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  • Profile

    Henk Jan Conradi (PhD) holds an assistant Professorship at the Department of Clinical Psychology at the University of Amsterdam. He wrote his PhD thesis at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Groningen and graduated in Psychology, History and Law at the same university. He has several years of experience as a psychotherapist and completed several therapy courses in Emotion Focused Therapy as well as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Recently he has been designated as a Research Fellow of the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT).


    His research interests are couples functioning, couples therapy, adult attachment and psychopathology. Previously, he regularly published about individual therapy and depression. His interest in history culminated in the permanent photo exhibition at the department of Psychology (Roeterseilandcomplex, building REC-G): From latecomer to front runner: A look at the history of psychology at the UvA.


    In the master he coordinates and teaches the Practicum Psychotherapy, teaches the Practicum Clinical Psychodiagnostics and supervises master theses and internships. In the bachelor he supervises bachelor theses.


    Conradi, H. J., Noordhof, A., & Kamphuis, J. H. (accepted). Prevalence and predictors of help-seeking steps in a nationally representative Dutch sample of romantic couples. Family Process.

    Conradi, H. J., Meuwese, D., Rodenburg, L., Dingemanse, P., & Mooren, T. (2023). Effectiveness and feasibility of structured emotionally focused family therapy for parents and adolescents: Protocol of a within-subjects pilot study. PLoS ONE 18(6), e0287472. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0287472

    Conradi, H. J, Noordhof, A., Dingemanse, P., & Kamphuis, J.H. (2023). Do high-risk couples profit more or less from couple relationship education programs than low-risk couples? Room for improvement and vulnerability effects. Family Process, 62(2), 591–608. https://doi.org/10.1111/famp.12801

    Conradi, H. J. (2023). Relative contributions of actor and partner forgiveness and attachment to couples’ functioning. Family Relations, 72(3), 1032–1048. https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12754

    Rodenburg, L., & Conradi, H.J. (2022). Emotionally Focused Family Therapy: Een aangepaste Nederlandse versie van een experiëntiële hechtingsbenadering van gezinsproblemen. Systeemtherapie, 34(1), 6-22.

    Conradi, H.J., Noordhof, A., & Kamphuis, J.H. (2021). Satisfying and stable couple relationships: Attachment similarity across partners can partially buffer the negative effects of attachment insecurity. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 47, 682–697. https://doi.org/10.1111/jmft.12477

    Conradi, H.J., Noordhof, A., & Arntz, A.  (2020). Improvement of conflict handling: Hand-holding during and after conflict discussions affects heart rate, mood and observed communication behavior in romantic partners. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 46(5), 419-434. DOI: 10.1080/0092623X.2020.1748778

    Conradi, H.J., Noordhof, A., Boyette, L.L., & de Jonge, P. (2020). Physical distance between romantic partners as marker for attachment in couples: A proof of concept study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 41(1), 91-106. https://doi.org/10.1002/anzf.1398

    Conradi, H.J., Dingemanse, P., Noordhof, A., & Kamphuis, J.H. (2018). Effectiviteit van ‘Houd me vast’, een EFT-relatieverbeteringscursus. Systeemtherapie, 30(4), 158–172.

    Conradi, H.J. (2018). From latecomer to front runner: A look at the history of Psychology at the UvA. Permanent photo exhibition at the department of Psychology (Roeterseilandcomplex, building REC-G).

    Conradi, H.J., Dingemanse, P., Noordhof, A., Finkenauer, C., & Kamphuis, J.H. (2018). Effectiveness of the ‘Hold me Tight’ relationship enhancement program in a self-referred and a clinician-referred sample: An Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy-based approach. Family Process, 57, 613-628. https://doi.org/10.1111/famp.12305

    Verhoeven, F., Wardenaar, K.J., Ruhé, E., Conradi, H.J., & de Jonge, P. (2018). Seeing the signs: Using the course of residual depressive symptomatology to predict patterns of relapse and recurrence of Major Depressive Disorder. Depression and Anxiety, 35, 148–159. https://doi.org/10.1002/da.22695

    Conradi, H.J., Kamphuis, J.H., & de Jonge, P. (2018). Adult attachment predicts the seven-year course of recurrent depression in primary care. Journal of Affective Disorders, 225, 160–166. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2017.08.009

