Haug, T., Boers-Visker, E., & van den Bogaerde, B. (2021). Testing Sign Language Learners. In P. Winke, & T. Brunfaut (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Language Testing (pp. 432-442). (Routledge Handbooks in Second Language Acquisition). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781351034784-46[details]
Baker, A. E., & van den Bogaerde, B. (2020). Overlap in turn-taking in signed mother–child dyadic and triadic interactions. In G. Morgan (Ed.), Understanding Deafness, Language and Cognitive Development.: Essays in honour of Bencie Woll (pp. 33-52). (Trends in Language Acquisition Research; Vol. 25). John Benjamins Publishing Company. https://doi.org/10.1075/tilar.25.03bak, https://doi.org/10.1075/tilar.25[details]
Hammer, A., Nijen Twilhaar , J., & van den Bogaerde, B. (2020). Introducing research to sign language interpreter students: From horror to passion? In D. I. J. Hunt , & E. Shaw (Eds.), The Second International Symposium on Signed Language Interpretation and Translation Research: Selected Papers (pp. 3-19). (Studies in Interpretation Series; Vol. 18). Gallaudet University Press. https://muse.jhu.edu/chapter/2633118/pdf[details]
Leeson, L., & van den Bogaerde, B. (2020). (What we don’t know about) Sign Languages in Higher Education in Europe: Mapping Policy and Practice to an analytical framework. In J. Darquennes, T. du Plessis, & J. Soler (Eds.), Management der Sprachenvielfalt im Hochschulwesen = Language diversity management in higher education = La gestion de la diversité linguistique dans l'enseignement supérieur (pp. 31-56). (Sociolinguistica; Vol. 34). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/soci-2020-0004[details]
Smeijers, A., van den Bogaerde, B., Ens-Dokkum, M., & Oudesluys-Murphy, A. M. (2020). Specialized outpatient clinic for deaf and hard-of-hearing patients in the Netherlands: Lessons learned in an attempt to improve health care. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 26(6), 1588-1591. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/jep.13369[details]
Smeijers, A. S., Ens-Dokkum, M. H., van den Bogaerde, B., & Oudesluys-Murphy, A. M. (2019). Deaf Cultural Features and Healthcare: An overview of current knowledge and new insights. In A. S. Smeijers (Ed.), Availability and accessibility of healthcare for deaf and hard of hearing patients (pp. 91-119) https://scholarlypublications.universiteitleiden.nl/access/item%3A2911919/view[details]
Smeijers, A. S., van den Bogaerde, B., Ens-Dokkum, M. H., & Oudesluys-Murphy, A. M. (2019). Specialized outpatient clinic for deaf and hard of hearing patients in the Netherlands: Lessons learned in an attempt to improve healthcare. In A. S. Smeijers (Ed.), Availability and accessibility of healthcare for deaf and hard of hearing patients (pp. 147-167) https://scholarlypublications.universiteitleiden.nl/access/item%3A2911920/view[details]
Smeijers, A. S., Ens-Dokkum, M. H., van den Bogaerde, B., & Oudesluys-Murphy, A. M. (2018). Availability of specialized healthcare facilities for deaf and hard of hearing individuals. International Journal of Mental Health and Deafness, 4(1), 14-27. http://www.ijmhd.org/index.php/ijmhd/article/view/50[details]
van den Bogaerde, B., & Woest, A. (2018). Deaf Stirrings in Surinam. In C. Stone, & L. Leeson (Eds.), Interpreting and the politics of recognition (pp. 20-36). (IATIS yearbook; Vol. 2017). Routledge. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315619224-2[details]
Haug, T., Bontempo, K., Leeson, L., Napier, J., Nicodemus, B., Van den Bogaerde, B., & Vermeerbergen, M. (2017). Deaf leaders’ strategies for working with signed language interpreters: An examination across seven countries. Across Languages and Cultures , 18(1), 107-131. https://doi.org/10.1556/084.2017.18.1.5[details]
