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Dr. mr. V. (Vassilis) Dafnomilis

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Postbus 15557
    1001 NB Amsterdam
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  • Dr. mr. Vassilis Dafnomilis

    Dr. mr. Vassilis Dafnomilis is an assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam and the academic coordinator of the Adv. LLM in International Tax Law. He is the course coordinator of the Foundations of International Tax Law, International Tax Law Moot Court and Master's Thesis International Tax Law courses of the Adv. LLM in International Tax Law. He is also a co-coordinator of the EU Tax Law course.

    Vassilis's research and teaching focuses on international and European tax law as well as international estate and gift taxation, to both international and Dutch students. Vassilis is teaching in the Foundations of International Tax Law, Tax Treaties I, EU tax law, EU tax law (advanced) and International Moot Court courses of the Adv. LLM. In addition, he is teaching at the Dutch course Europees Belastingrecht, direct. 

    Vassilis was nominated as Teacher of the Year at the Faculty of Law in 2022. 

    Vassilis is also working as a manager at the Knowledge Centre of PwC the Netherlands. 

    Vassilis received a bachelor’s degree in law with honors from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2012 and two master’s degrees in European Law (University of Athens - 2013) and in European Tax Law (Leiden University - 2015). In June 2021, he defended his doctoral thesis "Taxation of cross-border inheritances and donations. Suggestions for improvement" at Leiden University. 

  • Publicaties


    • Dafnomilis, V. (2024). Comments on BA case (C-670/21), EU law precludes German rules on calculation of inheritance tax on property in a third country. Highlights & Insights on European Taxation (H&I) , 2024(2).
    • Dafnomilis, V., & de Wilde, M. F. (2024). BEFIT: een fiscale laagjestaart waarvan we nog niet weten hoe die zal gaan smaken. MBB. Belastingbeschouwingen, 2024(4).


    • Dafnomilis, V. (Author), & de Wilde, M. F. (Author). (2023). BEFIT: A Company Tax System Layering Exercise for the Internal Market (Part 1). Web publication or website, Kluwer International Tax Blog.


    • Dafnomilis, V. (2022). EU inheritance and gift taxation. In S. Douma, O. Marres, H. Vermeulen, & D. Weber (Eds.), Terra/Wattel European Tax Law - Volume 1: General Topics and Direct Taxation (8th student ed., pp. 451-480). (Fiscale studieserie; No. 29). Wolters Kluwer. [details]


    • Dafnomilis, V. (2021). Taxation of cross-border inheritances and donations. Suggestions for improvement. (2021 ed.) Wolters Kluwer Nederland.




    • Dafnomilis, V. (2018). The current status of the ECJ case-law on EU inheritance and gift taxation and two unanswered questions. In B. Peeters (Ed.), Liber amicorum Rik Deblauwe (pp. 147-162). Knops.
    • Vermeulen, H., & Dafnomilis, V. (2018). European Union - The (Draft) Laws Implementing ATAD I – An Overview of Implementation for Financial Undertakings in Different Member States, Especially as Regards the EBITDA Rule. Derivatives & Financial Instruments, 20(6). https://research.ibfd.org/#/doc?url=/collections/dfi/html/dfi_2018_06_e2_1.html [details]



    • Dafnomilis, V. (2021). 'Taxation of Cross-border Inheritances and Donations': Separate and Holistic Solutions to the Problems of Cross-border Death and Gift Taxation. Kwartaalbericht Estate Planning, 14-21.
    • Dafnomilis, V. (2021). Voorwaarden inlichtingenverzoek aan belastingdienst van andere lidstaat. 1257. Case note on: HvJ EU, 3/06/21, C-437/19, ECLI:EU:C:2021:450 (État luxembourgeois tegen L). NLFiscaal, 6(25), 35-36. [details]


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  • Nevenwerkzaamheden
    • PwC Netherlands
      Tax advisor (Tax Knowledge Centre)