post-Civil War Society. Third World Quarterly 26 , no.4-5 (September 2005): 631-647
    -Greek Tragedy as Impolite Conversation: Towards a Practice Approach in Linguistic Theory. In S. Marmaridou & M. Drossou (eds.) Reviewing Linguistic Thought: Converging Trends for the 21st Century . Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter (2005), pp. 191-208
    -Power and Political Spirituality: Michel Foucault on the Islamic Revolution in Iran. In J. Bernauer & J. Carette (eds.) Foucault and Theology . Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2004
    2004e Bruder, Untertane oder Feinde? Die unsichere Zukunft der Kurden im Irak. INAMO no. 37 (2004): 25-28
    2004f Orhan Pamuks Ottomaanse verleden: Een antihumanistische lezing. Yang 40 no. 1: 129-141
    2004k The Anfal operations in Iraqi Kurdistan. In S. Totten a.o. (eds.) Century of Genocide: Critical Essays and Eyewitness Accounts (2nd ed.). Routledge, pp. 375-393
    2004n Katharsis, Greek and Arab Style: On Averroes's Misunderstanding of Aristotle's Misunderstanding of Greek Tragedy. Documenta XX, no. 4 (December 2004)
    -Economy and Society in Iraqi Kurdistan: Fragile institutions and enduring trends. In T. Dodge & S. Simon (eds.) Iraq at the Crossroads: State and Society in the Shadow of Regime Change . Adelphi Papers 354. Oxford: IISS/Oxford University Press
    -Kurdish Alevis and the Kurdish Nationalist Movement in the 1990s. In P. White & J. Jongerden (eds.) Turkey's Alevi Enigma . Leiden: Brill, pp. 197-212
    -Communication as Social Practice: The Interface Between the Cognitive and the Social Sciences. In L. Komlosi a.o. (eds.) Communication and Culture: Argumentative, Cognitive and Linguistic Perspectives . Amsterdam: Sic Sat 2003, pp. 69-77
    -De politieke economie van Iraaks Koerdistan. In B. Cornillie en H. Declercq (red.) In de schaduw van Saddam: Het Koerdische experiment in Irak . Amsterdam: Bulaaq 2003, pp. 120-133
    -Politieke Islam in Iraaks Koerdistan. Ibid., pp. 152-167
    2003m Edward Said, Michel Foucault en de islam. Eutopia , nr. 6 (december 2003): 73-77
    -Power in Communication: Implications for the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface. Journal of Pragmatics 34 : 893-908
    -Refugee camp or freetrade zone? The Economy of Iraqi Kurdistan since 1991. In K. Mahdi (ed.) Iraq's Economic Predicament . London: Ithaca Press 2002
    -Politischer Islam bei den Kurden. Kurdische Studien 2 (2001): 5-38
    -John R. Searle. In M. Doorman and H. Pott (Hrsg.) Filosofen van deze tijd . Amsterdam: Prometheus 2000
    -Humanitarian Aid in Iraqi Kurdistan. CEMOTI no. 29 (2000): 31-49
    -Neoliberale Gewaltherrschaft: Die Erbe der Baath-Partei im Irakisch-Kurdistan. INAMO no. 21 (2000): 16-19
    -Kamelenvlees op een bergtop: Averroës en Ibn Taymiyya als paradigma's in het islamitisch denken. Krisis , voorjaar 1999
    -Power andPolitical Spirituality: Michel Foucault on the Islamic Revolution in Iran. arcadia: Zeitschrift für vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft 33 (1998): 72-89
    -Indexicals. In P.V. Lamarque (ed.), Concise Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Language . Oxford: Pergamon 1997, pp. 222-6
    -Between Assimilation and Deportation: History of the Shabak and the Kakais in Northern Iraq. In B. Kellner-Heinkele & K. Kehl-Bodrogi (eds.) Syncretistic Religious Communities in the Near East . Leiden: Brill 1997
    -Irakisch-Kurdistan seit dem zweiten Golfkrieg. In C. Borck u.a. (eds.) Ethnizität, Nationalismus, Religion und Politik in Kurdistan . Münster: LIT Verlag 1997
    -Metaphor and Literacy. In E. Weigand & F. Hundschnurscher (eds.) Lexical Structures and Language Use: Proceedings of the International Conference on Lexicology and Lexical Semantics, Munster, September 1994 . Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag 1996
    -Vreemdelingen in Nederland: Migratie, etniciteit en cultuur. Krisis , no. 54 (1994): 19-30
    -(with Hendrik Boeschoten and Margreet Dorleijn) Turkish, Kurdish and other languages from Turkey. In G. Extra & L. Verhoeven (eds.), Community Languages in the Netherlands . Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger 1993
    -Gorani Influence on Central Kurdish: Substratum or Prestige Borrowing? ILLC Prepublication Series X-93-03; to appear inshaallah in the Proceedings of the Symposium on bilingualism in Iranian cultures, Bamberg, July 1992.

