Been, W., & Keune, M. (2024). Bringing labour market flexibilization under control? Marginal work and collective regulation in the creative industries in the Netherlands. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 30(4), 403-420.[details]
Marčeta, P., Been, W., & Keune, M. (2024). Turning post-materialism on its head: self-expression, autonomy and precarity at work in the creative industries. Cultural Trends, 33(5), 600-623.[details]
Dorigatti, L., Been, W. M., Burroni, L., Keune, M. J., Larsen, T. P., & Mailand, M. (2023). Playing alone? Interest representation in the videogame industry in Denmark, Italy and the Netherlands. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 44(4), 1266-1288.[details]
Ferrera, M., Corti, F., & Keune, M. (2023). Social citizenship as a marble cake: The changing pattern of right production and the role of the EU. Journal of European Social Policy, 33(5), 493-509.[details]
Keune, M., Ferrera, M., & Corti, F. (2023). Introduction: Marshall in Brussels? A new perspective on social citizenship and the European Union. Journal of European Social Policy, 33(5), 487-492.[details]
Haidar, J., & Keune, M. (2021). Introduction: Work and Labour Relations in Global Platform Capitalism. In J. Haidar, & M. Keune (Eds.), Work and Labour Relations in Global Platform Capitalism (pp. 1-27). (ILERA publications series). Edward Elgar Publishing.[details]
Haidar, J., & Keune, M. (Eds.) (2021). Work and labour relations in global platform capitalism. (ILERA publication series). Edward Elgar Publishing.[details]
Keune, M. (2021). Inequality between capital and labour and among wage-earners: the role of collective bargaining and trade unions. Transfer, 27(1), 29-46.[details]
Meardi, G., Burroni, L., Keune, M., Bellini, A., Galetto, M., Mori, A., Payton, N., & Scalise, G. (2021). Opportunities and Traps for Trade Unions in European Employment Policy Initiatives: The Case of Social Dialogue on Active Inclusion. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 67(4), 306-332.[details]
Álvarez, I., Keune, M., Cruces, J., & Uxó, J. (2021). Missing Links in the Inclusive Growth Debate: Functional Income Distribution and Labour Market Institutions. International Labour Review, 160(3), 337-362. Advance online publication.[details]
Been, W., & Keune, M. (2020). That is just part of being able to do my cool job: Understanding low earnings but high job satisfaction in the creative industries in the Netherlands. In V. Pulignano, & F. Hendrickx (Eds.), Employment Relations in the 21st Century: Challenges for Theory and Research in a Changing World of Work (pp. 59-76). (Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations; Vol. 107). Wolters Kluwer. [details]
Keune, M. J. (2020). Overview: employment, job quality and labour relations in Europe’s public sector since the crisis. In M. Keune, N. Ramos Martín, & M. M. (Eds.), Working under pressure. Employment, job quality and labour relations in Europe’s public sector since the crisis (pp. 7-34). ETUI.
Keune, M., & Pedaci, M. (2020). Trade union strategies against precarious work: Common trends and sectoral divergence in the EU. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 26(2), 139-155 . Advance online publication.[details]
Keune, M., Been, W., & Tros, F. (2020). Ongelijkheid: Ontwikkelingen op de arbeidsmarkt en in de arbeidsverhoudingen. Tijdschrift voor HRM, 2020(4), 46-63.[details]
Pulignano, V., Doerflinger, N., & Keune, M. (2020). Re-introducing the company in the analysis of labour market dualisation: Variety of patterns and diversity of outcomes between standard and non-standard workers in multinational subsidiaries in Belgium, Germany and Britain. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 41(3), 586-609. Advance online publication.[details]
Been, W. M., & Keune, M. J. (2019). The Netherlands: decentralisation and growing power imbalances within a stable institutional context. In T. Muller, K. Vandeale, & J. Waddington (Eds.), Collective bargaining in Europe: towards an endgame. Volume I, II, III and IV (pp. 436-445). ETUI.
