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Dr. K. (Kristina) Krake

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Capaciteitsgroep Duitse en Scandinavische talen & culturen

  • Spuistraat 134
  • Kamernummer: 6.02
  • Postbus 1641
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Publicaties


    • Krake, K. (2023). Kanslergadeforliget: 1933. (100 danmarkshistorier). Aarhus Universitetsforlag. [details]
    • Krake, K. (2023). From revolutionary paroles to democratic rhetoric: replacement of the political vocabulary within the Norwegian Labour Party in the interwar period. Scandinavian Journal of History, 48(3), 319-340. https://doi.org/10.1080/03468755.2022.2125435 [details]
    • Krake, K. (2023). Trusselsbilleder og mobiliseringen af folket: Det danske Socialdemokratis propagandaapparat, HIPA. Norsk Mediehistorisk Tidsskrift, 40(2), 34-55. Advance online publication. https://medietidsskrift.no/mediehistorisk-tidsskrift-nr-02-2023-40/ [details]
    • Krake, K. (in press). Taming, Not Banning: Scandinavian Containment of the Communists. History of Communism in Europe, 14.


    • Krake, K. (2020). Reconsidering the Crisis Agreements of the 1930s: The Defence of Democracy in a Comparative Scandinavian Perspective. Contemporary European History, 29(1), 1-15. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0960777318000607 [details]


    • Krake, K. (2019). Militant demokrati: Mellemkrigstidens svar på politisk vold. Arbejderhistorie, 2019(1), 5-31. [details]



    • Krake, K. (2017). Fascismens kulturelle nyordning. Temp: Tidsskrift for Historie, 2, 203-208.
    • Krake, K. (2017). Kortlægning af konservative ideologiske brydninger. Arbejderhistorie, 2017(1), 167-168.



    • Krake, K. (1999). Arabesken på tapetet. Den Blå Port, 42, 12-26.


    • Krake, K. (1998). Længe leve symbolet: Om billederne i Sommerfugledalen. Kritik, 134, 62-67.




    • Krake, K. (2019). From Revolutionary Paroles to Democratic Rhetoric (very first draft). Paper presented at Swedish Political Science Association’s annual conference, Norrkôping, Sweden.
    • Krake, K. (2019). Towards militant democracy - The 1930s in a Scandinavian Comparative Perspective: Abstract for 16th Annual International Conference on Law.
    • Krake, K. (2019). Towards militant democracy: The 1930s in a Scandinavian Comparative Perspective. Paper presented at 16th Annual International Conference on Law, Athen, Greece.


    • Krake, K. (2016). Demokratiet og dets fjender i mellemkrigstiden. 18. Abstract from Dansk Historikermøde 2016, Odense, Denmark.
    • Krake, K. (2016). Scandinavian Crisis Policy as Defence of Democracy in the 1930s. Paper presented at Political and Intellectual History, Aarhus, Denmark.

    Prijs / subsidie

    • Krake, K. (2018). Danish Labour History Prize.

    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie



    • Krake, K. (speaker) (21-6-2021). Forsvaret for demokrati - foredrag til ære for og i anledning af Professor Nils Arne Sørensens 65 års fødselsdag, University of Southern Denmark.
    • Krake, K. (speaker) (15-7-2019). Towards Militant Democracy: The 1930s in a Scandinavian Comparative Perspective, 16th Annual International Conference on Law, Athens.
    • Krake, K. (speaker) (23-5-2019). Denmark in a Populist Era. Lecture at Supreme Court of the Netherlands, Lecture at Supreme Court of the Netherlands - Hoge Raad der Nederlanden, Den Haag.
    • Krake, K. (speaker) (5-4-2019). Forsvaret for demokrati I mellemkrigstiden, invited speaker, Vereniging van Docenten Deens in Nederland, Amsterdam.
    • Krake, K. (speaker) (13-3-2019). Demokrati og radikalisme i mellemkrigstiden, Demokrati og radikalisme i mellemkrigstiden, Copenhagen. http://foredrag om de etablerede politiske partiers reaktion på højre- og venstreradikale bevægelser i mellemkrigstiden 1919-1939 og om hvor…
    • Krake, K. (speaker) (26-8-2016). Democracy and its enemies during the Interwar Period, Dansk Historikermøde 2016, Odense.
    • Krake, K. (speaker) (2-12-2015). Kvalitativ historisk komparation - Qualitative historical comparison, Fra Bloch til Kocka, Odense. https://www.sdu.dk/da/forskning/phd/phd_skoler/phd_humaniora/forskerudd,-d-,programmer/forah/arkiv/2015_arkiv/es15_frablochtilkocka_dec15
    • Krake, K. (speaker) (10-11-2015). Invited speaker, Fascism in Denmark during the Interwar Period 1920-1940, Danish University Extension, Emdrup.
    • Krake, K. (speaker) (4-6-2015). Ekstremisme og forsvaret for demokrati i mellemkrigstiden, Public Lecture arranged by the Danish National Archives in Viborg, Viborg. https://www.sa.dk/da/press_release/grundlovsjubilaeum-historisk-perspektiv-rigsarkivet-viser-dansk-demokrati-pres/
    • Krake, K. (speaker) (21-4-2015). Extremism och demokratiförsvar – Skandinavien under mellankrigstiden 1919, PhD seminar, Department of History, Stockholm University, Stockhom.
    • Krake, K. (speaker) (29-1-2015). Ekstremismereaktion og krisepolitik, PhD course in Contemporary History held at Saxo Institute, Copenhagen University, in cooperation Department of History, University of Southern Denmark., Copenhagen.
    • Krake, K. (speaker) (23-5-2014). Between Democracy and Welfare State: Narratives of the Scandinavian Crisis Agreements, Democracy and the Welfare State, Odense.