    Some recent presentations at international conferences:

    'Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991-2003: Post-Conflict Plurality or Neoliberal Nepotism?' Invited talk, Workshop Socio-Economic Trajectories of Iraq: 1950-Present, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, May 2006
    'Civil Religion: A Genealogical Perspective.' NWO Conference Religion and Powers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2006
    'Comedy between Performativity and Polyphony.' International conference Comedy as a Play with Incongruities. Tetouan, Morocco, April-May 2005
    'Ordinary Language as the Norm and as the Normal: Normativity in Linguistic Theorizing.' 9th International Pragmatics Conference, Riva di Garda, Italy, July 2005
    'A Contrastive Analysis of Gricean and Confucian Pragmatics,' 3rd InternationalConference on Contrastive Semantics and Pragmatics, Shanghai, China, September 2005
    'Modern Islamic Intellectual History: Liberal, Marxist, and Genealogical Approaches.' International workshop Islamic Intellectual History, ISIM, Utrecht, September 2005
    'Ritual and Drama: Performativity, Liminality, Hybridity.' International conference Ritual, Ceremonial, and Theater Performances, Khartum, Sudan, December 2005
    'Performativity and Conflict in Greek tragedy: A Post-Liberal Reading'. Birmingham, conference Classics in Post-Colonial Worlds, May 2004
    'Iraqi Kurdistan: Contours of a Post-Conflict Society'. Workshop Post-Conflict and the Remaking of Place and Space, Khartum, Sudan, September 2004
    'Kant, die Aufklärung ond der Islam: ewiger Friede oder Clash of Civilizations?' Symposium Immanuel Kant: Vrede tussen secularisatie en religie, Goethe-Institut Amsterdam, December 2004
    'Metaphor as Performative', RAAMV Conference, Paris, September 2003
    'Averroes and Aristotle on Katharsis.' Conference The Tragic in Greek and Arabic Drama: the Case of Oedipus. University of Ghent, December 2003
    'Iraqi Kurdistan: A Model for a Future Iraq?' Seminar The Future of Iraq, SOAS/Birckbeck College, London, January 2002
    'Greek Tragedy as Impolite Conversation', Conferentie Converging Trends in Linguistics for the 21st Century. Athens, Greece, May 2002
    'Economy and society in Iraqi Kurdistan.' Annual MESA Conference, Washington, D.C., November 2002
    'Political Islam among the Kurds'. Conference Kurdistan: The unwanted state. Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland, March 2001
    'Political Islam, Pastoral Power, and the Public Sphere'. Conference Political Theologies, Amsterdam, June 2001
    'New Registers in Northern Kurdish: The Case of Med-TV'. Conference on Kurdish linguistics, Kiel, May 2000
    'Intentionality, Communication, and Power'. 7th International Pragmatics Conference, Budapest,July 2000
    'Ergativity in Kurdish: Morphological or Syntactic, Semantic or Pragmatic?' Second Conference on Contrastive Linguistics, Cambridge, September 2000
    'Symbolic Power, Illocutionary Force, and Impoliteness: A Critical Look at the Foundations of Speech Act Theory'. Symposium Amstelogue, Amsterdam, May 1999
    'Evidencefor Areal Convergence in Southeastern Anatolia.' International conference of the Societas Iranologica Europea, Paris, September 1999
    'Genocide and responsibility'. Conference The Anfal 10 years later. Universiy of Amsterdam, April 1998
    'Violence and Legitimacy among the Kurds'. Conference The Kurds as Subjects and Objects in History. Freie Universität Berlin, May 1998
    'A Language is born'. 6th International Pragmatics Conference, Reims, July 1998
    'From Freiburg to Isfahan: Heidegger and the Wisdom of the East' International Conference on  Heidegger's Letter on Humanism, University of Amsterdam, April 1997

