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V. (V) Lazic

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid
T.M.C. Asser Instituut

  • Schimmelpennincklaan 20-22
  • Postbus 15544
    1001 NA Amsterdam
  • Publicaties


    • Lazic, V. (2024). Issues Arising from Party Insolvency during the course of Ongoing Arbitral Proceedings: International Perspectives‘ in Bamforth, R. and Gandhi, K. (eds.), Arbitration and Insolvency, Edward Elgar, 2024, p. 125-147. In ‘‘Issues Arising from Party Insolvency during the course of Ongoing Arbitral Proceedings: International Perspectives’ in Bamforth, R. and Gandhi, K. (eds.), Arbitration and Insolvency, Edward Elgar, 2024, p. 125-147. (pp. 125-147)


    • Lazic, V. (2023). Recognition and Enforcement. Section 1: General provisions on recognition and enforcement. Subsection 4: Refusal of recognition and enforcement (Art. 38-Art. 41): 'Commentary of Articles 38-42'. In U. Magnus, & P. Mankowski (Eds.), Brussels II ter Regulation (pp. 370-400). (European Commentaries on Private International Law : ECPIL; Vol. 4). Otto Schmidt. https://www.otto-schmidt.de/brussels-iiter-regulation-9783504080204
    • Lazić, V., & Mankowski, P. (2023). The Brussels I-bis Regulation: Interpretation and Implementation. (Elgar European Law and Practice). Edward Elgar Publishing. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800370159 [details]


    • Lazić, V., & Chauhan, P. (2022). On (Non) Binding Nature of Pre-insolvency Arbitration Agreements When Avoiding an Underlying Transaction, Executory Contracts, and Anti-suit Injunctions in Support of Arbitration Against Foreign Insolvency Debtors: News from England and Canada. In I. Madaan, & C. Campbell (Eds.), Crossroads of Insolvency and Arbitrations (pp. 65-88). (Comparative law yearbook of international business. Special issue). Wolters Kluwer. [details]
    • Lazić, V., & Okoli, C. (2022). Private international law and cooperation in civil and commercial matters after Brexit – legislative gaps and future developments. In A. Łazowski, & A. Cygan (Eds.), Research Handbook on Legal Aspects of Brexit (pp. 221-239 ). (Research Handbooks in European Law series). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800373143.00018 [details]


    • Lazic, V. (2021). ‘Recognition and enforcement of decisions in the revised Brussels IIbis Regulation’. Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht, (4), 729-748. https://www.nipr-online.eu/pdf/2021-646.pdf
    • Lazic, V. (2021). ‘The Rights of the Child and the Right to Respect for Family Life in the Revised Brussels II bis Regulation’. In S. Iglesias Sánchez/M. González Pascual (eds.), Fundamental Rights in the EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, Cambridge University Press, 2021 (pp. 192-210). Cambridge University Press.
    • Lazic, V., & Pretelli, I. (2021). ‘Revised Recognition and Enforcement Procedures in Regulation Brussels IIter’. Yearbook of Private International Law, XXII, 155 – 182 .


    • Lazic, V., & Kruisinga, S. (2020). ‘Prorogation of Jurisdiction: Validity Requirements and Methods of Interpretation’. In Benicke, Ch./Huber, S. (eds.), National, international, transnational: harmonische Dreiklang im Recht, Festschrift für Herber Kronke zum 70. Geburtstag, Gieseking Verlag, 2020 (pp. 255-275). Verlag Ernst und Werner Gieseking.


    • Gray, J. T., Schrama, W. M., & Lazic, V. (2018). Scope and Definitions: Brussels IIbis. In V. Lazic (Ed.), Regulation Brussels IIbis (pp. 1-46). T.M.C. Asser Instituut.
    • Lazic, V. (2018). Regulation Brussels IIbis: Guide for application. T.M.C. Asser Instituut.
    • Lazic, V. (2018). Common Provisions (Articles 16-20). In V. Lazic (Ed.), Regulation Brussels IIbis (pp. 166-201). T.M.C. Asser Instituut.
    • Lazic, V. (2018). Jurisdiction in Cases of Child Abduction. In V. Lazic (Ed.), Regulation Brussels IIbis (pp. 125-165). T.M.C. Asser Instituut.
    • Lazic, V., & Schrama, W. M. (2018). Cooperation between Central Authorities in Matters of Parental Responsibility: Brussels IIbis. In V. Lazic (Ed.), Regulation Brussels IIbis (pp. 282-302). T.M.C. Asser Instituut.
    • Lazic, V., & Schrama, W. M. (2018). Enforcement of the Decisions on the Rights of Access and Return Orders issued by the Courts of Child’s Habitual Residence Immediately before a Wrongful Removal or Retention – Articles 40-45 and 47 and Other Provisions Applicable to the Enforcement – Articles 48-52: Brussels IIbis. In V. Lazic (Ed.), Regulation Brussels IIbis (pp. 250-281). T.M.C. Asser Instituut.
    • Lazic, V., & Schrama, W. M. (2018). Relations with Other Instruments, Transitional and Final provisions: Brussels IIbis. In V. Lazic (Ed.), Regulation Brussels IIbis (pp. 303-319). T.M.C. Asser Instituut.
    • Lazić, V., Stuij, S., & Jongbloed, T. (Eds.) (2018). International Dispute Resolution: Selected Issues in International Litigation and Arbitration. (Short Studies in Private International Law). Asser Press. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6265-252-1 [details]
    • Lazić-Smoljanić, V. (2018). Enforcing Annulled Arbitral Awards: Comparison of Approaches in the United States and in the Netherlands. Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 39(1), 215-240. https://doi.org/10.30925/zpfsr.39.1.7 [details]


