Kooijman, M. (2023). From Anthropos to Oikos in International Criminal Law: A Critical-Theoretical Exploration of Ecocide as an ‘Ecocentric’ Amendment to the Rome Statute. In D. Dam-de Jong, & F. Amtenbrink (Eds.), Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2021: A Greener International Law—International Legal Responses to the Global Environmental Crisis (pp. 101-131). (Netherlands Yearbook of International Law; Vol. 52). Asser Press. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6265-587-4_5[details]
Kooijman, M. (2024). De strafbaarstelling van ecocide door de lens van groene criminologie en strafrecht. In D. van Uhm (Ed.), Basisboek groene criminologie (pp. 377). Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
Kooijman, M. (editor) (2022-2023). T.M.C. Asser Press (Publisher).
Kooijman, M. (speaker) (19-6-2024). The intricacies of integrating peacetime large-scale environmental harm in the Rome Statute, Third International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding.
Kooijman, M. (speaker) (18-6-2024). Addressing Severe Environmental Damage Through (International) Criminal Law, addressing severe environmental damage through (international) criminal law.
Kooijman, M. (speaker) (2024). De (on)mogelijkheden van ecocidewetgeving, De (on)mogelijkheden van ecocidewetgeving.
Kooijman, M. (speaker) (2024). Rechtsfilosofische grondslagen van een strafbaarstelling van ecocide, Milieucriminaliteit - ontwikkelingen en knelpunten in normstelling, opsporing en vervolging.
Kooijman, M. (speaker) (2024). The intricacies of integrating ecocide in the Rome Statute - peacetime large-scale environmental harm through the lens of green criminology, addressing severe environmental damage through (international) criminal law.
Kooijman, M. (speaker) (2024). The intricacies of integrating ecocide in the Rome Statute, Third International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding.
Kooijman, M. (speaker) (6-6-2023). What Nature, What Victim, What Perpetrator? Progressive narrations and the continuous (re-)evaluation of the international criminalization of ecocide, Gezelschap Internationaal Strafrecht (GIS).
Kooijman, M. (speaker) (26-5-2023). What Nature, What Victim, What Perpetrator? Progressive narrations and the continuous (re-)evaluation of the international criminalization of ecocide, Ecocrimes and green justice, Utrecht.
Kooijman, M. (speaker) (25-5-2022). Criminalisation of ecocide as a response to the global environmental crisis: conceptual and normative reflections on an ‘ecocentric’ amendment to the Rome Statute, Rijks Universiteit Groningen.
Kooijman, M. (speaker) (8-4-2022). Criminalisation of ecocide as a response to the global environmental crisis: conceptual and normative reflections on an ‘ecocentric’ amendment to the Rome Statute., Tilburg University.
Kooijman, M. (speaker) (22-10-2021). Speaker and organization at SGEL workshop on ecocide, Workshop on ecocide, Amsterdam.
Burgers, L. (organiser) & Kooijman, M. (organiser) (22-10-2021). Should harm to the environment be criminalised?, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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