    Some recent papers (all in pdf format):

    Journalistic work and Op-eds (in Dutch)

  • The Sacred and the Secular

    Project The Sacred and the Secular

    This is the project site of the NWO-funded program The Sacred and the Secular: Genealogies of Self, State, and Society in the Modernizing Islamic World .

    The site is still under construction; please return for future updates.


  • Publicaties


    • Leezenberg, M. (2024). For a Multiple Decentering of the History of Knowledge. Journal for the History of Knowledge, 5, 199-207. https://doi.org/10.55283/jhk.18552 [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2024). The Kurdish Consociational Experiment in Post-Saddam Iraq: A Practice-Theoretical Approach. Nationalism & Ethnic Politics, 30(1), 103-126. https://doi.org/10.1080/13537113.2023.2208396 [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2024). Verlichting en Verbeelding: Spinoza en zijn kring over moslims en moslimrijken. In V. Crienen, M. de Koning, U. Ryad, & G. Wiegers (Eds.), Geschiedenissen van de islam in Nederland en Vlaanderen (pp. 97-110). (KADOC-Studies; Vol. 36). Universitaire Pers Leuven.
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2024). Nagarjuna: Basisverzen van het middenpad. (Boom Klassiek). Boom.
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2024). Ibn Khaldûn, The Muqaddima, 1377. History of Humanities, 9(2), 257-263.
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2024). Kurdish vernacular learning as indigenous knowledge: Decolonizing Ottoman cultural and intellectual history. The South Atlantic Quarterly, 123(4), 803-823.
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2024). Nagarjuna als filosoof: Metafysicus of therapeut? Wijsgerig Perspectief, 64(1), 6-15.
    • Leezenberg, M. M., & de Vos, M. (2024). Zorg goed voor je ziel: Vrouwelijke Griekse filosofen van Theano tot Hypatia. Boom.



    • Leezenberg, M. (2022). “The Kurds Have Not Made Love Their Aim”: Love, Sexuality, Gender, and Drag in Ehmedê Xanî's Mem û Zîn. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 54(4), 705-724. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020743822000836 [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2022). Introduction: Practice Turns in the Study of Religion. In M. Leezenberg, A-M. Korte, & M. van Bruinessen (Eds.), Gestures: The Study of Religion as Practice (pp. 1-38). Fordham University Press.
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2022). Of Prophecy and Piety: Spinoza’s Tractatus Theologico-Politicus between al-Farabî and Erasmus. In H. Krop, & P. Tamimi Arab (Eds.), Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise (1670-2020): Commemorating A Long-Forgotten Masterpiece (pp. 41-54). MDPI AG.
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2022). Spoken Vernacular as Revealed Scripture: Evliya Çelebi on the History of the Languages of the World. In M. Kopytowska, A. Galkowski, & M. Leone (Eds.), Thought-Sign-Symbol: Cross-Cultural Representations of Religion (pp. 381-399). Peter Lang Publishers.
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2022). Suicide Bombing and the Modern Nation State: Antiliberal Protest or Biopolitical Performance? . In M. Leezenberg, A-M. Korte, & M. van Bruinessen (Eds.), Gestures: The Study of Religion as Practice (pp. 546-571).
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (Ed.), Korte, A-M. (Ed.), & van Bruinessen, M. (2022). Gestures: The Study of Religion as Practice. Fordham University Press.