    • Lazic, V. (2017). The Interpretation and Application of the New York Convention in the Netherlands. In G. A. Bermann (Ed.), Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (pp. 689-731). (Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law). Springer Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-50915-0_27
    • Lazić, V. (2017). Enforcing Annulled Arbitral Awards in The Netherlands. In H. Koster, F. Pennings, & C. Rusu (Eds.), Essays on Private and Business Law: a tribute to professor Adriaan Dorresteijn (pp. 195-208). Eleven International Publishing. [details]
    • Lazić, V. (2017). Multiple Faces of Mutual Recognition: Unity and Diversity in Regulating Enforcement of Judgements in the European Union. In M. Fletcher, E. Herlin-Harnell, & C. Matera (Eds.), The European Union as an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (pp. 337-356). (Routledge Research in EU Law). Routledge. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315738284-24 [details]
    • Lazić, V. (2017). Procedural Position of a ‘Weaker Party’ in the Regulation Brussels Ibis. In V. Lazić, & S. Stuij (Eds.), Brussels Ibis Regulation: Changes and Challenges of the Renewed Procedural Scheme (pp. 51-70). (Short Studies in Private International Law). Asser Press. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6265-147-0_3 [details]
    • Lazić, V., & Stuij, S. (2017). Brussels Ibis in Relation to Other Instruments on the Global Level. In V. Lazić, & S. Stuij (Eds.), Brussels Ibis Regulation: Changes and Challenges of the Renewed Procedural Scheme (pp. 119-152). (Short Studies in Private International Law). Asser Press. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6265-147-0_6 [details]
    • Lazić, V., & Stuij, S. (Eds.) (2017). Brussels Ibis Regulation: Changes and Challenges of the Renewed Procedural Scheme. (Short Studies in Private International Law). Asser Press. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6265-147-0 [details]


    • Lazic, V. (2016). Family Private International Law Issues before the European Court of Human Rights: Lessons to be Learned from Povse v. Austria in Revising the Brussels IIa Regulation and its Relevance for Future Abolition of Exequatur in the European Union. In C. Paulussen, T. Takacs, V. Lazic, & B. Rompuy (Eds.), Fundamental Rights in International and European Law (pp. 161-185). T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer.
    • Paulissen, C., Takacs, T., Lazic, V., & van Rompuy, F. (Eds.) (2016). Fundamental Rights in International and European Law: Public and Private Law Perspectives. Asser Press. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6265-088-6


    • Lazic, V. (2015). Legal Framework for International Child Abduction in the European Union - the Need for Changes in the Light of Povse v. Austria. In M. Zupan (Ed.), Private International Law in the Jurisprudence of European Courts - Family at Focus (pp. 295-317). Faculty of Law Osijek.
    • Lazic, V. (2015). Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: the Application of the New York Convention by national courts in the Netherlands. In L. P. W. van Vliet (Ed.), Netherlands Reports to the Nineteenth International Congress of Comparative Law, Vienna 2014 (pp. 31-76). Intersentia.


    • Lazic, V. (2014). Prekogranični stečaj: učinci otvaranja insolvencijskog postupka na arbitražu. In J. Barbić (Ed.), Hrvatsko insolvencijsko pravo (pp. 185-201). (Modernizacija prava). Hrvatska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti.
    • Lazic, V. (2014). Procedural Justice for Weaker Parties in Cross-border Litigation under the EU Regulatory Scheme. Utrecht Law Review, 10(4), 100-117. https://doi.org/10.18352/ulr.293


    • Lazic, V. (2013). Enhancing the Efficiency of Dispute Settlement Clauses in the European Union. In N. Bodiroga-Vukobrat, G. G. Sander, & S. Rodin (Eds.), Legal Culture in Transition - Supranational and International Law Before National Courts, Europäisches und internationales Wirtschaftsrecht (pp. 181-209). Logos Verlag.
    • Lazic, V. (2013). The Revised Lis pendens rule in the Brussels Jurisdiction Regulation. European Law Review, 2, 5-27.
    • Lazić, V. (2013). Using the ‘Group of Companies’ Doctrine to Extend Arbitration Agreements to ‘Third-Parties’. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Handelsrecht, 2013(6), 332-341. https://www.uitgeverijparis.nl/nl/reader/9364/8549


