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Dr. S.M. (Sudeep) Dasgupta

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Dep. Mediastudies
Fotograaf: Eduard Lampe

  • Turfdraagsterpad 9
  • Kamernummer: 225
  • Postbus 94550
    1090 GN Amsterdam
  • Profile

     ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Department of Media & Culture


    Critical theory and Visual Culture, Aesthetics and Politics, Media Studies, Philosophy, Postcolonial, Feminist and Queer Studies, Globalization

    (Departmental Track: Television and Crossmedia Culture)

    Publications (see relevant section) focus on the following research interests:

    - The analysis of transformations in visual culture (aesthetic practices, technologies, crossmedia developments) as they impinge on questions of perception, experience and representation

    - Interdisciplinary engagements with Television and Film theory in the context of textual, technological and inter-active dimensions of media culture (film, television, photography, new media)

    - The theorization of aesthetics and its relation to political thought in modernity (e.g. Adorno, Jameson, Rancière, Derrida, Spivak)

    - Critical engagement with the Frankfurt School (e.g. T.W. Adorno, Walter Benjamin), Continental philosophy (e.g Jacques Rancière, Jacques Derrida), Feminist and Queer theory (Judith Butler, Bracha Ettinger), around aesthetics, political thought and experience

    - Postcolonial Studies and Globalization studies in relation to aesthetics, history, critical theory and sociology (e.g. European, gender/sexual and postcolonial constructions)


    Institutions: Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis (ASCA), Amsterdam Centre for Globalization Studies (ACGS), Cultural and Social Critique research constellation (ASCA)


    Book projects

    What's Queer about Europe: Productive Encounters and Re-enchanting Paradigms, co-edited with Mireille Rosello, Fordham University Press, New York, forthcoming 2014.

     (Completed) Constellations of the Transnational: Modernity, Culture, Critique, (edited) Rodopi, New York and Amsterdam, 2007.

    Collaborative Projects

     Europeanizing Spaces: Cultural Encounters and Entangled Histories (Joint ASCA - Institute of Culture and History)

    Cultures of Mobility, ACGS

    Cultural and Social Critique, ASCA

    Crossmedia Research Group, ASCA



     1. Visiting Marie Jahoda Professor at Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Germany, 2011.

     2. Visiting Scholar, Summer Institute in Critical Theory, Northwestern University, United States, 2011.


    Teaching (selection): 2001 - 2013

     Bachelor Program

     Transformations in Media Culture

     Media, Culture, Identity

    BA Research seminars:

    The Frankfurt School and Postmodernism 

    Postmodernism: Jameson and Lyotard

    Cultural Studies and Postmodernism

     Masters Program

    Aesthetics and Practices MA core course in Television Studies

    Television theory and practices MA core course in Television Studies

    MA Humanities seminar: The Culture of Spectacle - Benjamin, Debord, Rancière

    Research seminar in Cultural Analysis (co-taught with M. Rosello, MA in Cultural Analysis)


    Flesh of Images - Rancière

    Postcolonial Theory and Media

    Benjamin, Adorno and Critical Theory

    MA theses supervision

    Research Masters Program

    Manifestoes, Media and Politics core course

    Postcolonial Identity and Media

    Media Archaeology and New Film History

    RMA thesis supervision

    Ph. D Program

    ASCA PhD Research Seminar

    Crossmedia Research Seminar (co-taught with M. Stauff and A. Geil)

    Film & Philosophy Seminar : The Aesthetics of Contingency 2021-22 [with Patricia Pisters - Film, and Monique Roelofs - Philosophy]

    Ph.D Supervision:

    Pinar Turer - The Ethics of Intimacy (2021 > )

    Co-spervisor with Monique Roelofs - Philosophy

    [Completed] Hugh McDonnell "Europeanizing Spaces in Paris ca. 1945-1962"


  • Conferences

    Invited Lectures

     (Plenary) An Aesthetics of Movement and the Politics of the Neutral. Cultural Escape conference, University of Vienna, 2012

     (Plenary) Adorno/ Rancière: Obtuse Reality and the Double Poetics of the Image. Critical and Cultural Theory Symposium, Södertorn University, Stockholm, 2012

    Excentric Interiority and the Politics of the Neutral: Wildside, Barthes and Rancière. Transnational Interiors Conference, Trinity College, Cambridge, 2012. 

