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C.V. (Clara) Kammeringer

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid
Europees Publiekrecht
Expertisegebied: Strategic climate litigation, Democratic participation and representation

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Postbus 15859
    1001 NJ Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Clara Kammeringer is joining the UvA as a PhD student in Christina Eckes' project LitDem – Strategic Climate Litigation’s Direct and Indirect Consequences for Democracies. The project develops the missing theoretical framework that captures the direct and indirect consequences of strategic climate litigation for the democratic process based on multi-method case studies of strategic climate litigation in 4 national (Germany, France, Netherlands & UK) and 2 European jurisdictions (EU & European Court of Human Rights). Clara Kammeringer specifically considers strategic climate litigation's direct and indirect consequences for democratic participation and representation - before court and within the democratic system at large.

    In addition to her research activities, Clara Kammeringer is engaged in teaching the Master elective module on climate litigation and investmnet protection. 

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