    • Leezenberg, M. (2020). Between Islamic Learning and Philological Nationalism: Mullah Mahmûdê Bayazîdî’s Auto-ethnography of the Kurds. Die Welt des Islams, 60(4), 433-472. https://doi.org/10.1163/15700607-00600A09 [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2020). Vernacularization as Governmentalization: the Development of Kurdish in Mandate Iraq. In H. Murre-van den Berg, K. Sanchez-Summerer, & T. C. Baarda (Eds.), Arabic and its Alternatives: Religious Minorities and their Languages in the Emerging Nation States of the Middle East (1920-1950) (pp. 50-76). (Christians and Jews in Muslim Societies; Vol. 5). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004423220_003 [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2020). “A Rare Pearl Passed from Hand to Hand”: Cosmopolitan Orders and Pre-Modern Forms of Literary Domination . Journal of World Literature, 5(2), 253-277. https://doi.org/10.1163/24056480-00502005 [details]


    • Leezenberg, M. (2019). Ehmedê Xanî’s Mem û Zîn: The Consecration of a Kurdish national epic. In M. M. Gunter (Ed.), Routledge Handbook on the Kurds (pp. 79-89). (Routledge Handbooks). Routledge. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315627427-7 [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2019). Evil: A Comparative Overview. In T. Nys, & S. de Wijze (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Evil (pp. 360-380). (Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315679518-28 [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2019). Hybridity, Identity, and Purification: The Case of Dutch-Moroccan literature. In M. Ennaji (Ed.), The Maghrib-Europe Paradigm: Migration, Gender, and Cultural Dialogue (pp. 150-157). Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2019). Nation, Kingship, and Language: The Ambiguous Politics of Ehmedê Khânî’s Mem û Zîn. Kurdish Studies, 7(1), 31-50. https://doi.org/10.33182/ks.v7i1.487 [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2019). Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy in Kurdistan. Wiener Jahrbuch für kurdische Studien, 7, 47-62. https://depot.phaidra.at/detail_object/o:260 [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2019). Postsecularism, reason, and violence. In J. Beaumont (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Postsecularity (pp. 98-110). (Routledge International Handbooks). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315307831-8 [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2019). The Rise of the White Kurds: An Essay in Regional Political Economy. In F. A. Jabar, & R. Mansour (Eds.), The Kurds in a Changing Middle East: History, Politics and Representation (pp. 86-117). (Kurdish Studies), (Governing diversity: the Kurds in a new Middle East; Vol. 1). I.B. Tauris. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781788318907.ch-0005 [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2019). The Shabak: Between secular nationalisms and Sectarian violence. In B. M. Sevdeen, & T. Schmidinger (Eds.), Beyond ISIS: History and Future of Minorities in Iraq (pp. 197-206). Transnational Press. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2019). The Study of Classical Islamic Learning: Knowledge, Empire, and Imperialism. History of Humanities, 4(2), 451-460. https://doi.org/10.1086/704859 [details]