    Conradi, H.J., Noordhof, A., Dingemanse, P., Barelds, D.P.H., & Kamphuis, J.H. (2017). Actor and partner effects of attachment on relationship satisfaction and sexual satisfaction across the genders: an APIM approach. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 43(4): 700–716. https://doi.org/10.1111/jmft.12222

    Noordhof, A., Kamphuis, J.H., Eigenhuis, A., Boyette, L.., & Conradi, H.J. (2017). Let all flowers bloom: There is no need for complete integration of different approaches to personality. European Journal of Personality. Special Issue: European Personality Reviews, 31, 529–595. DOI: 10.1002/per

    Conradi, H.J. Bos, E.H., Kamphuis, J.H., & de Jonge, P. (2017). The ten-year course of depression in primary care and long-term effects of psychoeducation, psychiatric consultation and cognitive behavioral therapy. Journal of Affective Disorders, 217, 174-182. DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2017.03.064

    Bouwmans, M.E.J., Conradi, H.J., Bos, E.H., Oldehinkel, A.J., & de Jonge, P. (2017). Bidirectionality between sleep symptoms and core depressive symptoms and their long-term course in major depression. Psychosomatic Medicine, 74, 336-344. DOI: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000000407

    Conradi, H.J., Boertien, S.D., Cavus, H., & Verschuere, B. (2016). Examining psychopathy from an attachment perspective: The role of fear of rejection and abandonment. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 27(1), 92–109. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14789949.2015.1077264  http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/c29MYKd5WyPbEN97s8gz/full

    Monden, R., Stegeman, A., Conradi, H.J., de Jonge, P., & Wardenaar, K.J. (2016). Predicting long-term depression outcome using a three-mode principal component model for depression heterogeneity. Journal of Affective Disorders, 189, 1-9. DOI:10.1016/j.jad.2015.09.018

    Bouwmans, M.E., Conradi, H.J., Bos, E.H., Oldehinkel, A.J., & de Jonge, P. (2016). Bidirectionality between sleep symptoms and core depre80ssive symptoms and their long-term course in major depressed patients. Psychosomatic Medicine, 78(3), A43-A44.

    Hosenfeld, B., Bos, E.H., Wardenaar, K.J., Conradi, H.J., van der Maas, H.L.J., Visser, I., & de Jonge, P. (2015). Major depressive disorder as a nonlinear dynamic system: Bimodality in the frequency distribution of depressive symptoms over time. BMC Psychiatry, 15, 222. DOI 10.1186/s12888-015-0596-5

    Blonski, S.C., Conradi, H.J., Oldehinkel, A.J., Bos, E.H., & de Jonge, P. (2016). Associations between negative and positive life events and the course of depression: A detailed repeated assessments study. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 204, 175-180. DOI:10.1097/NMD.0000000000000445

    Monden R., Wardenaar, K.J.,  Stegeman, A., Conradi H.J., & de Jonge, P. (2015). Simultaneous decomposition of depression heterogeneity on the Person-, Symptom- and Time-level: The Use of Three-mode Principal Component Analysis. PlosONE, 10(7): e0132765. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0132765.

    Wardenaar, K.J., Monden, R., Conradi, H.J., & de Jonge, P (2015). Symptom-specific course trajectories and their determinants in primary care patients with Major Depressive Disorder: Evidence for two etiologically distinct prototypes. Journal of Affective Disorders, 179, 38-46.

    Doyle, F., McGee, H., Conroy, R., Bos, E., Meijer, A., Steeds, R., Sato, H., Stewart, D., Parakh, K., Carney, R.,  Freedland, F., Anselmino, M., Pelletier, R., Conradi, H.J., & de Jonge, P. (2015). Systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis of sex differences in depression and prognosis in persons with myocardial infarction: a MINDMAPS study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 77, 419-428.

    Verhofstadt, L. De Smet, O., & Lowyck, B. (2014). Onderzoek en systeemtherapie: Een zilveren huwelijksjubileum? Systeemtherapie, 26(4), 262-277.

    Wardenaar, K.J., Conradi, H.J., Bos, E.H., & de Jonge, P. (2014). Personality modulates the efficacy of high-intensity treatment in patients with Major Depressive Disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 75, 916-923.