Baker, A., & van den Bogaerde, B. (2016). Interaction and discourse. In A. Baker, B. van den Bogaerde, R. Pfau, & T. Schermer (Eds.), The linguistics of sign languages: An introduction (pp. 73-91). John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/z.199.04bak[details]
Baker, A., van den Bogaerde, B., & Jansma, S. (2016). Acquisition. In A. Baker, B. van den Bogaerde, R. Pfau, & T. Schermer (Eds.), The linguistics of sign languages: An introduction (pp. 51-72). John Benjamins. [details]
Hulk, A., & Van den Bogaerde, B. (2016). Disentangling internal and external factors in bimodal acquisition. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 6(6), 772-775. https://doi.org/10.1075/lab.6.6.17hul[details]
Nijen Twilhaar , J., & van den Bogaerde, B. (2016). Concise Lexicon for Sign Linguistics. John Benjamins Publishing Company. [details]
Thoutenhoofd, E. D., Knot-Dickscheit, J., Rogge, J., van der Meer, M., Schulze, G., Jacobs, G., & van den Bogaerde, B. (2016). The sound of study: Student experiences of listening in the university soundscape. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 40(6), 804-823. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/0309877X.2015.1062848[details]
Baker, A. E., & van den Bogaerde, B. (2014). KODAs: a special form of bilingualism. In D. Quinto-Pozos (Ed.), Multilingual aspects of signed language communication and disorder (pp. 211-234). (Communication disorders across languages). Multilingual Matters. [details]
Smeijers, A. S., van den Bogaerde, B., Ens-Dokkum, M., & Oudesluys-Murphy, A. M. (2014). Scientific-Based Translation of Standardized Questionnaires into Sign Language of the Netherlands. In B. Nicodemus, & M. Metzger (Eds.), Investigations in healthcare interpreting (pp. 277-301). (Studies in interpretation; No. 12). Gallaudet University Press. http://gupress.gallaudet.edu/bookpage/IHCIbookpage.html[details]
van den Bogaerde, B., & de Lange, R. (2014). Health care accessibility and the role of sign language interpreters. In B. Nicodemus, & M. Metzger (Eds.), Investigations in healthcare interpreting (pp. 326-350). (Studies in interpretation; No. 12). Gallaudet University Press. http://gupress.gallaudet.edu/bookpage/IHCIbookpage.html[details]
van den Broek-Laven, A., Boers-Visker, E., & van den Bogaerde, B. (2014). Determining aspects of text difficulty for the Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT) Functional Assessment instrument. Papers in Language Testing and Assessment, 3(2), 53-75. http://www.altaanz.org/uploads/5/9/0/8/5908292/vandenbroek_et_al.pdf[details]
Baker, A., & van den Bogaerde, B. (2012). Communicative Interaction. In R. Pfau, M. Steinbach, & B. Woll (Eds.), Sign language: an international handbook (pp. 489-512). (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft; No. 37). De Gruyter Mouton. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110261325.489[details]
van den Bogaerde, B. (2012). Kun je alles zeggen in gebarentaal? In M. Boogaard, & M. Jansen (Eds.), Alles wat je altijd al had willen weten over taal: de taalcanon (pp. 53-56). Meulenhoff. [details]
Baker, A., & van den Bogaerde, B. (2010). Measuring the linguistic development of deaf learners. In E. Blom, & S. Unsworth (Eds.), Experimental methods in language acquisition research (pp. 245-268). (Language learning and language teaching; No. 27). John Benjamins. [details]
Baker, A., & Van den Bogaerde, B. (2008). Code-mixing in signs and words in input to and output from children. In C. Plaza-Pust, & E. Morales-López (Eds.), Sign bilingualism: language development, interaction, and maintenance in sign language and contact situations (pp. 1-25). (Studies in bilingualism; No. 38). Benjamins. [details]