    • Leezenberg, M. (2017). Discursive violence and responsibility: Notes on the pragmatics of Dutch populism. In M. Kopytowska (Ed.), Contemporary discourses of hate and radicalism across space and genres (pp. 243-270). (Benjamins Current Topics; Vol. 93). John Benjamins Publishing Company. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2017). Free Speech, Hate Speech, and Hate Beards: Language ideologies of Dutch populism. In D. Silva (Ed.), Language and Violence: Pragmatic Perspectives (pp. 141-168). (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series; Vol. 279). John Benjamins Publishing Company. https://doi.org/10.1075/pbns.279.07lee [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2017). Iraqi Kurdistan: A Porous Political Space. Anatoli, 8, 107-131. https://doi.org/10.4000/anatoli.608 [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2017). Kunnen moslims denken? De onzichtbaarheid van de islamitische filosofische traditie. Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, 109(1), 85-103. https://doi.org/10.5117/ANTW2017.1.LEEZ [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2017). Religion among the Kurds: Between Naqshbandi Sufism and IS Salafism. In G. Stansfield, & M. Shareef (Eds.), The Kurdish Question Revisited (pp. 33-46). Hurst. [details]



    • Leezenberg, M. (2015). 'A people forgotten by history': Soviet Studies of the Kurds. Iranian Studies, 48(5), 747-767. https://doi.org/10.1080/00210862.2015.1058636 [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2015). Discursive violence and responsibility: Notes on the pragmatics of Dutch populism. Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 3(1), 200-228. https://doi.org/10.1075/jlac.3.1.09lee [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2015). Michiel Leezenberg. In F. Liu, & J. Seligman (Eds.), The history of logic in China: 5 questions (pp. 175-180). (5 questions series). Automatic Press/VIP.
    • Leezenberg, M. (2015). Politics, Economy, and Ideology in Iraqi Kurdistan since 2003: Enduring Trends and Novel Challenges. Arab Studies Journal, 23(1), 154-183. [details]


    • Leezenberg, M. (2014). Elî Teremaxî and the vernacularization of medrese learning in Kurdistan. Iranian Studies, 47(5), 713-734. https://doi.org/10.1080/00210862.2014.934150 [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2014). Em torno de uma abordagem prática em pragmática: tragédia grega como conversação impolida. In D. N. Silva, D. M. M. Ferreira, & C. N. de Alencar (Eds.), Nova pragmática: modos de fazer (pp. 43-66). Cortez Editora. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2014). Soviet orientalism and subaltern linguistics: The rise and fall of Marr's Japhetic theory. In R. Bod, J. Maat, & T. Weststeijn (Eds.), The making of the humanities. - Vol. 3: The modern humanities (pp. 97-112). Amsterdam University Press. http://www.oapen.org/record/500288 [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2014). The end of heterodoxy? The Shabak in post-Saddam Iraq. Studies in Oriental Religions, 68, 247-268. [details]


    • Leezenberg, M. (2013). De taal van de filosoof. Krisis, 2013(2), 80-84. http://archive.krisis.eu/content/2013-2/krisis-2013-2-18-leezenberg.pdf [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2013). Fundamentalism and Modernity: The view from the Black Forest. In G. J. Buijs, J. T. Sunier, & P. A. Versteeg (Eds.), Risky liaisons? Democracy and religion: reflections and case studies (pp. 146-158). (Amsterdam studies in theology and religion (AmSTaR); No. 4). VU University Press. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2013). Power in speech actions. In M. Sbisà, & K. Turner (Eds.), Pragmatics of speech actions (pp. 287-312). (Handbooks of Pragmatics; No. 2). De Gruyter Mouton. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110214383.287 [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2013). The Anfal operations in Iraqi Kurdistan. In S. Totten, & W. S. Parsons (Eds.), Centuries of genocide: essays and eyewitness accounts. - 4. ed. (pp. 395-419). Routledge. [details]