    Wardenaar, K.J., Conradi, H.J., & de Jonge, P. (2014). Data-driven course-trajectories in primary care patients with Major Depressive Disorder. Depression and Anxiety, 31, 778-786. https://doi.org/10.1002/da.22228

    Doyle, F., McGee, H., Conroy, R., Bos, E., Meijer, A., Steeds, R., Sato, H., Stewart, D., Parakh, K., Carney, R., Freedland, K., Anselmino, M., Pelletier, R., Conradi, H.J., & de Jonge, P. (2013). Systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis of sex differences in depression and prognosis in persons with myocardial infarction: A MINDMAPS study. Psychology & Health, 28 (Special Issue), 89.

    Meijer, A., Conradi, H.J., Bos, E.H., Anselmino, M., Carney, R., Denollet, J., Doyle, F., Freedland, K.E.,  Grace, S.L., Hosseini, S.H., Lane, D.A., Pilote, L., Parakh, K., Rafanelli, C., Sato, H., Steeds, R.P., Welin, C., & de Jonge, P. (2013).  Adjusted prognostic association of post-myocardial infarction depression with mortality and cardiovascular events: an individual patient data meta-analysis. British Journal of Psychiatry, 203, 90-102. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.112.111195.

    Zuidersma, M., Conradi, H.J., Van Melle, J.P., Ormel, J., & de Jonge, P. (2013). Depression treatment after myocardial infarction and long-term risk of subsequent cardiovascular events and mortality: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 74, 25-30.

    Conradi, H.J. (2013). Recensie: Judith Kay Nelson (2012). What made Freud laugh: An attachment perspective on laughter. New York: Routledge 211. Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie, 39, 211-212.

    Zuidersma, M., Conradi, H.J., Ormel, J., & de Jonge, P. (2012). Self-reported depressive symptoms, diagnosed clinical depression and cardiac morbidity and mortality after myocardial infarction. International Journal of Cardiology. doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2012.07.002

    Conradi, H.J., Ormel, J., & de Jonge, P. (2012). Symptom profiles of DSM-IV defined remission, recovery, relapse and recurrence of depression: The role of the core symptoms. Depression and Anxiety, 29, 638-645. https://doi.org/10.1002/da.21960

    Zuidersma, M, Ormel, J, Conradi, H.J., & de Jonge, P. (2012). An increase in depressive symptoms after myocardial infarction predicts new cardiac events irrespective of depressive symptoms before myocardial infarction. Psychological Medicine, 42, 683-693.

    Meijer, A., Conradi, H.J., Bos, E.H., Thombs, B.D., van Melle, J.P., & de Jonge, P. (2011). Prognostic association of depression following myocardial infarction with mortality and cardiovascular events: A meta-analysis of 25 years of research. General Hospital Psychiatry, 33(3), 203-216.

    De Jonge P., Conradi, H.J., Thombs, B.D., Rosmalen, J.G.M., Burger, H, & Ormel, J. (2011). Prevention of false positive findings in observational studies: Registration will not work but replication might. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 65(2), 95-96.

    Conradi, H.J., de Jonge, P., & Ormel, J. (2011). Presence of individual (residual) symptoms during depressive episodes and periods of remission: A three-year prospective study. Psychological Medicine, 41, 1165-1175.

    Conradi, H.J., de Jonge, P., Neeleman, A., Simons, P., & Sytema, S. (2011). Partner attachment as a predictor of long-term response to treatment with couples therapy. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 37(4), 286-297. DOI: 10.1080/0092623X.2011.582435 http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/SCu9u9Rv77zRBUeuJdwG/full

    Hoen, P.W., Conradi, H.J., Denollet, J., Martens, E.J., & de Jonge, P. (2010). Interview-based ratings of somatic and cognitive symptoms of depression and their impact on cardiovascular prognosis. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 79, 319-320 .

    De Jonge, P., Conradi, H.J., Kaptein, K.I., Bockting, C.L.H., Korf, J., & Ormel, J. (2010). Duration of subsequent episodes and periods of recovery in recurrent major depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 125, 141-145.

    Stant, A.D., Ten Vergert, E.M., Kluiter, H., Conradi, H.J., Smit, A. & Ormel, J. (2009). Cost-effectiveness of a psychoeducational relapse prevention program for depression in primary care. The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 12(4), 195-204.

    Conradi, H.J., & de Jonge, P. (2009). Recurrent depression and the role of adult attachment: A prospective and a retrospective study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 116, 93-99.

    Conradi, H.J., de Jonge, P., & Ormel, J. (2008). Cognitive-behavioural therapy v. usual care in recurrent depression. British Journal of Psychiatry, 193, 505-506.

