Dr. Chiara Cavallo is senior lecturer at the Amsterdams Archeologisch Centrum where she teaches various courses on issues and methodology of zooarcheaology, the study of animal remains found in archaeological excavations. She studied Archaeology at the University of Torino and specialized in zooarchaeology at the University of Amsterdam where she completed her PhD on the Late Neolithic subsistence strategies in northern Syria . She has done research of faunal material from various sites from Europe and the Near East , dating from the Mesolithic to the (post)medieval time. She is also involved in research programs relating the Romanization and the food provision to the roman army of the Northwestern area of the Netherlands and in studies of faunal remains from a number of Dutch sites. Her research interests and teaching lie in the relation between man and animals within an historical and ecological perspective.
Cavallo C. 2000. Animals in the Steppe - A zooarchaeological analysis of later Neolithic Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria . British Archaeological Reports, International Series S891.
Cavallo C. 2000. The role of animals in a Neolithic agricultural system in the ancient Jezira in: R.M. Jas, ed., Rainfall and Agriculture in northern Mesopotamia: proceeding of the third MOS Symposium ( Leiden 1999). Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut , Instanbul, pp. 71-87.
L.H. van Wijngaarden-Bakker, C. Cavallo , Th.van Kolfschoten, C.H Maliepaard, J.F.S Oversteegen, 2001. Zoogdieren, vogels, reptielen, in: L.P.Louwe Kooijmans, ed., Archeologie in de Betuweroute Hardinxveld-Giessendam Polderweg. Een Mesolitische jachtkamp in het rivierengebieden (5500-5000 v.Chr.). ROB Rapportage Archeologische Monumentzorg 83, Amersfoort.
Cavallo C. and H.A. Hiddink, 2003. Het dierlijk botmateriaal, in: H.A. Hiddink, ed., Het grafritueel in de Late IJzertijd en Romeinse tijd in het Maas-Demer- Scheldegebied, in het bijzonder van twee grafvelden bij Weert , Amsterdam, pp. 167-180 .
P. M.M.G. Akkermans, R. Cappers, C. Cavallo, O. Nieuwenhuyse, B. Nilhamn, and I. N. Otte, 2005, Investigating the early pottery Neolithic of northern Syria: new evidence from Tell Sabi Abyad, American Journal of Archaeology 110:123-156.
Cavallo C., L.I. Kooistra and M.K. Dütting, 2008, Food supply to the Roman army in the Rhine delta in the first century AD, in: S. Stallibrass and R.Thomas, eds., Feeding the RomanArmy, Oxbow Books, Oxford .