Proof theory for (intuitionistic) modal logic
Intuitionistic Gödel-Löb Logic, á la Simpson: Labelled Systems and Birelational Semantics
Joint work with Anupam Das and Sonia Marin
In proceedings of CSL 2024 (doi, arXiv)
A New Calculus for Intuitionistic Strong Löb Logic: Strong Termination and Cut-elimination, Formalised
Joint work with Ian Shillito, Rajeev Goré and Rosalie Iemhoff
In proceedings of TABLEAUX 2023 (doi, arXiv)
Best Paper Award
Sequent Calculus for Intuitionistic Gödel-Löb Logic
Joint work with Rosalie Iemhoff
Notre Dame Journal of Formal logic 62(2), 2021 (doi)
Proof Theory for Intuitionistic Strong Löb Logic
Joint work with Rosalie Iemhoff
Accepted for Special Volume of the Workshop Proofs! held in Paris in 2017 (arXiv)
Craig and uniform interpolation
Uniform Interpolation via Nested Sequents and Hypersequents
Joint work with Raheleh Jalali and Roman Kuznets
Journal of Logic and Computation 2024 (doi, arXiv)
Mechanised Uniform Interpolation for Modal Logics K, GL, and iSL
Joint work with Hugo Férée, Sam van Gool and Ian Shillito
In proceedings of IJCAR 2024 (doi, arXiv)
Best Paper Award
Extensions of K5: Proof Theory and Uniform Lyndon Interpolation
Joint work with Raheleh Jalali and Roman Kuznets
In proceedings of TABLEAUX 2023 (doi, arXiv)
Uniform Interpolation via Nested Sequents
Joint work with Raheleh Jalali and Roman Kuznets
In proceedings of WoLLIC 2021 (doi)
Admissible rules and unification
Admissible rules for six intuitionistic modal logics
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174(4), 2023 (doi)
Exploring a result by Ghilardi: Projective Formulas vs. the Extension Property
In Logica Yearbook 2020 (url)
Strong Normalization for Truth Table Natural Deduction
Joint work with Herman Geuvers and Tonny Hurkens
Fundamenta Informaticae 170(1-3), 2019 (doi)
Uniform Interpolation and Admissible Rules: Proof-theoretic investigations into (intuitionistic) modal logics
Supervisors: Rosalie Iemhoff and Nick Bezhanishvili
Utrecht University 2022 (doi)