    Conradi, H.J., de Jonge, P., & Ormel, J. (2008). Prediction of the three-year course of recurrent depression in primary care patients: Different risk factors for different outcomes. Journal of Affective Disorders, 105, 267-271.

    Conradi, H.J., de Jonge, P., Kluiter, H., Smit, A., van der Meer, K., Jenner, J.A., van Os, T.W.D.P., Emmelkamp, P.M.G., & Ormel, J. (2007). Enhanced treatment for depression in primary care: Long-term outcomes of a psychoeductional program alone and enriched with psychiatric consultation or cognitive behavioral therapy. Psychological Medicine, 37, 849-862.

    Conradi, H.J. (2007). Treatment and risk factors for depression: long-term results of a randomized controlled trial in primary care. Thesis, s.n.

    Conradi, H.J., Gerlsma, C., van Duijn, M., & de Jonge, P. (2006). Internal and external validity of the Experiences in Close Relationships questionnaire in an American and two Dutch samples. European Journal of Psychiatry, 20, 258-269.

    Smit, A., Kluiter, H., Conradi, H.J., van der Meer, K., Tiemens, B.G., Jenner, J.A., van Os, T.W.D.P., & Ormel, J. (2006). Short-term effects of enhanced treatment for depression in primary care: Results from a randomised controlled trial. Psychological Medicine, 36, 15-26.

    Smit, A., Tiemens, B.G., Ormel, J. , Kluiter, H., Jenner, J.A., van der Meer, K., & Conradi, H.J. (2005). Enhanced treatment for depression in primary care: First year results on compliance, self-efficacy, the use of antidepressants and contacts with the primary care physician. Primary Care and Community Psychiatry, 10, 39-49.

    Van der Meer, K., Conradi, H.J., Kluiter, H., & Smit, A. (2001). Preventie van recidieve van depressieve stoornissen: Een gerandomiseerd experiment in de eerste lijn. Congresbundel.

    Van Drunen, P., & Conradi, H.J. (1998). Bezielde wetenschap. Een halve eeuw Nederlandse psychologie in vijf portretten. Van Gorcum, Assen/Maastricht.

    Van Drunen, P., & Conradi, H.J. (1998). Zeggenschap over de praktijk: Jan Snijders over de beginjaren van het NIPP. De Psycholoog, 33, 222-225.

    De Ridder, D., Conradi, H.J., & Schreurs, K. (1997). Een theoretisch raamwerk voor het opzetten en evalueren van psychosociale interventies voor chronisch zieken. NWO-reeks: Onderzoeksprogramma chronisch zieken.

    Conradi, H.J., & van Drunen, P. (1996). Psychotherapeut tussen Jung en Rogers: Een portret van prof.dr. H.R. Wijngaarden. De Psycholoog, 31, 197-202.

    Conradi, H.J., & van Drunen, P. (1995). Jan Dijkhuis: Een leven in de klinische psychologie. Maandblad Geestelijke Volksgezondheid, 50, 1323-1358.

    Conradi, H.J. (1993). De twee gezichten van intelligentie. Psychologie & Maatschappij, 17, 262-275.

    Conradi, H.J. (1992). J.L. Prak: Een kaart voor stuurlieden. De Psycholoog, 27, 527-530.

    Entrapment in destructive relationship interaction patterns is common. Divorce is one way out, learning how to interact more constructively another.
  • Media
  • Publicaties






    • Conradi, H. J., Dingemanse, P., Noordhof, A., Finkenauer, C., & Kamphuis, J. H. (2018). Effectiveness of the 'Hold me Tight' Relationship Enhancement Program in a Self-referred and a Clinician-referred Sample: An Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy-Based Approach. Family Process, 57(3), 613-628. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/famp.12305 [details]
    • Conradi, H. J., Kamphuis, J. H., & de Jonge, P. (2018). Adult attachment predicts the seven-year course of recurrent depression in primary care. Journal of Affective Disorders, 225, 160-166. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2017.08.009 [details]
    • Verhoeven, F. E. A., Wardenaar, K. J., Ruhé, H. G. E., Conradi, H. J., & de Jonge, P. (2018). Seeing the signs: Using the course of residual depressive symptomatology to predict patterns of relapse and recurrence of major depressive disorder. Depression and Anxiety, 35(2), 148-159. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1002/da.22695 [details]


