Doosje, B., Szekeres, H., Cáceres Quezada, E., Boiger, M., & Kende, J. (2024). The intergroup level: Moral emotions in intergroup relations- the motivations and consequences of advantaged group members' aims to challenge the intergroup inequality. In N. Ellemers, S. Pagliaro, & F. van Nunspeet (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of the Psychology of Morality (pp. 179-189). (Routledge international handbooks). Routledge.[details]
Schouten, A., Boiger, M., Uchida, A., Verstaen, A., Paillé, C., Uchida, Y., & Mesquita, B. (2024). Couple Conflict Observed: Emotions in Belgium and Japan. Emotion. Advance online publication.
Schouten, A., Boiger, M., Uchida, A., Ribbers, N., Uchida, Y., & Mesquita, B. (2023). Couple disagreement: Inevitable and healthy? Belgian and Japanese conceptions. Personal Relationships. Advance online publication.
Boiger, M., Kirchner-Häusler, A., Schouten, A., Uchida, Y., & Mesquita, B. (2022). Different Bumps in the Road: The Emotional Dynamics of Couple Disagreements in Belgium and Japan. Emotion, 22(5), 805-819. Advance online publication.[details]
Boiger, M., Riediger, M., Uchida, Y., & Mesquita, B. (2022). The relational dynamics of anger and shame: scripts for emotional interactions in Germany and Japan. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science, 6(3), 325-341.[details]
Kirchner-Häusler, A., Boiger, M., Uchida, Y., Higuchi, Y., Uchida, A., & Mesquita, B. (2022). Relatively Happy: The Role of the Positive-to-Negative Affect Ratio in Japanese and Belgian Couples. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 53(1), 66-86.[details]
Randall, A. K., Leon, G., Basili, E., Martos, T., Boiger, M., Baldi, M., Hocker, L., Kline, K., Masturzi, A., Aryeetey, R., Bar-Kalifa, E., Boon, S. D., Botella, L., Burke, T., Carnelley, K. B., Carr, A., Dash, A., Fitriana, M., Gaines, S. O., ... Chiarolanza, C. (2022). Coping with global uncertainty: Perceptions of COVID-19 psychological distress, relationship quality, and dyadic coping for romantic partners across 27 countries. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 39(1), 3-33.[details]
De Leersnyder, J., Mesquita, B., & Boiger, M. (2021). What has culture got to do with emotions? (A Lot). In M. J. Gelfand, C.-Y. Chiu, & Y.-Y. Hong (Eds.), Handbook of Advances in Culture and Psychology (Vol. 8, pp. 62-119). Oxford University Press.[details]
Schouten, A., Boiger, M., Kirchner-Häusler, A., Uchida, Y., & Mesquita, B. (2020). Cultural Differences in Emotion Suppression in Belgian and Japanese Couples: A Social Functional Model. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Article 1048.[details]
Boroş, S., van Gorp, L., & Boiger, M. (2019). When Holding in Prevents From Reaching Out: Emotion Suppression and Social Support-Seeking in Multicultural Groups. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, Article 2431.[details]
Boiger, M., Ceulemans, E., De Leersnyder, J., Uchida, Y., Norasakkunkit, V., & Mesquita, B. (2018). Beyond Essentialism: Cultural Differences in Emotions Revisited. Emotion, 18(8), 1142-1162.[details]
Kirchner, A., Boiger, M., Uchida, Y., Norasakkunkit, V., Verduyn, P., & Mesquita, B. (2018). Humiliated fury is not universal: the co-occurrence of anger and shame in the United States and Japan. Cognition & Emotion, 32(6), 1317-1328.
Mesquita, B., Boiger, M., & De Leersnyder, J. (2017). Doing Emotions: The role of culture in everyday emotions. European Review of Social Psychology, 28(1), 95-133.[details]
Boiger, M., Uchida, Y., Norasakkunkit, V., & Mesquita, B. (2016). Protecting Autonomy, Protecting Relatedness: Appraisal Patterns of Daily Anger and Shame in the United States and Japan. Japanese Psychological Research, 58(1), 28-41.
Mesquita, B., Boiger, M., & De Leersnyder, J. (2016). The cultural construction of emotions. Current Opinion in Psychology, 8, 31-36. Advance online publication.[details]
De Leersnyder, J., Boiger, M., & Mesquita, B. (2015). Cultural differences in emotions. In R. Scott, & S. Kosslyn (Eds.), Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An interdisciplinary, searchable, and linkable resource Wiley.
Boiger, M., Gungor, D., Karasawa, M., & Mesquita, B. (2014). Defending honour, keeping face: Interpersonal affordances of anger and shame in Turkey and Japan. Cognition & Emotion, 28(7), 1255-1269.
Gungor, D., Karasawa, M., Boiger, M., Dincer, D., & Mesquita, B. (2014). Fitting in or Sticking Together: The Prevalence and Adaptivity of Conformity, Relatedness, and Autonomy in Japan and Turkey. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(9), 1374-1389.
Mesquita, B., & Boiger, M. (2014). Emotions in Context: A Sociodynamic Model of Emotions. Emotion Review, 6(4), 298-302.
Boiger, M., De Deyne, S., & Mesquita, B. (2013). Emotions in "the world": cultural practices, products, and meanings of anger and shame in two individualist cultures. Frontiers in Psychology, 4.
Boiger, M., Mesquita, B., Uchida, Y., & Barrett, L. F. (2013). Condoned or Condemned: The Situational Affordance of Anger and Shame in the United States and Japan. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 39(4), 540-553.