    • Krake, K. (participant) (3-12-2021). Klimapolitikkens politiske idéhistorie i Danmark, 1980-2022. Inaugural lecture given by Professor Niklas Olsen, Copenhagen (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Krake, K. (participant) (1-7-2021). Parties and the (re-)making of democracy in the twentieth century. Paper and presentation, Utrecht. Paper presentation - submitted paper in advance (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Krake, K. (participant) (2-10-2019 - 4-10-2019). Swedish Political Science Association’s annual conference, Norrkôping. Paper presentation at the conference (participating in a conference, workshop, ...). https://act-sweden.se/2019/09/26/acts-at-the-swedish-political-science-associations-annual-conference/
    • Krake, K. (participant) (15-7-2019 - 18-7-2019). 16th Annual International Conference on Law, Athens. Presentation of research output (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Krake, K. (participant) (6-5-2019). Punitive Democratization, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Krake, K. (participant) (6-3-2019 - 8-3-2019). 3rd Nordic Challenges Conference, Copenhagen. The ReNEW conference 2019 on ‘Nordic challenges’ focuses on how democratic institutions and practices as well as culture and values are changing in (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...). https://www.tilmeld.dk/thirdnordicchallenges/call-for-panels-and-papers.html
    • Krake, K. (participant) (15-11-2018). Netwerkdag Oorlogsbronne, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...). https://www.oorlogsbronnen.nl/lost-and-found-netwerkdag-oorlogsbronnen-2018
    • Krake, K. (participant) (27-1-2017). Annual Meeting of the Danish Society of Contemporary History, Copenhagen. Ny-nationalisme: Nationale politikformer i europæiseringens og globaliseringens tegn (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Krake, K. (other) (12-1-2017). PhD defence: Skandinavien i ekstremernes tidsalder - Systemkritik og demokratiforsvar i mellemkrigstiden 1919-1939 (other).
    • Krake, K. (organiser) (26-8-2016). Organiser of conference session Challenges to Democracy, Odense. Organiser of panel and presentation of paper at The Danish History Conference 2016 (participating in a conference, workshop, ...). https://www.sdu.dk/da/om_sdu/institutter_centre/ih/forskning/danskhistorikermoede2016
    • Krake, K. (participant) (22-6-2016 - 25-6-2016). Political and Intellectual History, Aarhus. Participation with paper at the 4th International PhD Conference of the Association for Political History in cooperation with the Graduate School of (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...). http://chsp.sciences-po.fr/actualite/aph-association-political-history-political-and-intellectual-history-intellectual-history-
    • Krake, K. (participant) (29-1-2016). Digital History - Annual Meeting of the Danish Society of Research in Contemporary History, Copenhagen (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Krake, K. (organiser) (2-12-2015). Fra Bloch til Kocka: metodiske overvejelser over komparativ historie, Odense. PhD seminar on comparative history with papers by professor Uffe Østergaard, associate professor Hagen Schulz-Forberg and PhD student Kristina Krake (organising a conference, workshop, ...). https://www.sdu.dk/da/forskning/phd/phd_skoler/phd_humaniora/forskerudd,-d-,programmer/forah/arkiv/2015_arkiv/es15_frablochtilkocka_dec15
    • Krake, K. (participant) (27-8-2015 - 28-8-2015). Democracy in Modern Europe: A Conceptual History. Carlsberg Academy, Copenhagen. Invited participant (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Krake, K. (participant) (30-1-2015). Moderator at the session The Nordic Model and Nordic Aid Policy, Copenhagen. Invited moderator at the Annual meeting of the Danish Society for Research in Contemporary History, The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Krake, K. (participant) (11-12-2014 - 12-12-2014). European Crisis from Weimar until Today, Copenhagen (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Krake, K. (participant) (5-11-2014 - 7-11-2014). Reading texts in historical research, Aarhus. Presentation of paper (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Krake, K. (participant) (29-8-2014 - 30-8-2014). Conference: Dansk Historikermøde, Odense. Conference participation (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Krake, K. (participant) (9-6-2014 - 16-6-2014). Publish your Academic Paper, Copenhagen (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Krake, K. (participant) (22-5-2014 - 23-5-2014). Conference: Democracy and the Welfare State, Odense. Presenting research (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Krake, K. (participant) (13-3-2014 - 14-3-2014). History and Language: The Methods of Conceptual History, Odense. Participation and discussion of research project (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Krake, K. (participant) (30-1-2014 - 31-1-2014). Contemporary history - use of history and contemporary debate, Copenhagen. Appointed discussant of paper (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Krake, K. (participant) (11-12-2013). Historiefagets nye kongevej? Kritiske reflektioner over transnational historie, Odense (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Krake, K. (participant) (4-12-2013 - 5-12-2013). Approaching the Global, Aarhus. Participation in PhD seminar (participating in a conference, workshop, ...). https://cgsas.tors.ku.dk/calendar/phdworkshop04-12-13/
    • Krake, K. (participant) (9-10-2013). People and Things, Odense (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Krake, K. (participant) (18-9-2013). Både Humboldt og Cyberspace. Om universitetsundervisning i praksis, Odense. University teaching in practice with focus interactive teaching tools and didactics model of teaching (constructive alignment), besides gaining (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Krake, K. (2017). Skandinavien i ekstremernes tidsalder: Systemkritik og demokratiforsvar i mellemkrigstiden 1919-1939 .
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