Keune, M. (2018). Opportunity or threat? How trade union power and preferences shape occupational pensions. Social Policy & Administration, 52(2), 463-476. Advance online publication.[details]
Keune, M. J., & Payton, M. N. (2018). The Netherlands: Occupational Welfare within state-defined limits. In D. Natali, E. Pavolini, & B. Vanhercke (Eds.), Occupational welfare in Europe. Risks, opportunities and social partner involvement ETUI.
Natali, D., Keune, M., Pavolini, E., & Seeleib-Kaiser, M. (2018). Sixty years after Titmuss: New findings on occupational welfare in Europe. Social Policy & Administration, 52(2), 435-448. Advance online publication.[details]
Serrano, A., Keune, M., & Crespo, E. (2017). The paradoxical ways of naming employment by European institutions during the crisis: The weakening of collective frames. Stato e mercato, 37(2), 223-246.[details]
Keune, M. (2016). Inleiding: De legitimiteit van het poldermodel in de eenentwintigste eeuw. In M. Keune (Ed.), Nog steeds een mirakel? De legitimiteit van het poldermodel in de eenentwintigste eeuw (pp. 9-36). Amsterdam University Press.[details]
Besamusca, J., Tijdens, K., Keune, M., & Steinmetz, S. (2015). Working women worldwide. Age effects in female labor force participation in 117 countries. World Development, 74, 123-141. Advance online publication.[details]
Keune, M. (2015). The effects of the EU's assault on collective bargaining: less governance capacity and more inequality. Transfer, 21(4), 477-483. Advance online publication.[details]
Marginson, P., & Keune, M. (2015). European social dialogue as multi-level governance: towards more autonomy and new dependencies. In J-C. Barbier, R. Rogowski, & F. Colomb (Eds.), The sustainability of the European social model: EU governance, social protection and employment policies in Europe (pp. 79-102). Edward Elgar.[details]
Pulignano, V., & Keune, M. (2015). Understanding varieties of flexibility and security in multinationals: Product markets, institutional variation and local bargaining. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 21(1), 5-12. Advance online publication.[details]
Keune, M., & Serrano, A. (2014). The power to name and struggles over meaning: the concept of flexicurity. In M. Keune, & A. Serrano (Eds.), Deconstructing flexicurity and developing alternative approaches: towards new concepts and approaches for employment and social policy (pp. 1-26). (Routledge advances in sociology; Vol. 122). Routledge. [details]
Marginson, P., Keune, M., & Bohle, D. (2014). Negotiating the effects of uncertainty? The governance capacity of collective bargaining under pressure. Transfer, 20(1), 37-51.[details]
ter Haar, B., & Keune, M. (2014). One step forward or more window-dressing? A legal analysis of the recent CSR Initiatives in the Garment Industry in Bangladesh. International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 30(1), 5-25.[details]
Keune, M., & Marginson, P. (2013). Transnational industrial relations as multi-level governance: interdependencies in European social dialogue. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 51(3), 473-497.[details]
Keune, M., & Vandaele, K. (2013). Wage regulation in the private sector: moving further away from a 'solidaristic wage policy'? In J. Arrowsmith, & V. Pulignano (Eds.), The transformation of employment relations in Europe: institutions and outcomes in the age of globalisation (pp. 88-110). (Routledge research in employment relations; No. 31). Routledge. [details]
Burroni, L., Keune, M., & Meardi, G. (2012). Introduction. In L. Burroni, M. Keune, & G. Meardi (Eds.), Economy and society in Europe: a relationship in crisis (pp. 1-18). Edward Elgar. [details]