    • Leezenberg, M. (2011). A portrait of the historian as a philosopher: Ankersmit over historische representatie, verwijzing en metaforiek. Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, 103(4), 276-279. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2011). Ibn Khaldun. Oxford Bibliographies, Islamic Studies. https://doi.org/10.1093/OBO/9780195390155-0038 [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2011). Soviet Kurdology and Kurdish Orientalism. In M. Kemper, & S. Conermann (Eds.), The heritage of Soviet Oriental studies (pp. 86-102). (Routledge contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe series; No. 25). Routledge. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2011). The contract of language: John Searle’s philosophy of society. International Review of Pragmatics, 3(1), 98-112. https://doi.org/10.1163/187731011X563746 [details]
    • Leezenberg, M., & Kanie, M. (2011). Governing Iraq by tribes and constitutions: British mandate rule in Iraq. IMISCOE Research, 89-110. https://doi.org/10.26530/OAPEN_408876 [details]


    • Leezenberg, M. (2010). Averroës als brugfiguur. In H. van Rappard, & M. Leezenberg (Eds.), Wereldfilosofie: wijsgerig denken in verschillende culturen (pp. 233-240, 348). Bert Bakker. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2010). Gricean and Confucian pragmatics: a constrastive analysis. In D. Shu, & K. Turner (Eds.), Contrasting meaning in languages of the East and West (pp. 3-32). Peter Lang. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2010). How comparative should a comparative history of the humanities be? The case of the Dutch Spinoza Circle. In R. Bod, J. Maat, & T. Weststeijn (Eds.), The making of the humanities. - Vol. 1: Early Modern Europe (pp. 17-37). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2010). How ethnocentric is the concept of the postsecular? In A. L. Molendijk, J. Beaumont, & C. Jedan (Eds.), Exploring the postsecular: the religious, the political and the urban (pp. 91-112). (International studies in religion and society; No. 13). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/ej.9789004185449.i-406.31 [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2010). Islamitische en andere filosofische tradities van het Midden-Oosten. In H. van Rappard, & M. Leezenberg (Eds.), Wereldfilosofie: wijsgerig denken in verschillende culturen (pp. 204-232, 347-348). Bert Bakker. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2010). Rorty’s 'Romantic agony': taal en nationale identiteit in het Amerikaanse pragmatisme. Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 72(4), 651-678. https://doi.org/10.2143/TVF.72.4.2062396 [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2010). Wereldfilosofie als project en als belofte. In H. van Rappard, & M. Leezenberg (Eds.), Wereldfilosofie: wijsgerig denken in verschillende culturen (pp. 11-42, 337-338). Bert Bakker. [details]



    • Leezenberg, M. (2008). Iraqi Kurdistan: contours of a post-civil war society. In S. Barakat (Ed.), Reconstructing post-Saddam Iraq (pp. 67-83). Routledge. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2008). Metaphor and metalanguage: towards a social practice account of figurative speech. Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication, 3. https://doi.org/10.4148/biyclc.v3i0.24 [details]


    • Leezenberg, M. (2007). Comparatieve filosofie van het koffieleuten. Krisis, 8(2), 25-45. http://www.krisis.eu/content/2007-2/2007-2-02-leezenberg.pdf [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2007). Der Import des westlichen Identitätsmodells [Review of: K. El-Rouayheb (2005) Before homosexuality in the Arab-Islamic world, 1500-1800; J.A. Massad (2007) Desiring Arabs]. INAMO: Berichte und Analysen zu Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens, 52, 16-18. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2007). From the Peloponnesian War to the Iraq war: A Post Liberal Reading of Greek tragedy. In L. Hardwick, & C. Gillespie (Eds.), Classics in Post Colonial worlds (pp. 265-285). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2007). Review of Lukas Tsitsipis, A linguistic Anthropology of Praxis and Language Shift [Review of: L.D. Tsitsipi (1999) A Linguistic Anthropology of Praxis and Language Shift]. Journal of Pragmatics, 39, 624-627. [details]


    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2024). Mewlana Khalîd û Ehmedî Khanî û nerîtî eqîdey neqshbendî: [Mewlana Khalid and Ehmdeê Xanî and the Naqshbandî aqîda tradition]. In H. Hekîm (Ed.), Kongrey nêwdeletî Mewlana Khalîd: Serjemî wutarekan (pp. 722-738). Dr. Ezeddin Cultural Center.


