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A. (Andrea) Friedmann Rozenbaum MSc

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Programmagroep: Cultural Sociology

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Postbus 15508
    1001 NA Amsterdam
  • Profile

    I am a PhD researcher in the Cultural Sociology programme group and a member of the AISSR (Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research) and TIAMSA (The International Art Market Studies Association). My research interests include the art field, cultural and socio-economic inequalities, multi-sited ethnography, affect studies, decolonial studies, and digital anthropology.

    I am currently involved in the project “The Return of the Medici? The Global Rise of Private Museums for Contemporary Art”, under the supervision of Dr Olav Velthuis. Focusing on Brazilian private museums, I examine the perspectives and engagement of various actors involved with such institutions. By paying attention to the specificities of these museums’ private aspects, and combining practices and meaning-making of their stakeholders, my research explores the role and ‘place’ of private museums in Brazilian society.

    I graduated cum laude in 2020 from the Master’s in Cultural and Social Anthropology (University of Amsterdam, NL) and I hold a BA in Media Studies (ESPM, Brazil). My master’s thesis on constant connectivity among co-living ‘global citizens’ focused on furthering understanding of human-technology interactions and the implications of such entanglement. Prior to this, I worked in qualitative market research for more than ten years, developing communication and branding strategies.

  • Teaching

    BA courses:

    - Globalizing Cultures (Sociology)

    - Qualitative Analysis (Sociology)

    - Doing Anthropology (Anthropology)

    MA courses:

    - Tutorial Groups in the MA Cultural and Social Anthropology: Visual Anthropology (track)

    MA Supervision: 

    - Cultural and Social Anthropology: Visual Anthropology (track)

  • Publicaties



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