    • Bouwmans, M. E. J., Conradi, H. J., Bos, E. H., Oldehinkel, A. J., & De Jonge, P. (2017). Bidirectionality between sleep symptoms and core depressive symptoms and their long-term course in major depression. Psychosomatic Medicine, 79(3), 336-344. https://doi.org/10.1097/PSY.0000000000000407 [details]
    • Conradi, H. J., Bos, E. H., Kamphuis, J. H., & de Jonge, P. (2017). The ten-year course of depression in primary care and long-term effects of psychoeducation, psychiatric consultation and cognitive behavioral therapy. Journal of Affective Disorders, 217, 174-182. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2017.03.064 [details]
    • Conradi, H. J., Noordhof, A., Dingemanse, P., Barelds, D. P. H., & Kamphuis, J. H. (2017). Actor and Partner Effects of Attachment on Relationship Satisfaction and Sexual Satisfaction Across the Genders: An APIM Approach. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 43(4), 700-716. https://doi.org/10.1111/jmft.12222 [details]


    • Blonski, S. C., Conradi, H. J., Oldehinkel, A. J., Bos, E. H., & de Jonge, P. (2016). Associations between negative and positive life events and the course of depression: A Detailed Repeated-Assessments Study. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 204(3), 175-180. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1097/NMD.0000000000000445 [details]
    • Conradi, H. J., Boertien, S. D., Cavus, H., & Verschuere, B. (2016). Examining psychopathy from an attachment perspective: the role of fear of rejection and abandonment. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 27(1), 92-109. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/14789949.2015.1077264 [details]
    • Monden, R., Stegeman, A., Conradi, H. J., de Jonge, P., & Wardenaar, K. J. (2016). Predicting long-term depression outcome using a three-mode principal component model for depression heterogeneity. Journal of Affective Disorders, 189, 1-9. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2015.09.018 [details]


    • Doyle, F., McGee, H., Conroy, R., Conradi, H. J., Meijer, A., Steeds, R., Sato, H., Stewart, D. E., Parakh, K., Carney, R., Freedland, K., Anselmino, M., Pelletier, R., Bos, E. H., & de Jonge, P. (2015). Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis of Sex Differences in Depression and Prognosis in Persons With Myocardial Infarction: A MINDMAPS Study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 77(4), 419-428. https://doi.org/10.1097/PSY.0000000000000174 [details]
    • Hosenfeld, B., Bos, E. H., Wardenaar, K. J., Conradi, H. J., van der Maas, H. L. J., Visser, I., & de Jonge, P. (2015). Major depressive disorder as a nonlinear dynamic system: bimodality in the frequency distribution of depressive symptoms over time. BMC Psychiatry, 15, Article 222. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-015-0596-5 [details]
    • Monden, R., Wardenaar, K. J., Stegeman, A., Conradi, H. J., & de Jonge, P. (2015). Simultaneous decomposition of depression heterogeneity on the person-, symptom- and time-level: the use of three-mode principal component analysis. PLoS ONE, 10(7), Article e0132765. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0132765 [details]
    • Wardernaar, K. J., Monden, R., Conradi, H. J., & de Jonge, P. (2015). Symptom-specific course trajectories and their determinants in primary care patients with Major Depressive Disorder: Evidence for two etiologically distinct prototypes. Journal of Affective Disorders, 179, 38-46. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2015.03.029 [details]


    • Wardenaar, K. J., Conradi, H. J., & de Jonge, P. (2014). Data-driven course trajectories in primary care patients with major depressive disorder. Depression and Anxiety, 31(9), 778-786. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1002/da.22228 [details]
    • Wardenaar, K. J., Conradi, H. J., Bos, E. H., & de Jonge, P. (2014). Personality modulates the efficacy of treatment in patients with Major Depressive Disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 75(9), e916-e923. https://doi.org/10.4088/JCP.13m08855 [details]