    • Leezenberg, M. (2022). Aboe Nasr al-Farabi. De deugdzame stad: vertaling. (Boom Klassiek). Boom.


    • Leezenberg, M. (2012). Râbi'a van Basra. In C. Ceton, A. Halsema, I. van der Burg, K. Vintges, & V. Vasterling (Eds.), Vrouwelijke filosofen: een historisch overzicht (pp. 76-81). Atlas. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2012). Hybridity, Identity, and Purification: The case of Dutch-Moroccan literature. In M. Ennaji (Ed.), Migration et hybridité: le paradigme Maghreb-Europe (pp. 169-174). Centre Sud Nord.


    • Woltering, R., & Leezenberg, M. (2010). De Koran voor beginners. - 2e, herz. dr. Bert Bakker. [details]


    • Leezenberg, M. (2009). The Anfal operations in Iraqi Kurdistan. In S. Totten, & W. S. Parsons (Eds.), Century of genocide: critical essays and eyewitness accounts (pp. 460-481). Routledge. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2009). The postcolonial performative: constitutions of gender and national identity in (post-)Ottoman drama. In M. Kolk (Ed.), Performing gender in Arabic/African theatre (pp. 147-164). [Arts Africa]. [details]
    • Woltering, R., & Leezenberg, M. (2009). De Koran in een notendop. Bakker. [details]


    • Leezenberg, M. (2008). Islamitische filosofie: een geschiedenis. - 2e herz. en aangevulde ed. Bulaaq. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2008). Een nieuwe wetenschap of een nieuw publiek? Kentheoretische kanttekeningen bij Ibn Khaldûn. In M. van Berkel, & R. Künzel (Eds.), Ibn Khaldûn en zijn wereld (pp. 76-95, 259-261). Bulaaq. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2008). Hollanda'da Türklük ve Kürtlük araştırmaları: kısa modern tarih. Kebikeç : insan bilimleri için kaynak araştırmaları dergisi, 13(25), 305-310. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2008). Onwetendheid of oplichterij? [Review of: H. Jansen (2008) Zelf koranlezen; H. Jansen (2008) Islam voor varkens, apen, ezels en andere beesten; H. Jansen, A.-J. van de Ven (2008) Bombrieven: een vrijmoedige correspondentie over Allah en Mohammed, democratie en sharia]. ZemZem, 4(2), 119-123. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. (2008). Verschwörungstheorie "Eurabia" [Review of: Bat Ye'or (2005) Eurabia: the Euro-Arab axis]. INAMO: Berichte und Analysen zu Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens, 53, 67. [details]


    • Leezenberg, M. (2007). ...religie: een reactie. Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 69, 707-712. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2007). Rede en religie. Een verkenning. Van Gennep. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2007). De weg en de wet: mystieke en wetsgerichte vormen in de Islam. In T. van Leeuwen (Ed.), De Innerlijke Weg (pp. 96-105). Ten Have. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2007). Der Import des westlichen Identitäts modells (Schwerpunkt Sexualitaten). INAMO: Berichte und Analysen zu Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens, 52, 21-24. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2007). Enlightenment and philosophy in Islam: An Interview with Abdol Karim Soroush. ISIM Review, 20, 26-27. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2007). Geweld in Irak: Stalin, Islam of Mafia? In P. van Harten, & R. Meijer (Eds.), Irak in Chaos: Botsende visies op een humanitaire ramp (pp. 111-126). Aksant. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2007). Islamic radicalism, the Quran, and the Modern World. In C. TMMERMAN (Ed.), Faith based radicalism: Christianity, Islam and Judaism between Constructive activism and Destructive Fanaticism (pp. 101-114). PIE , Peter Lang. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2007). Klassieke en hedendaagse islamitische visies op politiek. In D. Loose (Ed.), Religie in het publieke domein, Fundament en fundamentalisme Damon. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2007). Political Islam among the Kurds. In F. Abdul jabar, & H. Dawod (Eds.), The Kurds: Nationalism and Politics (pp. 203-227). Saqi Books. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2007). der Turkei und die Irakischen Kurden : Eskalationslogik vs Stabilisierungsprozess. INAMO: Berichte und Analysen zu Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens, 52, 26-28. [details]


