Conference papers and presentations (selection)
'Second World War Refugees' daily lives in Caribbean Internment', Historicizing the Refugee Experience, Second Annual International Seminar in Historical Refugee Studies, GHI Washington DC. (2022)
'Interned Europeans on a short retreat: Jewish Refugees in Montego Bay', 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Caribbean Historians, Online, The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus. (2022)
‘Religious impact of Jewish Second World War refugees in the Caribbean’, 15th Symposium of the History and Culture of the Jews in the Netherlands, Menasseh Ben Israel Instituut (2021).
'Een Surinaams schriftje', Night of Utrecht History (2020).
‘Moesje Temmes: marktvrouw of politieke kracht? Suriname 1938’, Night of History in the Rijksmuseum (2019).
‘Paramaribo as a safe harbor during the Second World War’, 51st Annual meeting Association of Caribbean Historians, University of Curaçao (2019).
'Gevlucht naar Curaçao: Joodse vluchtelingen in WOII’, Series: 50 jaar Nationaal Archief, National Archive Curaçao (2019).
‘The voyage of the Nyassa’, 10th Contact Day Jewish Studies on the Low Countries, University of Antwerp (2017).
Ancillary activities
Advisory board of DRIFT Wijsgerig Festival, 2019-current.
Final editor of Holland Historisch Tijdschrift, 2019-2022.
Editor in chief of Skript Historisch Tijdschrift, 2017-2018.
Editor of Skript Historisch Tijdschrift, 2016-2017.
Organizing board of DRIFT Wijsgerig Festival, 2014-2016.