David Evers holds a BA degree in political science at Reed College (Portland, OR) and a PhD in planning from the University of Amsterdam. His research at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency is mostly oriented towards informing national ministries, but sometimes carried out at the request of the Dutch Parliament. He has published on a wide variety of subjects such as growth management, retail policy, European spatial development, territorial cohesion, metropolitan governance, renewable energy, institutional theory and sustainable urbanization (land take). Since 2012 he has worked as a lecturer in planning at the University of Amsterdam, focusing on the science-policy interface. Since 2007, he has been the ESPON contact point for the Netherlands and participated in the ESPON projects Territorial Scenarios (3.2), ARTS, COMPASS, CaDEC, TNO and SUPER (as project leader) and TERRCOV. Starting in 2023, he will perform academic research as an honorary research fellow at the UvA.
UvA Honorary research fellow 2023-2027
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