van den Bogaerde, B., & Baker, A. E. (2008). Bimodal language acquisition in Kodas. In M. Bishop, & S. L. Hicks (Eds.), Hearing, mother father deaf: hearing people in deaf families (pp. 99-131). (Sociolinguistics in deaf communities series; No. 14). Gallaudet University Press. [details]
van den Bogaerde, B., & Nortier, J. W. R. (2006). Bimodaal codewisselen: simultaan spreken en gebaren. Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen, 75(1), 79-88. [details]
Baker, A. E., & van den Bogaerde, B. (2016). Children, Deaf, of Deaf Parents. In G. Gertz, & P. Boudreault (Eds.), The Sage Deaf Studies Encyclopedia (pp. 113-115). Sage. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781483346489.n40[details]
van den Bogaerde, B., & Baker, A. E. (2016). Children of Deaf Adults. In G. Gertz, & P. Boudreault (Eds.), The Sage Deaf Studies Encyclopedia (pp. 118-120). Sage. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781483346489.n42[details]
van den Bogaerde, B., Hammer, A., Knoors, H., & Hermans, D. (2019). Taal-profielen en cognitieve profielen van kinderen met gehoorbeperkingen en kinderen met taalontwikkelingsstoornissen: een overzichtsstudie. Rapport in opdracht van Siméa.
Hammer, A., & van den Bogaerde, B. (2017). Sign language interpreting education: Reflections on interpersonal skills. In L. Cirillo, & N. Niemants (Eds.), Teaching dialogue interpreting: Research-based proposals for higher education (pp. 64-81). (Benjamins Translation Library; Vol. 138). John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/btl.138.03ham[details]
Kalata-Zawłocka, A., & van den Bogaerde, B. (Eds.) (2016). ''To say or not to say – challenges of interpreting from sign language to spoken language'': Proceedings of the 23rd efsli Conference in Warsaw, Poland, 11th-13th September 2015. European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters . [details]
Timmerman, D., Wauters, L., van den Bogaerde, B., & Knoors, H. (2015). Nederlandse Gebarentaal als tweede taal op school. Van Horen Zeggen, 56(3), 10-19. http://www.simea.nl/vhz/[details]
Baker, A., & van den Bogaerde, B. (2008). Interactie en discourse. In A. Baker, B. van den Bogaerde, R. Pfau, & T. Schermer (Eds.), Gebarentaalwetenschap: een inleiding (pp. 83-98). Van Tricht. [details]
Baker, A., van den Bogaerde, B., & Jansma, S. (2008). Gebarentaalverwerving. In A. Baker, B. van den Bogaerde, R. Pfau, & T. Schermer (Eds.), Gebarentaalwetenschap: een inleiding (pp. 63-82). Van Tricht. [details]
Baker, A., van den Bogaerde, B., Pfau, R., & Schermer, T. (2008). Gebarentaalwetenschap: een inleiding. Van Tricht. [details]
van den Bogaerde, B., & Gajadien, C. (2006). Taki Nanga ju Hanu - Praten met je handen. Woord en Gebaar, 22-23.
Aboh, E. O., Boers-Visker, E. M., van den Bogaerde, E. M., Kimmelman, V., Klomp, U., de Lint, V., Oomen, M., & Pfau, R. (2017). Research group Sign Language Grammar & Typology. Poster session presented at Second Amsterdam SMART Cognitive Science Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Baker, A. E., & van den Bogaerde, E. M. (2016). Development of turn-taking: Comparing triadic and dyadic conversations.. Abstract from Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research 12 (TISLR 12), Melbourne, .
Baker, A. (speaker) & van den Bogaerde, E. M. (speaker) (5-1-2016). Signed interaction development of turn-taking in deaf parent-child triad., Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research 12 (TISLR 12), Melbourne.
Klomp, U. (2021). A descriptive grammar of Sign Language of the Netherlands. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. LOT. [details]
Visker, E. M. (2020). Learning to use space: A study into the SL2 acquisition process of adult learners of sign language of the Netherlands. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. LOT. [details]
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