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Dr. P. (Pegah) Faghiri

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Capaciteitsgroep Taalwetenschap

  • Spuistraat 134
  • Postbus 1642
    1000 BP Amsterdam
Social media
  • Profile

    I am a postdoctoral researcher working (since January 2021) in the NWO Vidi project "Exceptions rule! Lexical restrictions on grammatical structure" led by Eva van Lier .

    My research focuses on the study of syntactic alternation from a typological as well as a cognitive perspective.

    For my publications prior to 2021 see my CV at HAL Open Science

  • Publicaties





    • Bilbiie, G. (Guest ed.), Faghiri, P. (Guest ed.), & Thuilier, J. (Guest ed.) (2021). Syntaxe expérimentale. Langages, 223(3).
    • Bîlbîie, G., Faghiri, P., & Thuilier, J. (2021). Syntaxe quantitative et expérimentale : objets et méthodes. Langages, 223(3), 7-24. https://doi.org/10.3917/lang.223.0007 [details]
    • Faghiri, P., & Samvelian, P. (2021). A corpus-based description of cleft constructions in Persian. Faits de Langues, 52(1), 183-206. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1163/19589514-05201009 [details]
    • Faghiri, P., & Samvelian, P. (2021). The issue of "separability" in Persian complex predicates. In B. Crysmann, & M. Sailer (Eds.), One-to-many relations in morphology, syntax, and semantics (pp. 117-149). (Empirically Oriented Theoretical Morphology and Syntax ; Vol. 7). Language Science Press. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4729799 [details]
    • Faghiri, P., & Thuilier, J. (2021). Contribution méthodologique à l’étude de l’ordre des mots: Jugements d’acceptabilité et complétion de phrases. Langages, 223(2021/3), 25-42. https://www.cairn.info/revue-langages-2021-3-page-25.htm [details]



    • Faghiri, P., & Samvelian, P. (2020). Modern Eastern Armenian: SOV or SVO? In S. Akamine (Ed.), Proceedings of the Thirty-first Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL 2019) (Vol. 25, pp. 11-18). California State Universitym Department of Linguistics.


    • Faghiri, P. (2024). Diachronic changes and different patterns of (morphological) productivity: the case of causative construction in Persian. Abstract from Unraveling Linguistic Productivity: Insights into usage, processing and variability, Ghent, Belgium.
    • Faghiri, P., Flecken, M. E. P., & van Lier, E. H. (2024). Frequency effects and the representation of light verb construction: a priming study of alternating Persian LVCs. Abstract from Unraveling Linguistic Productivity: Insights into usage, processing and variability, Ghent, Belgium.


    • Faghiri, P., Flecken, M. E. P., & van Lier, E. H. (2022). Lexical bias in Persian light verb constructions. Poster session presented at Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, York, United Kingdom.
    • Faghiri, P., Samvelian, P., & Khurshudyan, V. (2022). When the change of branching direction does not involve a word order shift at the clausal level: the evolution of word order in Armenian. Abstract from International Conference on Historical Linguistics 2022, Oxford, United Kingdom.
    • Molochieva, Z. M., van Lier, E. H., & Faghiri, P. (2022). The bi-absolutive construction in Chechen: a comparison of two corpora and elicitation data. 87-88. Abstract from Grammar and Corpora 2022, Ghent, Belgium.


    • Faghiri, P., Shariatmadari, M., & Samvelian, P. (2021). Word Order Variation in Kurmanji Ditransitive Constructions. 12. Abstract from 5th International Conference on Kurdish Linguistics, Graz, Austria.


    • Faghiri, P. (speaker), Flecken, M. (speaker) & van Lier, E. (speaker) (6-10-2022). Investigating lexical bias in Persian light verb constructions: What can we learn from priming experiments?, Linguistic Evidence 2022, Paris.
    • Faghiri, P. (speaker), Flecken, M. (speaker) & van Lier, E. (speaker) (13-9-2022). Priming Persian light verb constructions, Crosslinguistic perspectives on processing and learning, Zurich.
    • Faghiri, P. (speaker), Samvelian, P. (speaker) & Khurshudyan, V. (speaker) (2-8-2022). When the change of branching direction does not involve a word order shift at the clausal level: the evolution of word order in Armenian, International Conference on Historical Linguistics 2022, Oxford.
    • Molochieva, Z. (speaker), Faghiri, P. (speaker) & van Lier, E. (speaker) (30-6-2022). The bi-absolutive construction in Chechen: a comparison of two corpora and elicitation data, Grammar and Corpora 2022, Ghent.
    • Faghiri, P. (invited speaker) (16-6-2022). Resumptive pronouns in Persian relative clauses: some usage-based data, Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on Low-Resource Languages, Frankfurt am Main.
    • Faghiri, P. (speaker), Shariatmadari, M. (speaker) & Samvelian, P. (speaker) (24-9-2021). Word Order Variation in Kurmanji Ditransitive Constructions, 5th International Conference on Kurdish Linguistics, Graz.


    • van Lier, E. (organiser), Just, E. (organiser), Walker, K. (organiser) & Faghiri, P. (organiser) (17-12-2022). Differential Argument Indexing (workshop inside ALT14) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Lier, E. (organiser), van Gijn, R. (organiser), Walker, K. (organiser) & Faghiri, P. (organiser) (29-3-2021 - 30-3-2021). Lexical restrictions on grammatical relations, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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