Boiger, M., Mesquita, B., Uchida, Y., & Barrett, L. F. (2013). Erratum to Condoned or Condemned: The Situational Affordance of Anger and Shame in the United States and Japan (Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, (2013), 39, 4, (540-553), 10.1177/0146167213478201). Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39(6), 839.
De Leersnyder, J., Boiger, M., & Mesquita, B. (2013). Cultural regulation of emotion: individual, relational, and structural sources. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, Article 55.
Boiger, M., & Mesquita, B. (2012). Emotion Science Needs to Account for the Social World. Emotion Review, 4(3), 236-237.
Boiger, M., & Mesquita, B. (2012). The Construction of Emotion in Interactions, Relationships, and Cultures. Emotion Review, 4(3), 221-229.
Boiger, M., Mesquita, B., Tsai, A. Y., & Markus, H. (2012). Influencing and adjusting in daily emotional situations: A comparison of European and Asian American action styles. Cognition & Emotion, 26(2), 332-340.
Boiger, M., Uchida, Y., & de Almeida, I. (2025). Amae, Saudade, and Schadenfreude. In A. Scarantino (Ed.), Emotion Theory: The Routledge Comprehensive Guide. - Volume 2: Theories of Specific Emotions and Major Theoretical Challenges (pp. 392-401). Routledge.[details]
Amae, Saudade, and Schadenfreude 24 10 21 15 37 00(embargo until 23 January 2025)
Boiger, M., Riediger, M., Uchida, Y., & Mesquita, B. (2022). Correction: The relational dynamics of anger and shame: scripts for emotional interactions in Germany and Japan. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science, 6(3), 359.
Schouten, A., Boiger, M., Kirchner-Häusler, A., & Mesquita, B. (in press). Interpersonal emotions: The role of culture. In J. De Leersnyder (Ed.), The sociocultural shaping of emotion Cambridge University Press.
Van Acker, K., Boiger, M., De Leersnyder, J., & Mesquita, B. (2020). Hoe emoties verschillen tussen culturen. In J. de Jong, & R. van Dijk (Eds.), Handboek culturele psychiatrie en psychotherapie (2e ed., pp. 163-178). De Tijdstroom. [details]
Boiger, M. (2019). A cultural psychological perspective on close relationships. In D. Schoebi, & B. Campos (Eds.), New Directions in the Psychology of Close Relationships (pp. 83-99). (Current Issues in Social Psychology). Routledge.[details]
Boiger, M. (2019). Interpersonal Emotion Regulation in Couples: Cultural Differences and Similarities. Kokoro no mirai (こころの未来), 22, 44. [details]
Boiger, M. (2017). Foreword: A Cultural Perspective on Shame. In E. Vanderheiden, & C.-H. Mayer (Eds.), The Value of Shame: Exploring a Health Resource in Cultural Contexts (pp. v-vii). Springer.[details]
Boiger, M., & Mesquita, B. (2014). A socio-dynamic perspective on the construction of emotion. In L. F. Barrett, & J. A. Russell (Eds.), .), The psychological construction of emotion (pp. 377-398). Guilford Press.
Kuczynski, L., Navara, G., & Boiger, M. (2011). The social relational perspective on family acculturation. In S. Chuang, & R. P. Moreno (Eds.), Immigrant children: Change, adaptation, and cultural transformation (pp. 171-192). Lexington Books.
Boiger, M., Kirchner, A., Schouten, A., Uchida, Y., & Mesquita, B. (2019). Emotions during disagreements in Belgian and Japanese couples: A dynamic systems perspective.. Paper presented at Plenary Meeting of the International Society for Research on Emotion , Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Boiger, M., Kirchner, A., Schouten, A., Uchida, Y., & Mesquita, B. (2019). Interpersonal emotion regulation in Japanese and Belgian couples. Poster session presented at Kokoro Research Center Symposium, Kyoto, Japan.
Boiger, M., Kirchner, A., Schouten, A., Uchida, Y., & Mesquita, B. (2019). The role of emotions during couple disagreements in Belgium and Japan.. Paper presented at IARR Mini Conference on Applied Relationship Science, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Kirchner, A., Boiger, M., Uchida, Y., & Mesquita, B. (2019). We move, we stay, together: Interpersonal patterns of affect in Belgium and Japan. Paper presented at Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences Annual Meeting, Liege, Belgium.
Schouten, A., Boiger, M., Kirchner, A., Uchida, Y., & Mesquita, B. (2019). Cultural differences in emotion suppression in Belgian and Japanese couples: A social functional model.. Poster session presented at Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences Annual Meeting, Liege, Belgium.
Schouten, A., Boiger, M., Kirchner, A., Uchida, Y., & Mesquita, B. (2019). The role of interpersonal emotion regulation in promoting culturally prevalent emotional states in Japanese and Belgian couples.. Paper presented at Plenary Meeting of the International Society for Research on Emotion , Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Prijs / subsidie
Boiger, M. (2018). Kyoto University Kokoro Research Center’s (KRC) Collaborative Research Project (¥300.000,-).
Boiger, M. (2014). Harry and Pola Triandis Doctoral Thesis Award.
Boiger, M. (organiser) & De Leersnyder, J. (organiser) (10-7-2019). The Socio-Cultural Shaping of Emotion, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Pauw, L. (organiser) & Boiger, M. (organiser) (1-7-2019). Symposium: Interpersonal dynamics of emotion and emotion regulation., Amsterdam. Symposium conducted at the Plenary Meeting of the International Society for Research on Emotion Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Boiger, M. (2013). Emotion in Context: Constructions of Anger and Shame in Four Cultures.
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