    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2006). De vloek van Oedipus: Taal, democratie en geweld in de Griekse tragedie. Van Gennep. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2006). Islam en Verlichting. Wijsgerig Perspectief op Maatschappij en Wetenschap, 46(4), 7-15. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2006). Urbanization, Privatization and Patronage : the Political Economy of Iraqi Kurdistan. In F. Abdul - Jabar, & H. Dawod (Eds.), The Kurds: Nationalism and Politics (pp. 151-179). Saqi Books. [details]


    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2024). De laatste grote islamitische filosoof: Spinoza over godsdienst en geloof. Spinoza!, 26(Juni 2024), 44-48.
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2024). Shemseddîn Sharezurî u nerîtî ‘îshraq le felsefey îslamîda. In E. Shams (Ed.), Le Sohrewerd ta Sharezur (pp. 79-98). Karim Alaqah Foundation.
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2024). “Tarih tarafından unutulmuş bir halk”: Kürtler hakkındaki Sovyet çalışmaları. Kürt tarihi, (52), 10-15.


    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2022). Review of Boris James, Génèse du Kurdistan. Kurdish Studies, 10(1), 65-67.
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2022). Review of Mari Rostami, Kurdish Nationalism on Stage. Kurdish Studies, 10(2), 174-176.
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2022). Review of Timothy Brennan, Places of Mind: A Life of Edward Said. History of Humanities, 7(2), 336-339.
    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2022). Wêjeya kurdî a klasîk û diroka cinsiyyetê. In Rêzgirtin le 80 sal temenî Omar Shêxmus: Şorişgêr, akadêmî û dîplomati kurd (pp. 70-80). Jamal Erfan Publishing.



    • Leezenberg, M. (2019). (On) herleidbaar oriëntalisme. De Nederlandse Boekengids, 4(4), 30-31.



    • Leezenberg, M. (2017). De minaret van Bagdad: Seks en politiek in de islam. Prometheus. [details]
    • Leezenberg, M., & de Vries, G. (2017). Wetenschapsfilosofie voor geesteswetenschappen: Derde editie. Amsterdam University Press. [details]


    • Leezenberg, M. (2014). Volk van de rekening: Aan wie behoort het zelfbeschikkingsrecht van de Koerden? De Republikein, 10(4), 24-29. [details]


    • Leezenberg, M. (2013). Veranderende patronen van geweld. ZemZem, 9(1), 6-11. [details]


    • Leezenberg, M. M. (2012). Culturele identiteit: Edward Said. In F. Rebel (Ed.), Handboek Cultuurfilosofie (pp. 32-40). Instituut voor Filosofie.


    • Leezenberg, M. (2011). Hoe seculier zijn de Middeleeuwen? Rémi Bragues alternatieve kijk op de voormoderne ideeëngeschiedenis [Bespreking van: R. Brague (2009) The legend of the Middle Ages: philosophical explorations of medieval Christianity, Judaism, and Islam; R. Brague (2007) The law of God: the philosophical history of an idea]. De Academische Boekengids, 89, 7-9. http://www.academischeboekengids.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_artikel&id=1212 [details]


    • Leezenberg, M. (2010). [Review of: L. Anderson, G. Stansfield (2009) Crisis in Kirkuk: the ethnopolitics of conflict and compromise]. The Middle East Journal, 64(1), 136-137. https://doi.org/10.3751/64.1.3 [details]

    Prijs / subsidie

    • Leezenberg, M. (2022). Jemal Nebez Prize.


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