Keune, M. (2012). Flexicurity: a new impulse for social dialogue in Europe? In S. Smismans (Ed.), The European Union and industrial relations: new procedures, new context (pp. 206-224). (Europe in change). Manchester University Press. [details]
Keune, M. (2012). The Social Dimension of European Integration. In L. Burroni, M. Keune, & G. Meardi (Eds.), Economy and society in Europe: a relationship in crisis (pp. 19-39). Edward Elgar. [details]
Marginson, P., & Keune, M. (2012). European social dialogue as multi-level governance: towards more autonomy and new dependencies. European Integration Online Papers-EIOP, 16(special mini-issue 1), Article 4.[details]
Glassner, V., Keune, M., & Marginson, P. (2011). Collective bargaining in a time of crisis: developments in the private sector in Europe. Transfer, 17(3), 303-321.[details]
Houwing, H., Keune, M., Pochet, P., & Vandaele, K. (2011). Employment relations in Belgium and the Netherlands. In M. Barry, & A. Wilkinson (Eds.), Research handbook of comparative employment relations (pp. 260-285). (New horizons in management). Edward Elgar. [details]
Crouch, C., Keune, M., Rafiqui, P. S., Sjöberg, Ö., & Tóth, A. (2009). Three cases of changing capitalism: Sweden, Hungary, and the United Kingdom. In C. Crouch, & H. Voelzkow (Eds.), Innovation in local economies: Germany in comparative context (pp. 43-69). Oxford University Press.[details]
Conen, W. S., Keune, M. J., & Tros, F. H. (2024). The Covid-19 crisis, mental health of healthcare workers and trade union actions: Survey results. University of Amsterdam, AIAS-HSI.
Ferrera, M., Cantillon, B., & Keune, M. (2024). A Stronger and more Coherent Marble Cake: Conclusions and some Proposals. In M. Ferrera (Ed.), The Future of Social Citizenship in the EU (pp. 87-96). (Flagship report; No. 2). EuSocialCit.[details]
Ferrera, M., Corti, F., & Keune, M. (2024). How to conceptualise EU social rights and EU social citizenship? A multi-level resource-based framework. In M. Keune (Ed.), The State of European Social Rights and European Social Citizenship (pp. 16-33). (Flagship report; No. 1). EuSocialCit.[details]
Keune, M. (2024). Conclusions: The State of European Social Rights and European Social Citizenship. In M. Keune (Ed.), The State of European Social Rights and European Social Citizenship (pp. 219-223). (Flagship report; No. 1). EuSocialCit.[details]
Keune, M. (2024). Introduction: The State of European Social Rights and European Social Citizenship. In M. Keune (Ed.), The State of European Social Rights and European Social Citizenship (pp. 9-15). (Flagship report; No. 1). EuSocialCit.[details]
Keune, M. (2024). What Justifications for EU Social Rights and Social Policy. In M. Ferrera (Ed.), The Future of Social Citizenship in the EU (pp. 25-31). (Flagship report; No. 2). EuSocialCit.[details]
Tros, F. H., Keune, M. J., & Conen, W. S. (2024). The covid-19 crisis, mental health of healthcare workers and trade union actions: insights from interviews. University of Amsterdam, AIAS-HSI.
de Beer, P., & Keune, M. (2020). Is the Poldermodel crumbling? In V. Pulignano, & F. Hendrickx (Eds.), Employment Relations in the 21st Century: Challenges for Theory and Research in a Changing World of Work (pp. 269-273). (Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations; Vol. 107). Wolters Kluwer. [details]
Payton, N., & Keune, M. (2018). Outsourcing in the Netherlands: Challenges to Traditional Sector Boundaries. (RECOVER Policy Paper). RECOVER project.[details]
de Beer, P., & Keune, M. (2017). Dutch unions in a time of crisis. In S. Lehndorff, H. Dribbusch, & T. Schulten (Eds.), Rough waters: European trade unions in a time of crisis (pp. 221-244). ETUI.