    • Lazic, V. (2012). Arbitrage en faillissement in internationaal perspectief. Tijdschrift voor Arbitrage, 4, 241-247.
    • Lazic, V. (2012). The Commission’ Proposal to Amend the Arbitration Exception in the EC Jurisdiction Regulation: How “Much Ado About Nothing” can end up in a “Comedy of Errors” and in Anti-suit Injunctions Brussels-style. Journal of International Arbitration, 29/1, 19-48.


    • Lazic, V. (2011). Cross-Border Insolvency and Arbitration: Which Consequences of Insolvency Proceedings Should be Given Effect in Arbitration? In S. Kröll, L. A. Mistelis, P. Perales Viscasillas, & V. Rogers (Eds.), International Arbitration and International Commercial Law: Synergy, Convergence and Evolution, Liber Amicorum Eric Bergsten (pp. 337-363). Kluwer Law International [etc.].
    • Lazic, V. (2011). The Amendment to the Arbitration Exception Suggested in the Commission’s Proposal: the Reasons as to Why it Should be Rejected. Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht, 2, 289-298.


    • Lazic, V. (2009). Improving the Service of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in the European Union: Regulation (EC) No. 1393/2007 of 13 November 2007. In V. Saula (Ed.), Regional Cooperation in the Field of Civil Proceedings with International Element (pp. 38-63). University of Banja Luka.
    • Lazic, V. (2009). The Arbitration Exception in the Brussels Jurisdiction Regulation in the Light of the Judgment of the European Court of Justice in Allianz SpA et al. v. West Tankers. Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht, 2(2009), 1-25.
    • Lazic, V. (2009). The Impact of Uniform Law on the National Law in the Netherlands: Limits and Possibilities – Commercial Arbitration. Electronic Journal of Comparative Law, 2(2009), 1-22.


    • Lazic, V. (2008). Recent Developments in Harmonizing “European Private International Law” in Family Matters. European Journal of Law Reform, 10(1), 75-96.
    • Lazic, V. (2008). Revising the 1976 UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules – Towards a Greater Degree of Transparency in Investment Arbitration? In PIL Yearbook Law Faculty of the University of Montenegro: Private International Law and Protection of Foreign Investors (pp. 29-49). Podgorica.


    • Boele-Woelki, K., & Lazic, V. (2007). Where do we stand on the Rome I Regulation? In K. Boele-Woelki, & F. Grosheide (Eds.), The Future of European Contract Law (pp. 19-41). Kluwer Law International [etc.].
    • Lazic, V. (2007). The Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements of 2005: Scope of Application and Main Rules". In G. Knezevic, & V. Pavic (Eds.), "Drzavljanstvo i medjunarodno privatno pravo/ Haske konvencije" ("Nationality in Private International Law/Hague Conventions") (pp. 214-237). JP Sluzbeni glasnik.
    • Lazic, V. (2007). The Role of Courts and Arbitral Institutions under the Croatian Arbitration Act: Does the Act Present a "Friendly" Legal Framework for Arbitration? Croatian Arbitration Yearbook, 14(2007), 21-40.


    • Lazic, V. (2006). Arbitration Law Reforms in the Netherlands: Formal and Substantive Validity of an Arbitration Agreement. In J. H. M. Van Erp, & L. P. W. Van Vliet (Eds.), Netherlands Reports to the Seventeenth International Congress of Comparative Law, Utrecht (pp. 125-145). Intersentia.
    • Lazic, V. (2006). Bookreview Hague Securities Convention – Explanatory Report. European Review of Private Law, 4, 627-630.
    • Lazic, V. (2006). Enforcement of an arbitral award annulled in the country of origin. Croatian Arbitration Yearbook, 13, 179-204.
    • Lazic, V. (2006). The Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements of 2005: Scope of Application and Main Rules. In G. Kneževiæ, & V. Paviæ (Eds.), Zbornik radova III konferencije o medjunarodnom privatnom pravu


    • Lazic, V. (1999). Insolvency Proceedings and Commercial Arbitration. (International Arbitration Law Library). Kluwer Law International [etc.].


    • Lazic, V., & Hoevenaar, J. (2025). ‘Third Party Litigation Funding: The Netherlands’ Research Project of the EU Commission coordinated by BIICL 2024, with Jos Hoevenaar.


    • Lazic, V., & Stuij, S. (Eds.) (2020). Recasting the Insolvency Regulation: Improvements and Missed Opportunities. T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer.