     (Keynote) Dissensual Configurations: The Politics of Literarity across Cultural Forms. Literature and Intervention HERMES Symposium, Amsterdam, 2012

    (Plenary) Disidentification, Anticipation and the Aesthetics of the Popular. Critical Theory Summer Institute symposium, Northwestern University, Evanston, 2011.

    (Plenary) Staging Europe and the Dialectics of Disclosure. Current Issues in European Cultural Studies, Narköpping, Sweden, 2011 

    Cultural Difference and Paternalism: Lecture-Conversation with Judith Butler. International Institute for Visual Arts, London. 2011

    Another Turn of the Screw: Dialectical Contradictions, Critical Aesthetics and Unthinking the Political. Politics and Aesthetics: With and Around Jacques Rancière, University of Amsterdam. 2006.  

    Conferences (Selected)

     Quality Television: Cultural Studies and the Discursive Staging of "the People". Cultural Studies and the Popular, Conference at the American University in Paris, 2011 

     Virtual Palimpsests: Memorializing Otherness through an Aesthetics of Transiency. The Afterlives of Monuments Conference, Central St. Martin's, London and TRAiN, London, 2010.

     Encountering Frames of War between the Politics of Detachment and attachment. "Frames of War" Intensive Programme (under the direction of Judith Butler), Centre for the Humanities, University of Utrecht

    The Power of the Relation: Art and Emancipation in Rancière, Adorno and Benjamin. NECS Conference, University of Lund, Lund, 2009. 

    Relational Thinking and Migrancy: The Politics of Space and the Image of Europe. Migratory Politics conference, ASCA/Cendeac, Amsterdam, 2007. 

     Migratory Aesthetics/ Aesthetic Migrations: Contrapuntal Notes on the Aesthetics of Displacement. Migratory Aesthetics conference, Murcia/Cendeac, Spain. 2007

    Signatures of the Invisible: Postmodernism, Technology and the Convergence of the Cinematic Subject.Second Congress of the European Network for Cinema and Media Studies. Vienna. 2007

    Postcolonial Screens and Queer Re-Visions: Modernity, Media and the Sexualized Body. Screen Studies Conference, Glasgow. 2007

    Time, Space and the Political: The EU and the Partition of History. Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Istanbul, 2006. 

    Ethics, Politics and the Visuality of the Other. Migratory Aesthetics Conference, ASCA and CentreCATH, Leeds, 2006. 

    The Memory of Hope: Migratory Aesthetics in the Politics of Before Night Falls. Migratory Aesthetics Conference, ASCA and CATH, Amsterdam,  2005  

    Digging for Television in the Multimedia Age: Media Archaeology , TV and the Elusive Object of Quality. First Alpe-Adria Cultural Studies Conference: The Landscapes of Cultural Studies, Klagenfurt, 2005.

    Between the Retina and the Body: Regimes of Visuality and the Truths of Modernity. Visual Knowledges Conference, Edinburgh, 2003.

    Between the fences: Postcolonial culture and the Aestheticization of Politics. Accented Cultures Conference, Amsterdam, 2003.

    Media, Postmodernism and the Place of Identity. Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Tampere, 2002.

    Nation on Fire: Gender, Sexuality and the Politics of Disrobing in Indian Cinema. Mediatizing Privacy: Conference organized by University of Amsterdam and Centre d'Études Recherches Internationale, Paris, Amsterdam, 2002.

    Hindu (Trans)Nationalism: The Aura of Modernity and the Promises of Globalization . International Conference: Religion, Media and the Public Sphere, ASSR, University of Amsterdam and ISIM, Leiden, 2001 .

    Profane Illuminations: Intellectual Visuality and Images of Sacrality Under Globalisation. Political Theologies Conference, Amsterdam ( Harvard University-University of Amsterdam), 2001.