Keune, M. (Ed.) (2016). Nog steeds een mirakel? De legitimiteit van het poldermodel in de eenentwintigste eeuw. Amsterdam University Press.[details]
Keune, M., & Ramos Martín, N. E. (2015). BARSORIS overview report: precarious work, collective bargaining and European social dialogue in four sectors. AIAS, University of Amsterdam.[details]
Keune, M., & Serrano, A. (Eds.) (2014). Deconstructing flexicurity and developing alternative approaches: towards new concepts and approaches for employment and social policy. (Routledge advances in sociology; Vol. 122). Routledge. [details]
Burroni, L., Keune, M., & Meardi, G. (Eds.) (2012). Economy and society in Europe: a relationship in crisis. Edward Elgar. [details]
Keune, M. (2012). Europese integratie en arbeidsverhoudingen: gevolgen voor het Nederlandse model? In A. Verhoeff, & G. de Bruin (Eds.), Ontwerpers in arbeidsverhoudingen: schets: beeld en ambitie (pp. 81-87). AWVN. [details]
Keune, M. (2012). Globalization, labour relations and the role of transnational agreements. In K. Brouwer, L. Kleijer, M. Kraamwinkel, & S. Meijer (Eds.), The value of workers in international CSR policies (pp. 39-48). FNV Bondgenoten. [details]
Keune, M. (2011). Wage flexibilisation and the minimum wage. In Industrial relations in Europe 2010 (pp. 127-147). (Social Europe). Publications Office of the European Union.[details]
Keune, M. (2010). Welfare states in Central and Eastern Europe in comparative perspective: types and performance. In C. Klenner, & S. Leiber (Eds.), Welfare states and gender inequality in Central and Eastern Europe: continuity and post-socialist transformation in the EU member states (pp. 57-80). ETUI. [details]
Keune, M., & Pochet, P. (2010). Conclusions: trade union structures, the virtual absence of social pacts in the new member states, and the relationship between sheltered and exposed sectors. In P. Pochet, M. Keune, & D. Natali (Eds.), After the euro and enlargement: social pacts in the EU (pp. 395-416). European Trade Union Institute [etc.].[details]
Pochet, P., Keune, M., & Natali, D. (Eds.) (2010). After the euro and enlargement: social pacts in the EU. European Trade Union Institute [etc.]. [details]
Keune, M. (2009). Mittel- und osteuropäische Wohlfahrtsstaaten im Vergleich: Typen und Leistungsfähigkeit. In C. Klenner, & S. Leiber (Eds.), Wohlfahrtsstaaten und Geschlechterungleichheit in Mittel- und Osteuropa: Kontinuität und postsozialistische Transformation in den EU-Mitgliedsstaaten (pp. 59-84). Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.[details]
Keune, M., Piotti, G., Tóth, A., & Crouch, C. (2009). Testing the West German model in East Germany and Hungary: the motor industry in Zwickau and Györ. In C. Crouch, & H. Voelzkow (Eds.), Innovation in local economies: Germany in comparative context (pp. 91-120). Oxford University Press.[details]
Keune, M. J. (2008). Between innovation and ambiguity: The role of flexicurity in labour market analysis and policy making. In F. Hendrickx (Ed.), Flexicurity and the Lisbon agenda: a cross-disciplinary reflection (Social Europe Series; No. 17). Intersentia.
Keune, M. J. (2008). Die Grenzen der europäischen Arbeitsmarktintegration: Koalitionen, Interessenvielfalt und institutionelle Hindernisse. In M. Höpner, & A. Schafer (Eds.), Die politische Ökonomie der europäischen Integration (pp. 279-310). (Schriften aus dem Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung Köln; No. 61). Campus.
Keune, M. J. (2008). Welfare states and restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe. In M. A. Moreau, & E. M. Blas López (Eds.), Restructuring in the new members of the European Union (pp. 81-102). (Travail & Société - Work & Society; No. 63). Peter Lang.
Keune, M., Leschke, J., & Watt, A. (2008). Introduction: liberalisation, privatisation and the labour market. In M. Keune, J. Leschke, & A. Watt (Eds.), Privatisation and liberalisation of public services in Europe: an analysis of economic and labour market impacts (pp. 13-34). ETUI-REHS.
Leschke, J., & Keune, M. (2008). Precarious employment in the public and private sector: comparing the UK and Germany. In M. Keune, J. Leschke, & A. Watt (Eds.), Privatisation and liberalisation of public services in Europe: an analysis of economic and labour market impacts ETUI.