    • Lazic, V., & Marta, P. (2024). PAX Moot Competition Manual, Civil Justice Project, 2024 (with Pertegas, M. et al.). In PAX Moot Competition Manual, Civil Justice Project, 2024 (with Pertegas, M. et al.)


    • Kramer, X., de Rooij, M., Lazić, V., Blauwhoff, R., & Frohn, L. (2012). A European Framework for Private International Law: Current Gaps and Future Perspectives. (Study). European Parliament. https://doi.org/10.2861/42538 [details]


    • Lazić, V. (speaker) (3-10-2024). Presentation ‘Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD): Its Implications for Procedural Law and International Jurisdiction’, Presentation ‘Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD): Its Implications for Procedural Law and International Jurisdiction’, at X International conference entitled ‘Contemporary Issues in Civil Procedure – National and Comparative Perspectives’, Law Faculty of Split, 3 and 4 October 2023, Split.
    • Lazić, V. (speaker) & Presentation of the National Report for the Netherlands on Third Party Litigation Funding at the Meeting of the Expert Group of the Research Project coordinated by BIICL held online on 10 October 2024, B. (speaker) (10-2024). Presentation of the National Report for the Netherlands on Third Party Litigation Funding at the Meeting of the Expert Group of the Research Project coordinated by BIICL held online on 10 October 2024, Presentation of the National Report for the Netherlands on Third Party Litigation Funding at the Meeting of the Expert Group of the Research Project coordinated by BIICL held online on 10 October 2024.
    • Lazić, V. (speaker) (20-9-2024). ‘Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD): ’Its Implications for Private International Law’, Presentation ‘Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD): ’Its Implications for Private International Law’’, at the 19th Regional PIL Conference on 20 September 2024 at the University of East Sarajevo, Sarajevo.
    • Lazić, V. (speaker) (16-11-2023). Private International Law and International Organizations - achievements and challenges, Private International Law and International Organizations
      - achievements and challenges, Nis.
    • Lazić, V. (speaker) (26-10-2023). EU International Insolvency Law and Third Countries:Which Way(s) Forward?, EU International Insolvency Law and Third Countries:

      Which Way(s) Forward?, Kiel.
    • Lazic, V. (speaker) (5-10-2023). Interplay between the Brussels I-bis and Insolvency Regulations - Messages from the CJEU case law, Faculty of Law, University of Split.
    • Lazić, V. (speaker) (5-10-2023). Contemporary Problems in Law of Civil Procedure: National and Comparative Law Perspectives, Contemporary Problems in Law of Civil Procedure: National and Comparative Law Perspectives, Split.
    • Lazic, V. (speaker) (8-5-2023). Genoa City of Peace, Genoa City of Peace, Genoa.
    • Lazic, V. (invited speaker) (20-4-2023). EJN-civil plenary meeting held in Brussels, EJN-civil plenary meeting held in Brussels, Brussels.
    • Lazic, V. (speaker) (22-3-2023). Seminar/Training of Judges of the PAX Project, 22 and 23 March 2023, Sofia University, Seminar/Training of Judges of the PAX Project, 22 and 23 March 2023, Sofia University, Sofia.


    • Lazić, V. (participant) (10-10-2024). Presentation of the National Report for the Netherlands on Third Party Litigation Funding at the Meeting of the Expert Group of the Research Project coordinated by BIICL held online on 10 October 2024.. Presentation of the National Report for the Netherlands on Third Party Litigation Funding at the Meeting of the Expert Group of the Research Project (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Lazić, V. (participant) (6-5-2024 - 8-5-2024). EAPIL Conference and General Meeting of the EAPI Scientific Council, held 6-8 May 2024 in Wroclaw, Wroclaw. Participation at the EAPIL Conference and General Meeting of the EAPI Scientific Council, held 6-8 May 2024 in Wroclaw (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Lazić, V. (participant) (24-4-2024 - 26-4-2024). Participation as a judge at PAX Moot Court Competition held on 24-26 April 2024 in Ljubljana., Ljubljana. Participation as a judge at PAX Moot Court Competition held on 24-26 April 2024 in Ljubljana. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Lazić, V. (participant) (3-3-2024 - 4-3-2024). Presentation on “Prorogation of Jurisdiction’ and ‘Provisional Measures”, PAX Training of judges, 4 and 5 March 2024, Paris., Paris. Presentation on “Prorogation of Jurisdiction’ and ‘Provisional Measures”, PAX Training of judges, 3 and 4 March 2024, Paris. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Lazic, V. (organiser) (21-4-2022 - 22-4-2022). Regulation Brussels Ia: a standard for free circulation of judgments and mutual trust in the European Union (JUDGTRUST), The Hague (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Lazic, V., & Hoevenaar, J. (2024). Third Party Litigation Funding: The Netherlands’ Research Project of the EU Commission coordinated by BIICL 2024, with Jos Hoevenaar).
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