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Dr. C.M.J. (Cindy) van Boven

Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica

  • Spuistraat 134
  • Kamernummer: 6.48
  • Postbus 94242
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Current research project

    postdoctoral researcher, project I can't hear you---could you repeat the question in sign language please? (PI: prof. dr. Floris Roelofsen)

    PhD project

    The title of my PhD-project is "Morphological reduplication in Sign Language of the Netherlands: A typological and theoretical perspective". This study provides the first comprehensive description of morphological reduplication in Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT), by addressing in detail how reduplication affects nouns (plural marking) and verbs (aspectual and reciprocal marking) in NGT, also taking into account possible phonological and morphosyntactic restrictions on reduplication. To investigate this, analysis of corpus data is combined with data elicitation. Beyond description, the dissertation offers a typological and theoretical perspective on the phenomenon. First, results are compared to earlier findings from both sign and spoken languages. Second, the patterns are analyzed within Optimality Theory (OT), a framework that has frequently been used to formalize findings from spoken languages, while as of yet only a few OT-analyses of sign languages are available.

    I started this PhD-project in September 2019 and defended the dissertation in June 2024. The project was supervised by dr. Roland Pfau and dr. Silke Hamann.

    Research interests

    Linguistic structure of sign languages, cross-modal typology, modality-effects on grammar


    2014-2017: BA Dutch Language & Culture, specialization Linguistics, University of Amsterdam (cum laude).

    2017-2019: Research MA Linguistics, specialization Sign Linguistics, University of Amsterdam (cum laude).
    Thesis: The marking of imperatives in Sign Language of the Netherlands (grade: 9.0).

  • Publicaties


    • van Boven, C. (2024). Aspectual reduplication in Sign Language of the Netherlands: reconsidering phonological constraints and aspectual distinctions. Linguistics. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1515/ling-2022-0076







    • van Boven, C. M. J. (2023). Iconicity in reciprocals: Evidence from Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT). Poster session presented at From icon to abstraction: how iconicity shapes the lexicon in the visual modality, Birmingham, United Kingdom.


    • van Boven, C. M. J., & Spruijt, D. (2022). Imperatives in Sign Language of the Netherlands: evidence from corpus and elicited data. Poster session presented at Workshop on Cognitive and Functional Approaches to Sign Language Linguistics, Ragusa, Italy.
    • van Boven, C. M. J., Oomen, M., & Pfau, R. (2022). Negative Concord in Sign Language of the Netherlands: Journey through a Corpus. Poster session presented at Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research, Osaka, Japan.


    • van Boven, C. M. J. (2021). Nominal pluralization in Sign Language of the Netherlands: Phonological constraints on simple and sideward reduplication. Poster session presented at Tabu Dag, Groningen, Netherlands.
    • van Boven, C. M. J., & Oomen, M. (2021). Habituals in Sign Language of the Netherlands: a corpus-based study. Poster session presented at Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory, Hong Kong.



    • van Boven, C. (speaker) (28-6-2023). An experimental approach to sign language reduplication: From function to form, Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory, Bergen.
    • van Boven, C. (speaker) (9-6-2022). Restrictions on Aspectual Reduplication in Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT), TABU-dag, Groningen. https://www.tabudag.nl/bookofabstracts.php
    • van Boven, C. (speaker), Hamann, S. (speaker) & Pfau, R. (speaker) (1-6-2021). Nominal plurals in Sign Language of the Netherlands: accounting for patterns and variation in stochastic optimality theory, Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory, Hong Kong.
    • van Boven, C. (speaker) & Klomp, U. (speaker) (23-4-2021). Plural reduplication and spatial distribution in Sign Language of the Netherlands: Evidence from corpus and elicited data, Morphology Days in the Low Countries, Utrecht. https://milc2021.sites.uu.nl/wp-content/uploads/sites/690/2021/03/Boven-Klomp.pdf
    • van Boven, C. (speaker) (26-1-2021). A constraint-based analysis of plural reduplication in Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT), The 29th Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe, Leiden. https://osf.io/qdtxy/



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