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R.A.A. (Rogier) Kalkers MA

Hoofd herkomstonderzoek archeologische collecties
Sector Allard Pierson Museum
Fotograaf: Els Zweerink

  • Oude Turfmarkt 127
  • Kamernummer: SB2.10
  • Postbus 94057
    1090 GB Amsterdam
  • Publicaties


    • Stek, T. D., Modrall, E. B., Kalkers, R. A. A., van Otterloo, R. H., & Sevink, J. (2015). An early Roman colonial landscape in the Apennine mountains: landscape archaeological research in the territory of Aesernia (Central-Southern Italy). Analysis Archaeologica, 1, 229-291. [details]


    • Waagen, J., de Reus, N., & Kalkers, R. (2013). OpenArchaeoSurvey, or ‘Being Educated by the Digital Fieldwork Assistant’. In G. Earl, T. Sly, A. Chrysanthi, P. Murrieta-Flores, C. Papadopoulos, I. Romanowska, & D. Wheatley (Eds.), Archeaology in the Digital Era. -vol. II: e-Papers from the 40th Conference on Computer Apllications and Quantitative Methods in Archealogy, Southampton, 26-30 March 2012 (pp. 37-47). (Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology). Amsterdam University Press. [details]



    • Waagen, J., Kalkers, R., & Kruijer, L. (2013). Het OpenArchaeoSurvey project. TMA: tijdschrift voor mediterrane archeologie, 25(49), 72. [details]


    • Waagen, J., Kalkers, R., & Kruijer, L. (2012). De Survey Archaeology website. TMA: tijdschrift voor mediterrane archeologie, 24(48), 46. [details]


    • Waagen, J., Stek, T. D., & Kalkers, R. (2016). Settlement Distribution in Samnium: the Tappino Valley Survey project (2004-2015, Molise, CB).


    • Sevink, J., van Otterloo, R. H. & Kalkers, R. (2021). Soils and soilscapes of the Upper Volturno basin: a detailed survey of a large intermontane basin in the Central-Southern Apennines, Italy. figshare Academic Research System. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.13909893.v3
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