    • Meijer, A., Conradi, H. J., Bos, E. H., Anselmino, M., Carney, R. M., Denollet, J., Doyle, F., Freedland, K. E., Grace, S. L., Hosseini, S. H., Lane, D. A., Pilote, L., Parakh, K., Rafanelli, C., Sato, H., Steeds, R. P., Welin, C., & de Jonge, P. (2013). Adjusted prognostic association of depression following myocardial infarction with mortality and cardiovascular events: individual patient data meta-analysis. British Journal of Psychiatry, 203(2), 90-102. https://doi.org/10.1192/bjp.bp.112.111195 [details]
    • Zuidersma, M., Conradi, H. J., van Melle, J. P., Ormel, J., & de Jonge, P. (2013). Depression treatment after myocardial infarction and long-term risk of subsequent cardiovascular events and mortality: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 74(1), 25-30. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychores.2012.08.015 [details]
    • Zuidersma, M., Conradi, H. J., van Melle, J. P., Ormel, J., & de Jonge, P. (2013). Self-reported depressive symptoms, diagnosed clinical depression and cardiac morbidity and mortality after myocardial infarction. International Journal of Cardiology, 167(6), 2775-2780. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcard.2012.07.002 [details]


    • Conradi, H. J., Ormel, J., & de Jonge, P. (2012). Symptom profiles of DSM-IV-defined remission, recovery, relapse, and recurrence of depression: the role of the core symptoms. Depression and Anxiety, 29(7), 638-645. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1002/da.21960 [details]
    • Zuidersma, M., Ormel, J., Conradi, H. J., & de Jonge, P. (2012). An increase in depressive symptoms after myocardial infarction predicts new cardiac events irrespective of depressive symptoms before myocardial infarction. Psychological Medicine, 42(4), 683-693. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033291711001784 [details]


    • Conradi, H. J., Ormel, J., & de Jonge, P. (2011). Presence of individual (residual) symptoms during depressive episodes and periods of remission: a 3-year prospective study. Psychological Medicine, 41(6), 1165-1174. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033291710001911 [details]
    • Conradi, H. J., de Jonge, P., Neeleman, A., Simons, P., & Sytema, S. (2011). Partner attachment as a predictor of long-term response to treatment with couples therapy. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 37(4), 286-297. https://doi.org/10.1080/0092623X.2011.582435 [details]
    • Meijer, A., Conradi, H. J., Bos, E. H., Thombs, B. D., van Melle, J. P., & de Jonge, P. (2011). Prognostic association of depression following myocardial infarction with mortality and cardiovascular events: a meta-analysis of 25 years of research. General Hospital Psychiatry, 33(3), 203-216. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2011.02.007 [details]
    • de Jonge, P., Conradi, H. J., Thombs, B. D., Rosmalen, J. G. M., Burger, H., & Ormel, J. (2011). Prevention of false positive findings in observational studies: registration will not work but replication might. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 65(2), 95-96. https://doi.org/10.1136/jech.2010.125252 [details]


    • Hoen, P. W., Conradi, H. J., Denollet, J., Martens, E. J., & de Jonge, P. (2010). Interview-based ratings of somatic and cognitive symptoms of depression and their impact on cardiovascular prognosis. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 79(5), 319-320. https://doi.org/10.1159/000319528 [details]
    • de Jonge, P., Conradi, H. J., Kaptein, K. I., Bockting, C. L. H., Korf, J., & Ormel, J. (2010). Duration of subsequent episodes and periods of recovery in recurrent major depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 125(1-3), 141-145. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2009.12.013 [details]


    • Conradi, H. J., & de Jonge, P. (2009). Recurrent depression and the role of adult attachment: A prospective and a retrospective study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 116, 93-99. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2008.10.027 [details]
    • Stant, A. D., ten Vergert, E. M., Kluiter, H., Conradi, H. J., Smit, A., & Ormel, J. (2009). Cost-effectiveness of a psychoeducational relapse prevention program for depression in primary care. The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 12(4), 195-204. [details]


    • Conradi, H. J., de Jonge, P., & Ormel, J. (2008). Cognitive-behavioural therapy v. usual care in recurrent depression. British Journal of Psychiatry, 193, 505-506. https://doi.org/10.1192/bjp.bp.107.042937 [details]
    • Conradi, H. J., de Jonge, P., & Ormel, J. (2008). Prediction of the three-year course of recurrent depression in primary care patients: different risk factors for different outcomes. Journal of Affective Disorders, 105(1-3), 267-271. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2007.04.017 [details]


    • Conradi, H. J., de Jonge, P., Kluiter, H., Smit, A., van der Meer, K., Jenner, J. A., van Os, T. W. D. P., Emmelkamp, P. M. G., & Ormel, J. (2007). Enhanced treatment for depression in primary care: Long-term outcomes of a psycho-educational prevention program alone and enriched with psychiatric consultation or cognitive behavioral therapy. Psychological Medicine, 37, 849-862. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033291706009809 [details]