    Producing Culture, Consuming Identity: Contemporary Globalisations and the Production of "Indian Culture". Annual South Asia Studies Conference, Madison-Wisconsin, 2000.


  • Publicaties


    • Dasgupta, S. (2024). The aesthetics of alternation and the returns of race: Poland and the Jewish Question. In C. Baker, B. C. Iacob, A. Imre, & J. Mark (Eds.), Off White: Central and Eastern Europe and the global history of race (pp. 156-176). (Race, Resistance and Social Change). Manchester University Press. [details]


    • Dasgupta, S. (2023). The Subject in the Frame: Aesthetic Opacity and the Reverberations of Race, Gender and Sexuality through the Portrait. In A. Geil, & T. Jirsa (Eds.), Reconfiguring the Portrait (pp. 165-189). (Technicities). Edinburgh University Press. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1515/9781399525091-013 [details]



    • Dasgupta, S. (2020). Disidentification, Intimacy and the Cinematic Figuration of the Postcolonial in Europe. Mise au Point, 13. https://doi.org/10.4000/map.4192 [details]
    • Dasgupta, S. (2020). Identity, Resistances and Difference. In J. Bee, & N. Kandioler (Eds.), Differenzen und Affirmationen: Queer/feministische Perspektiven auf Medialität (pp. 227-247). b-books. https://www.academia.edu/45377778/Identity_Resistances_Difference [details]
    • Dasgupta, S. (2020). Sexual and Gender-based Asylum and the Queering of Global Space: Reading Desire, Writing Identity and the Unconventionality of the Law. In E. Cox, S. Durrant, D. Farrier, L. Stonebridge, & A. Woolley (Eds.), Refugee Imaginaries: Research Across the Humanities (pp. 86-102). Edinburgh University Press. [details]


    • Dasgupta, S. (2019). 'Displacement' und/in Substitution: Figurationen des Gemeinschaftsbildes. In E. Büttner, & V. Metschl (Eds.), Figurationen von Solidarität: Algerien, das Kino und die Rhythmen das anti-kolonialen Internationalismus (pp. 192-209). Vorwerk 8. [details]
    • Dasgupta, S. (2019). Fuocoammare and the Aesthetic Rendition of the Relational Experience of Migration. In B. Dogramaci, & B. Mersmann (Eds.), Handbook of Art and Global Migration: Theories, Practices, and Challenges (pp. 102-116). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110476675-007 [details]
    • Dasgupta, S. (2019). The Aesthetics of Displacement: Dissonance and Dissensus in Adorno and Rancière. In S. Durham, & D. Gaonkar (Eds.), Distributions of the Sensible: Rancière, between Aesthetics and Politics (pp. 119-144). Northwestern University Press. [details]
    • Dasgupta, S. (2019). [Review of: T. Chanter (2018) Art, Politics and Rancière: Broken Perceptions]. PhiloSOPHIA, 9(2), 144-150. https://doi.org/10.1353/phi.2019.0029 [details]


    • Dasgupta, S. (2018). Entanglements and Dispersals: Occidental Power and the Vicissitudes of Displacement. In K. Bystrom, A. Harris, & A. J. Webber (Eds.), South and North : Contemporary Urban Orientations (pp. 237-252). (Literary cultures of the global south). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781351047043-13 [details]
    • Dasgupta, S. (2018). Queerness. Krisis, 38(2), 139-141. https://krisis.eu/queerness/ [details]
    • Dasgupta, S. (2018). Radical Equality and the Politics of the Anonym: A Counterdiscourse toward Postcolonial Europe. In S. Ponzanesi, & A. J. Habed (Eds.), Postcolonial Intelectuals in Europe: Critics, Artists, Movements, and Their Publics (pp. 231-247). (Frontiers of the Political). Rowman & Littlefield International. [details]
    • Dasgupta, S. (2018). Subaltern Studies. Krisis, 38(2), 156-158. https://krisis.eu/subaltern-studies/ [details]



