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Dr. A. (Annabel) Bogaerts

Universitair docent
Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Programmagroep: Developmental Psychology
Expertisegebied: Adolescence, Development, Identity, Emptiness, Personality, Psychopathology

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 129
  • Kamernummer: 1.05
  • Postbus 15916
    1001 NK Amsterdam
  • Profile

    I work as Assistant Professor at the department of Clinical Developmental Psychology at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. My research focuses on (narrative) identity development, feelings of emptiness and how they relate to psychopathology and self-destructive behaviors in community and clinical populations. In addition, I am a licensed clinical psychologist at PraxisP, Belgium.

    Expertise and research fields

    • Adolescence
    • Development
    • Identity
    • Emptiness
    • Personality
    • Psychopathology

    Relevant links

  • Research

    Research methods

    • Longitudinal Data Analysis
  • Teaching & PhD supervision


    • Bachelor’s thesis Clinical Developmental Psychology
    • Masterthese Klinische Ontwikkelingspsychologie
    • Praktijkstage Klinische Ontwikkelingspsychologie
    • Psychologische Interventies voor Kinderen en Jongeren 2: Interventiepracticum
    • Youth Interventions: Theory, Research, Practice

    PhD projects 

    • PhD supervision of Luka Todorovic
  • Publicaties


    • Eggermont, K., Smits, D., Bogaerts, A., Pauwels, E., Dierckx, E., Luyckx, K., & Claes, L. (2024). A brief screener for impairment in personality functioning: Psychometric validation of the Five-Item Screening Scale for Personality Disorders in a Dutch-speaking clinical sample. Personality Disorders . Advance online publication.


    • Bogaerts, A., Claes, L., Raymaekers, K., Buelens, T., Bastiaens, T., & Luyckx, K. (2023). Trajectories of adaptive and disturbed identity dimensions in adolescence: Developmental associations with self-esteem, resilience, symptoms of depression, and borderline personality disorder features. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, Article 1125812. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1125812 [details]
    • Bogaerts, A., Luyckx, K., Bastiaens, T., Sleuwaegen, E., Berens, A., & Claes, L. (2023). The Self-Concept and Identity Measure in patients with personality disorders: A psychometric evaluation and associations with identity processes, core domains of self-functioning, and personality disorder symptoms. Assessment, 30(7).
    • Buelens, T., Luyckx, K., Bogaerts, A., Raymaekers, K., & Claes, L. (2023). Longitudinal development of non-suicidal self-injury disorder in adolescence: Prospective prediction of stability and change by identity development, depression, trauma, and resilience. Journal of Affective Disorders, 342, 210-217. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2023.08.134 [details]
    • Eggermont, K., Raymaekers, K., Claes, L., Buelens, T., Bogaerts, A., & Luyckx, K. (2023). Impairment in personality functioning throughout adolescence and co-development with personality traits, emotion regulation strategies, and psychopathology. Journal of Research in Personality, 104, Article 104380. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrp.2023.104380 [details]


    • Bastiaens, T., Bogaerts, A., Luyckx, K., Smits, D., & Claes, L. (2022). A person-centered perspective on the combined DSM-5 AMPD/ICD-11 personality model: Utility, relationship with the categorical personality disorder model, and capacity to differentiate between levels of identity functioning. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13.
    • Eggermont, K., Luyckx, K., Smits, D., Bogaerts, A., Buelens, T., Bastiaens, T., & Claes, L. (2022). The Validation of a Five-Item Screening Scale for Personality Disorders in Dutch-Speaking Community Adolescents and Adults. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 44(2), 418-431. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10862-022-09951-1 [details]


    • Bastiaens, T., Wilderjans, T. F., Bogaerts, A., Lowyck, B., Luyckx, K., De Hert, M., Vanwalleghem, D., & Claes, L. (2021). Model-based PID-5 domain clusters and levels of impairment in self and interpersonal functioning. Personality and Individual Differences, 171.
    • Bogaerts, A., Claes, L., Bastiaens, T., & Luyckx, K. (2021). Personality disorder symptomatology in Belgian emerging adults: Associations with identity processes and statuses. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 18(1), 75-95.
    • Bogaerts, A., Claes, L., Buelens, T., Gandhi, A., Kiekens, G., Bastiaens, T., & Luyckx, K. (2021). The Self-Concept and Identity Measure in adolescents: Factor structure, measurement invariance, and associations with identity, personality traits, and borderline personality features. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 37(5), 377-387. https://doi.org/10.1027/1015-5759/a000623 [details]
    • Bogaerts, A., Claes, L., Buelens, T., Verschueren, M., Palmeroni, N., Bastiaens, T., & Luyckx, K. (2021). Identity synthesis and confusion in early to late adolescents: Age trends, gender differences, and associations with depressive symptoms. Journal of Adolescence, 87, 106-116. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adolescence.2021.01.006
    • Bogaerts, A., Luyckx, K., Bastiaens, T., Kaufman, E. A., & Claes, L. (2021). Identity impairment as a central dimension in personality pathology. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 43, 33-42.
    • Vanderveren, E., Bogaerts, A., Claes, L., Luyckx, K., & Hermans, D. (2021). Narrative coherence of turning point memories: Associations with psychological well-being, identity functioning, and personality disorder symptoms. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, [623903].


    • Palmeroni, N., Claes, L., Verschueren, M., Bogaerts, A., Buelens, T., & Luyckx, K. (2020). Identity distress throughout adolescence and emerging adulthood: Age trends and associations with exploration and commitment processes. Emerging Adulthood, 8(5), 333-343. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/2167696818821803
    • Verschueren, M., Claes, L., Palmeroni, N., Bogaerts, A., Gandhi, A., Moons, P., & Luyckx, K. (2020). Eating disorder symptomatology in adolescent boys and girls: Identifying distinct developmental trajectory classes. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49, 410-426.


    • Bogaerts, A., Claes, L., Schwartz, S. J., Becht, A. I., Verschueren, M., Gandhi, A., & Luyckx, K. (2019). Identity structure and processes in adolescence: Examining the directionality of between- and within-person associations. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48, 891-907. [48].


    • Bogaerts, A., Claes, L., Verschueren, M., Bastiaens, T., Kaufman, E. A., Smits, D., & Luyckx, K. (2018). The Dutch Self-Concept and Identity Measure (SCIM): Factor structure and associations with identity dimensions and psychopathology. Personality and Individual Differences, 123, 56. [123].
    • Verschueren, M., Claes, L., Bogaerts, A., Palmeroni, N., Gandhi, A., Moons, P., & Luyckx, K. (2018). Eating disorder symptomatology and identity formation in adolescence: A cross-lagged longitudinal approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, [816].
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  • Nevenwerkzaamheden
    • PraxisP
      Ik werk 20% als klinisch psychologe in België.