Contribution to academic conferences
Academy of Management Conference 2011-2016
EAWOP Conference
INGRoup Conference
Dutch HRM Network Conference
Paris Dauphine HRM/OB Conference
IWOT Conference
AOW-Fachgruppentagung der DGPS
Invited academic presentations
University of Tilburg
University of Koblenz-Landau
University of Konstanz
University of Copenhagen
IT University of Copenhagen
Participation in academic networks
AOM (Academy of Management)
EAWOP (European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology)
SIOP (Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology)
DGPs (German Psychological Society)
Participation in practitioner networks
WDN (WISE Demographic Network)
CSI (Center for Service Innovation, Norway)
FVAO (Freiburger Verein für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie)
Practitioner talks
Ahold Group (February 2016). How to create winning teams. Zaandam.
Center for Service Innovation (June 2015). Transformational leadership and innovation. Oslo, Norway.
IGEL Technology (November 2014). Knowledge transfer in age diverse teams. Amsterdam.
Psychology Alumni Association of the Erasmus University Rotterdam (April 2014). The potential of teams. Rotterdam.
Society for Intercultural Education Training and Research (February 2014). Leadership and team diversity. Amsterdam.