    • Conradi, H. J., Gerlsma, C., Van Duijn, M., & De Jonge, P. (2006). Internal and external validity of the experiences in close relationships questionnaire in an american and two dutch samples. European Journal of Psychiatry, 20(4), 258-269.
    • Smit, A., Kluiter, H., Conradi, H. J., van der Meer, K., Tiemens, B. G., Jenner, J. A., van Os, T. W. D. P., & Ormel, J. (2006). Short-term effects of enhanced treatment for depression in primary care: Results from a randomized controlled trial. Psychological Medicine, 36(1), 15-26. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033291705006318


    • Smit, A., Tiemens, B. G., Ormel, J., Kluiter, H., Jenner, J. A., van de Meer, K., van Os, T. W. D. P., & Conradi, H. J. (2005). Enhanced treatment for depression in primary care: First year results on compliance, self-efficacy, the use of antidepressants and contacts with the primary care physician. Primary Care and Community Psychiatry, 10(2), 39-49. https://doi.org/10.1185/135525705X40382


    • Noordhof, A., Kamphuis, J. H., Eigenhuis, A., Boyette, L-L., & Conradi, H. J. (2017). Let all flowers bloom: There is no need for complete integration of different approaches to personality. European Journal of Personality, 31(5), 560-562. https://doi.org/10.1002/per.2128 [details]



    • Doyle, F., McGee, H., Conroy, R., Bos, E., Meijer, A., Steeds, R., Sato, H., Stewart, D., Parakh, K., Carney, R., Freedland, K., Anselmino, M., Pelletier, R., Conradi, H. J., & de Jonge, P. (2013). Systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis of sex differences in depression and prognosis in persons with myocardial infarction: A MINDMAPS study. Psychology & Health, 28(S1), 90. https://doi.org/10.1080/08870446.2013.810851 [details]

    Prijs / subsidie

    • Conradi, H. (2022). ICEEFT Award Recipient.

    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie

    • Conradi, H. J. (2015). Researcher in collaboration with Dingemanse, P. on Course and prediction of couple therapy, Dutch Foundation for Emotionally Focused Therapy, Newtonlaan 51, Utrecht. http://www.eft.nl/eft-relatietherapie/over-ons/
    • Conradi, H. J. (2015). Research in collaboration with De Jonge, P. on Deconstructing depression: The course of depression, Department of Psychiatry, University of Groningen.
    • Conradi, H. J. (2015). Onderzoeker in samenwerking met Verschuren en Mol: "Attachment, CVR and stress", RCG Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, Wielingenlaan 2, 4535 PA Terneuzen. http://www.rgc.nl/over-rgconline


    • Conradi, H. (21-08-2021). Algemeen Dagblad. Uitmaken of in therapie.
    • Conradi, H. (19-06-2021). De Volkskrant. Levenlange liefde.
    • Conradi, H. (30-01-2021). Stroom Academy. Over het nut van hulp bij relatieproblemen.
    • Conradi, H. (04-01-2020). NRC Handelsblad. Tegeltje, tegeltje aan de wand.
    • Conradi, H. J. (04-12-2017). Tien vragen aan klinisch psycholoog Henk Jan Conradi [Print] Gezondnu. Een goede relatie begint in je huiskamer.
    • Conradi, H. (06-06-2017). Depressief? Mooi weer is nog ver weg. [Print] Algemeen Dagblad. Depressief? Mooi weer is nog ver weg..


    • Conradi, H. J. (invited speaker) (28-11-2013). Veiliger hechten in partnerrelaties, 8e Jaarsymposium Gehechtheid, Wageningen.
    • Conradi, H. J. (speaker) (1-8-2012). Hold me Tight: a pilot study of a course for couples., Invited key note lecture at meeting invited by political parties of the Dutch parliament..



    • Meijer, A. (2013). The forest through the trees. Investigating depression in patients with cancer and patients with myocardial infarction using systematic reviews and meta-analytic techniques. [Thesis, fully external, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen]. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.


    • Zuidersma, M. (2011). Exploring cardiotoxic effects of post-myocardial infarction depression.


    • Conradi, H. J. (2007). Treatment and risk factors for depression: Long-term results of a randomised controlled trial in primary care.
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