Franzen, R. (2019). One ear on the stage and one in the audience? – Audio description and listening to theatre as dramaturgical exercise. South African Theatre Journal, 32(1), 48-62.[details]
Franzen, R. (2017). Best before...? The Dutch theatre sound archive between shelf-life and "functional memory". Revue Sciences/Lettres, 5.[details]
Franzen, R. (2017). Theatre Sound Archiving in the Netherlands: Study and Re-Use of ‘Sleeping’ Sound Collections. SoundEffects: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Sound and Sound Experience, 7(3), 36-45.[details]
van der Zalm, R. G. C., Franzen, R. A., & Skwirblies, L. K. (2025). Hoe verzamel je 'theater' en wat doe je er vervolgens mee? In H. van Keulen, S. van den Berg, R. Milco Feijnenbuik, A. Krans, L. Sterenborg, R. van der Zalm, & D. Zijp (Eds.), Theater verzamelen: (On)grijpbaar erfgoed (pp. 14). WBooks.
Dieleman, C., Franzen, R., Zangl, V., & Danner, H. (2020). Inleiding in de dramaturgie. Amsterdam University Press. [details]
van der Zalm, R. G. C., Franzen, R. A., & Skwirblies, L. K. (2025). How to collect theatre and what to do with it. In H. van Keulen (Ed.), Collecting Theatre (pp. 19-31). WBooks.
Franzen, R. A. (2019). How do tomatoes sound, 1969-2019. Paper presented at International Association of Sound Archives , .
Franzen, R. A. (2019). Sounds in/ out of context: On Listening to debates in the early '70s Dutch theatre scene. Paper presented at Transformations of the Audible, .
Franzen, R. (organiser), Ivkovic, I. (organiser) & Van Balen, S. (organiser) (14-3-2019 - 17-3-2019). Performance Philosophy, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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