Been, W., & Keune, M. (2019). Kwaliteit van werk en nieuwe arbeidsverhoudingen in de creatieve industrie. In W. Been, M. Keune, & F. Tros (Eds.), Hoe goed werkt Nederland?: Uitdagingen rond arbeidsmarkt, arbeidsverhoudingen en ongelijkheid (pp. 113-135). B + B Vakmedianet BV. [details]
Been, W., Keune, M., & Tros, F. (Eds.) (2019). Hoe goed werkt Nederland? Uitdagingen rond arbeidsmarkt, arbeidsverhoudingen en ongelijkheid. B + B Vakmedianet BV. [details]
Keune, M., & Payton, M. (2019). Aanvullende pensioenen op de mondiale financiële markt: bestuur, risico's en ongelijkheidseffecten. In W. Been, M. Keune, & F. Tros (Eds.), Hoe goed werkt Nederland?: Uitdagingen rond arbeidsmarkt, arbeidsverhoudingen en ongelijkheid (pp. 411-439). B + B Vakmedianet BV. [details]
Keune, M., Been, W., & Tros, F. (2019). Introductie: Hoe goed werkt Nederland? In W. Been, M. Keune, & F. Tros (Eds.), Hoe goed werkt Nederland?: Uitdagingen rond arbeidsmarkt, arbeidsverhoudingen en ongelijkheid (pp. 9-32). B + B Vakmedianet BV. [details]
Tros, F., & Keune, M. (2019). Loonongelijkheid en de invloed van cao's. In W. Been, M. Keune, & F. Tros (Eds.), Hoe goed werkt Nederland?: uitdagingen rond arbeidsmarkt, arbeidsverhoudingen en ongelijkheid (pp. 253-276). B + B Vakmedianet BV. [details]
de Beer, P., & Keune, M. (2019). Niederländische Gewerkschaften in Zeiten der Krise: Stabile Organisationen, aber abnehmender Einfluss. Sozialismus , 46(5), 36-41.
de Beer, P., & Keune, M. (2018). Brokkelt het poldermodel af? Zeggenschap/Tijdschrift over Arbeidsverhoudingen, 29(4), 29-32. [details]
Keune, M. (2013). Van hoeksteen tot obstakel? Cao's en de crisis in Europa. In K. van der Veldt, & M. Wirtz (Eds.), Ontwerpers in arbeidsverhoudingen: draagvlak van de cao (pp. 37-43). AWVN. [details]
Keune, M. J. (2011). Iedereen aan het werk!?! Over de veranderende relaties tussen verzorgingsstaat, arbeidsmarkt en arbeidsverhoudingen. Oratie, 11 maart Universiteit van Amsterdam. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Keune, M. J. (2008). The Coordination of Collective Bargaining in Europe, Annual Report 2008. ETUC.
Keune, M. J. (2008). Flexicurity: a contested concept at the core of the European labour market debate. Intereconomics, 43(2), 92-98.
Keune, M. J. (2008). Flexicurity: the new cure for Europe’s labour market problems? In C. Degryse, & P. Pochet (Eds.), Social Developments in the European Union 2007 ETUI.
Keune, M. J. (2008). L’allargamento dell’Unione Europea e gli standard sociali: l’Europa sociale come modello da esportare? Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche, 2008(3), 153-175.
Keune, M. J., & Pochet, P. (2008). Flexiseguridad: utilidad, desventajas y alternativas. In Las Relaciones Laborales y los retos del sindicalismo (pp. 133-152). (Gaceta Sindical, reflexión y debate; No. 11). Confederación Sindical de Comisones Obreras.
Marčeta, P. (2024). Drawing boundaries, constructing critique: A study on the working conditions, values, and strategies of workers in architecture and design in the Netherlands and the UK. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
Besamusca, J. W. (2019). Working mothers around the world: Moderating effects of social position on mothers’ paid work in middle- and high-income countries. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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