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Dr. B. (Benno) van den Berg

Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica

  • Science Park 105
  • Kamernummer: F2.43
  • Postbus 94242
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Publicaties










    Prijs / subsidie

    • van den Berg, B. (2022). The Power of Equality.

    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie

    • van den Berg, B. (2023). PC member, Second International Conference on Homotopy Type Theory 2023, Pittsburgh.
    • van den Berg, B. (2022-2025). Steering Committee TYPES.
    • van den Berg, B. (2022-2024). NWO-Veni.
    • van den Berg, B. (2021). Veni panel for mathematics., NWO.
    • van den Berg, B. (2021-2025). Heyting Stichting.
    • van den Berg, B. (2016). PC membership, TACL 2017, Prague.


    • van den Berg, B. (editor) (2021-2022). Applied Categorical Structures (Journal).
    • van den Berg, B. (editor) (2021-2025). Applied Categorical Structures (Journal).
    • van den Berg, B. (editor) (2017-2022). The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic (Journal).
    • van den Berg, B. (editor) (2017-2023). The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic (Journal).


    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (22-6-2023). Effective Kan fibrations, Masaryk University Brno.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (30-5-2023). Algebraic structures for modified realizability, Workshop on Doctrines and Fibrations, Padova.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (15-4-2023). Logica is cool!, Nationale wiskundedagen, Noordwijkerhout.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (13-11-2022). Converse extensionality and apartness, 4th Workshop on Proof Theory and its Applications and the 4th International Autumn School on Proof Theory, Utrecht.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (5-11-2022). Een is waar - Logica met de bovenbouw, University of Utrecht, SLO, nationaal expertisecentrum leerplanontwikkeling, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Wiskundeleraren.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (20-9-2022). Implicative algebras for modified realizability, CCC 2022: Continuity, Computability, Constructivity, Padova.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (31-8-2022). Converse extensionality and apartness, International Conference on Applied Proof Theory, Pescara.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (8-7-2021). Church's Thesis in Homotopy Type Theory, HaPoC special session at CiE 2021, Ghent.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (9-2-2021). Effective Kan fibrations in simplicial sets, Bohemian Logical & Philosophical Cafe.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (19-11-2020). A topos for continuous logic, Memorial Conference for Erik Palmgren, 1963-2019.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (12-11-2020). Converse extensionality and apartness, Oberwolfach Workshop on Mathematical Logic.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (9-10-2020). Quadratic type checking for objective type theory, Gothenburg Logic Seminar.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (20-12-2019). Homotopy Type Theory with Explicit Conversions, Foundations and applications of univalent mathematics, Herrsching.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (20-11-2019). Uniform Kan fibrations in simplicial sets, Homotopy Type Theory Electronic Seminar.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (6-11-2019). Uniform Kan fibrations in simplicial sets, University of Stockholm.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (30-10-2019). Propositielogica, Lang leve de logica!, Amsterdam.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (17-10-2019). Toposes for modified realizability, University of Cambridge, UK.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (15-8-2019). Uniform Kan fibrations in simplicial sets, Homotopy Type Theory 2019, Pittsburgh.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (8-7-2019). Uniform Kan fibrations in simplicial sets, Category Theory 2019, