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Dr. R. (Rene) Gerritsma

Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica
Van der Waals-Zeeman Instituut

  • Science Park 904
  • Postbus 94485
    1090 GL Amsterdam
  • Alle publicaties

    Group website: Trapped ions and ultracold atoms

    1. Trapped ions in Rydberg-dressed atomic gasesT. Secker, N. Ewald, J. Joger, H. Fürst, T. Feldker and R. Gerritsma Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 263201 (2017).
    2. Controlled long-range interactions between Rydberg atoms and ions, T. Secker, R. Gerritsma, A. W. Glaetzle, and A. Negretti Phys. Rev. A 94, 013420 (2016).
    3. Impact of many-body correlations on the dynamics of an ion-controlled bosonic Josephson junction, J. M. Schurer, R. Gerritsma, P. Schmelcher, and A. Negretti Phys. Rev. A 93, 063602 (2016).
    4. Rydberg excitation of a single trapped ion, T. Feldker, P. Bachor, M. Stappel, D. Kolbe, R. Gerritsma, J. Walz and F. Schmidt-Kaler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 173001 (2015).
    5. Hexagonal plaquette spin-spin interactions and quantum magnetism in a two-dimensional ion crystal, R. Nath, M. Dalmonte, A. W. Glaetzle, P. Zoller, F. Schmidt-Kaler and R. Gerritsma, New J. Phys. 17, 065018 (2015).
    6. Generalized Kronig-Penney model for ultracold atomic quantum systems, A. Negretti, R. Gerritsma, Z. Idziaszek, F. Schmidt-Kaler, and T. Calarco, Phys. Rev. B 90, 155426 (2014).
    7. Quantum dynamics of an atomic double-well system interacting with a trapped ion, J. Joger, A. Negretti and R. Gerritsma, Phys. Rev. A 89, 063621 (2014).
    8. Emulating solid-state physics with a hybrid system of ultracold ions and atoms, U. Bissbort, D. Cocks, A. Negretti, Z. Idziaszek, T. Calarco, F. Schmidt-Kaler, W. Hofstetter and R. Gerritsma, Physical Review Letters 111, 080501 (2013).
    9. Entanglement-enhanced detection of single-photon scattering events, C. Hempel, B. P. Lanyon, P. Jurcevic, R. Gerritsma, R. Blatt, C. F. Roos, Nature Photonics 7, 630, (2013).
    10. Entangled states of trapped ions allow measuring the magnetic field gradient of a single atomic spin, F. Schmidt-Kaler and R. Gerritsma, Europhysics Letters 99, 53001 (2012).
    11. Bosonic Josephson Junction Controlled by a Single Trapped Ion, R. Gerritsma, A. Negretti, H. Doerk, Z. Idziaszek, T. Calarco and F. Schmidt-Kaler, Physical Review Letters 109, 080402 (2012).
    12. Universal digital quantum simulation with trapped ions, B. P. Lanyon, C. Hempel, D. Nigg, M. Müller, R. Gerritsma, F. Zähringer, P. Schindler, J. Barreiro, M. Rambach, G. Kirchmair, M. Hennrich, P. Zoller, R. Blatt and C. F. Roos, Science 334, 57 (2011).
    13. Quantum Simulation of Quantum Field Theories in Trapped Ions, J. Casanova, L. Lamata, I. L. Egusquiza, R. Gerritsma, C. F. Roos, J. J. García-Ripoll and E. Solano, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 260501 (2011).
    14. Quantum simulation of the Majorana equation and unphysical operations, J. Casanova, C. Sabin, J. Leon, I. L. Egusquiza, R. Gerritsma, C. F. Roos, J. J. García-Ripoll and E. Solano, Phys. Rev. X 1, 021018 (2011).
    15. Relativistic quantum mechanics with trapped ions, L. Lamata, J. Casanova, R. Gerritsma, C. F. Roos, J. J. García-Ripoll and E. Solano, New. J. Phys. 13, 095003 (2011).
    16. Quantum simulation of the Klein paradox with trapped ions, R. Gerritsma, B. Lanyon, G. Kirchmair, F. Zähringer, C. Hempel, J. Casanova, J. J. García-Ripoll, E. Solano, R. Blatt and C. F. Roos, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 060503 (2011).
    17. Klein tunneling and Dirac potentials in trapped ions, J. Casanova, J. J. García-Ripoll, R. Gerritsma, C. F. Roos and E. Solano, Phys. Rev. A 82, 020101(R) (2010).
    18. Compatibility and noncontextuality for sequential measurements, O. Gühne, M. Kleinmann, A. Cabello, J.-A. Larsson, G. Kirchmair, F. Zähringer, R. Gerritsma and C.F. Roos, Phys. Rev. A 81, 022121 (2010).
    19. Realization of a quantum walk with one and two trapped ions, F. Zähringer, G. Kirchmair, R. Gerritsma, E. Solano, R. Blatt and C. F. Roos, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 100503 (2010).
    20. Quantum simulation of the Dirac equation, R. Gerritsma, G. Kirchmair, F. Zähringer, E. Solano, R. Blatt and C. F. Roos, Nature 463, 68 (2010).
    21. State-independent experimental test of quantum contextuality, G. Kirchmair, F. Zähringer, R. Gerritsma, M. Kleinmann, O. Gühne, A. Cabello, R. Blatt and C. F. Roos, Nature 460, 494 (2009).
    22. High fidelity entanglement of 43Ca+ hyperfine clock states, G. Kirchmair, J. Benhelm, F. Zähringer, R. Gerritsma, C. F. Roos and R. Blatt, Phys. Rev. A 79, 020304(R) (2009).
    23. Deterministic entanglement of ions in thermal states of motion, G. Kirchmair, J. Benhelm, F. Zähringer, R. Gerritsma, C. F. Roos and R. Blatt, New J. Phys. 11, 023002 (2009).
    24. Two-dimensional array of microtraps with atomic shift register on a chip, S. Whitlock, R. Gerritsma, T. Fernholz and R. J. C. Spreeuw, New J. Phys. 11, 023021 (2009).
    25. Precision measurement of the branching fractions of the 4P3/2 decay of Ca II, R. Gerritsma, G. Kirchmair, F. Zähringer, J. Benhelm, R. Blatt and C. F. Roos, Eur. Phys. J. D 50, 13 (2008).
    26. Fully permanent magnet atom chip for Bose- Einstein condensation, T. Fernholz, R. Gerritsma, S. Whitlock, I. Barb and R. J. C. Spreeuw, Phys. Rev. A 77, 033409 (2008).
    27. Lattice of microtraps for ultracold atoms based on patterned magnetic films, R. Gerritsma, S. Whitlock, T. Fernholz, H. Schlatter, J. A. Luigjes, J.- U. Thiele, J. B. Goedkoop and R. J. C. Spreeuw, Phys. Rev. A 76, 033408 (2007).
    28. Fabrication of magnetic atom chips based on FePt, Y. T. Xing, I. Barb, R. Gerritsma, R. J. C. Spreeuw, H. Luigjes, Q.F. Xiao, C. Rétif and J. B. Goedkoop, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 313, 192 (2007).
    29. Dynamically controlled toroidal and ring-shaped magnetic traps, T. Fernholz, R. Gerritsma, P. Krüger and R. J. C. Spreeuw, Phys. Rev. A 75, 063406 (2007).
    30. Topological constraints on magnetostatic traps, R. Gerritsma and R. J. C. Spreeuw, Phys. Rev. A 74, 043405 (2006).
    31. Creating Ioffe-Pritchard micro-traps from permanent magnetic film with in-plane magnetization, I. Barb, R. Gerritsma, Y.T. Xing, J. B. Goedkoop and R. J. C. Spreeuw, Eur. Phys. J. D 35, 75 (2005).
  • Publicaties


    • Diepeveen, N. A., Robalo Pereira, C., Mazzanti, M., Ackerman, Z. E. D., Gallagher, L. P. H., Timmerman, T., Gerritsma, R., & Schüssler, R. X. (2024). Single-ion spectroscopy of four metastable-state clear-out transitions in Yb+: Isotope shifts and hyperfine structure. Physical Review A, 110(4), Article 042809. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.110.042809
    • Mazzanti, M., Robalo Pereira, C., Diepeveen, N. A., Gerritsen, B., Wu, Z., Ackerman, Z. E. D., Gallagher, L. P. H., Safavi-Naini, A., Gerritsma, R., & Schüssler, R. X. (2024). Alignment and optimization of optical tweezers on trapped ions. Physical Review A, 110(4), Article 043105. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.110.043105
    • Spreeuw, R. J. C., Ackerman, Z. E. D., Gallagher, L. P. H., Mazzanti, M., Safavi-Naini, A., & Gerritsma, R. (2024). From an Optical Magnus Effect to a Novel Quantum Gate. In Quantum 2.0 in Proceedings Quantum 2.0 Conference and Exhibition (Quantum 2.0 in Proceedings Quantum 2.0 Conference and Exhibition). Optical Society of America. https://doi.org/10.1364/quantum.2024.qth2a.4




    • Feldker, T., Fürst, H., Hirzler, H., Ewald, N. V., Mazzanti, M., Wiater, D., Tomza, M., & Gerritsma, R. (2020). Buffer gas cooling of a trapped ion to the quantum regime. Nature Physics, 16(4), 413–416. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-019-0772-5 [details]
    • Groenland, K., Witteveen, F., Schoutens, K., & Gerritsma, R. (2020). Signal processing techniques for efficient compilation of controlled rotations in trapped ions. New Journal of Physics, 22(6), Article 063006. https://doi.org/10.1088/1367-2630/ab8830 [details]
    • Hirzler, H., Feldker, T., Fürst, H., Ewald, N. V., Trimby, E., Lous, R. S., Espinoza, J. D. A., Mazzanti, M., Joger, J., & Gerritsma, R. (2020). Experimental setup for studying an ultracold mixture of trapped Yb+-6Li. Physical Review A, 102(3), Article 033109. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.102.033109 [details]
    • Hirzler, H., Trimby, E., Lous, R. S., Groenenboom, G. C., Gerritsma, R., & Pérez-Ríos, J. (2020). Controlling the nature of a charged impurity in a bath of Feshbach dimers. Physical Review Research, 2(3), Article 033232. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.033232 [details]






    • Nath, R., Dalmonte, M., Glaetzle, A. W., Zoller, P., Schmidt-Kaler, F., & Gerritsma, R. (2015). Hexagonal plaquette spin-spin interactions and quantum magnetism in a two-dimensional ion crystal. New Journal of Physics, 17(6), Article 065018. https://doi.org/10.1088/1367-2630/17/6/065018



    • Gerritsma, R., Negretti, A., Doerk, H., Idziaszek, Z., Calarco, T., & Schmidt-Kaler, F. (2012). Bosonic Josephson junction controlled by a single trapped ion. Physical Review Letters, 109(8), Article 080402. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.080402





    • Arias Espinoza, J. D. (2024). Simulation and dynamics of entanglement and quantum information in strongly correlated systems. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
    • Trimby, E. C. (2024). Trapped ions in an ultracold gas: Buffer gas cooling and chemical reactions. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Mazzanti, M. (2023). Trapped ions in optical tweezers and their applications to quantum computing. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Hirzler, H. J. (2022). Ultracold physics and cold chemistry: In ion-neutral mixtures. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Ewald, N. V. (2021). Ultracold Rydberg Atoms Interacting with Trapped Ions. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Fürst, H. A. (2019). Trapped ions in a bath of ultracold atoms. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Joger, J. K. (2018). Cold Li–Yb+ mixtures in a hybrid trap setup. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Gerritsma, R., Hirzler, H. J., Lous, R. S., Safari, A. & Trimby, E. C. (25-7-2022). Figure data of https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.103401. Universiteit van Amsterdam. https://doi.org/10.21942/uva.20368053.v1


    • Hirzler, H. J., Feldker, T., Fürst, H., Ewald, N. V., Trimby, E. C., Lous, R. S., Arias Espinoza, J. D., Mazzanti, M., Joger, J. K. & Gerritsma, R. (19-9-2020). Raw data belonging to 10.1103/PhysRevA.102.033109. Universiteit van Amsterdam. https://doi.org/10.21942/uva.12859565.v1
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