    • Dasgupta, S. (2016). Fragments in Relation: Trajectories of/for an Unbound Europe. In E. Peeren, H. Stuit, & A. Van Weyenberg (Eds.), Peripheral Visions in the Globalizing Present: Space, Mobility, Aesthetics (pp. 60-74). (Thamyris/Intersecting: Place, Sex, Race; Vol. 31). Brill Rodopi. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004323056_005 [details]


    • Dasgupta, S. (2015). The Aesthetics of Neutrality, or Escape from the Identical. In N. Kandioler, U. Meurer, V. Öhner, & A. Seier (Eds.), ESCAPE! Strategien des Entkommens: Forschungstagung des tfm Institut für Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft der Universität Wien https://escape.univie.ac.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/dasgupta-escape.pdf [details]
    • Dasgupta, S. (2015). Toward a Media Archaeology of Inscription, Temporality and Experience. In A. Beltrame, G. Fidotta, & A. Mariani (Eds.), At the Borders of (Film) Theory: Temporality, Archaeology, Theories (pp. 223-232). Forum. [details]


    • Dasgupta, S., & Rosello, M. (2014). Introduction: Queer and Europe: An Encounter. In M. Rosello, & S. Dasgupta (Eds.), What's Queer about Europe? Productive Encounters and Re-enchanting Paradigms (pp. 1-23). New York: Fordham University Press. [details]







    • Dasgupta, S. (2008). Between the aesthetics of migration and migratory aesthetics. In G. Watson, A. Dasgupta, & M. Szewczyk (Eds.), Santhal Family: positions around an Indian sculpture (pp. 98-105). Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen. [details]
    • Dasgupta, S. (2008). Managing the contradictions of culture. In H. Weeda, O. Chenal, G. Chierchia, L. Mathol, & G. Wagner (Eds.), Managing diversity? Art and (the art of) organisational change (pp. 171-175). Mets & Schilt. [details]
    • Dasgupta, S. (2008). The visuality of the Other: the place of the migrant between Derrida's Ethics and Rancière's Aesthetics in 'Calais: the last Border'. In M. Aydemir, & A. Rotas (Eds.), Migratory settings (pp. 181-193). (Thamyris/Intersecting: place, sex and race; No. 19). Rodopi. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/rodopi/tham/2008/00000019/00000001/art00009 [details]
    • Dasgupta, S., & Staat, W. (2008). Of surfaces and depths: the afterlives of ''Tales of sound and fury''. In J. Kooijman, P. Pisters, & W. Strauven (Eds.), Mind the screen: media concepts according to Thomas Elsaesser (pp. 43-59). Amsterdam University Press. [details]


    • Dasgupta, S. (2007). Constellations of the transnational: modernity, culture, critique. (Thamyris/intersecting: place, sex, and race; No. 14). Ropodi. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/rodopi/tham/2007/00000014/00000001 [details]
    • Dasgupta, S. (2007). Cultural constellations, critique and modernity: an introduction. In S. Dasgupta (Ed.), Constellations of the transnational: modernity, culture, critique (pp. 9-22). (Thamyris/intersecting: place, sex, and race; No. 14). Rodopi. [details]
    • Dasgupta, S. (2007). Running a(g)round: migratory aesthetics and the politics of translation. In S. Durrant, & C. M. Lord (Eds.), Essays in migratory aesthetics: cultural practices between migration and art-making (pp. 191-203). (Thamyris intersecting: place, sex, and race; No. 17). Rodopi. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/rodopi/tham/2007/00000017/00000001/art00013 [details]
    • Dasgupta, S. (2007). Whither culture? Globalization, media and the promises of cultural studies. In S. Dasgupta (Ed.), Constellations of the transnational: modernity, culture, critique (pp. 139-175). (Thamyris/intersecting: place, sex, and race; No. 14). Rodopi. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/rodopi/tham/2007/00000014/00000001/art00008 [details]
    • Dasgupta, S. M. (2007). Jacques Ranciere en de spiraal van het denken over politiek en esthetiek. In S. de Boer (Ed.), Het esthetisch denken (text & context). Amsterdam: Valiz.




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