I am a historian (political history of European integration) at the European Studies Department of the University of Amsterdam.
The main focus of my PhD thesis was on Dutch perceptions of Europe and the effects thereof on the national political system in the Netherlands. My main argument concerned the discussions about European integration from the 1940s to the 1960s within Dutch political parties. I argued that these were far more ideologically inspired than had been assumed in previous histories of the period. At the same time the future prospect of Europeanisation confirmed and strengthened Dutch national "consociational" politics (power sharing between elites from different social groups).
Over the last few years most of my research dealt with the connection between decolonisation processes and European integration. The research programme that PhD candidate Nuri Kurnaz and I are conducting, "Colonial exceptionalism or co-imperialism? Imperial powers and European unity," examines the political imagination from the 1920s to the 1970s about the future course of imperial relationships.
There is a strong connection between my research and my teaching. My chapter in the textbook The Unfinished History of European Integration (see list of publications below, 2018) originated from two of my lectures in a first-year course on the history and theory of European Integration.
I am one of the series editors of the book series European Studies, together with Dr Ewa Stanczyk, Dr Sudha Rajagopalan and Dr Marjet Brolsma https://brill.com/display/serial/YES.
I teach courses about European integration history, the history of the idea of Europe, modern imperialism and decolonisation, democracy in the European Union, "mental maps" of modern Europe.
Furthermore, I am one of the members of the Examinations Board of the Faculty of Humanities and chair of the cluster European Studies and Religious Studies of the Examinations Board https://student.uva.nl/en/topics/examinations-board.
Courses 2024-2025:
Het ordenen van Europa in de 20e en 21e eeuw (Ba) https://studiegids.uva.nl/xmlpages/page/2024-2025/zoek-vak/vak/114203
The Ordering of Europe in the 20th and 21st Century (Ba) https://studiegids.uva.nl/xmlpages/page/2024-2025/zoek-vak/vak/114206
Europese integratie en democratie (Ba) https://studiegids.uva.nl/xmlpages/page/2024-2025/zoek-vak/vak/114569
European Integration and Democracy (Ba) https://studiegids.uva.nl/xmlpages/page/2024-2025/zoek-vak/vak/114568
Imagining Europe: Ideologies and Power (Ma) https://studiegids.uva.nl/xmlpages/page/2024-2025/zoek-vak/vak/114996
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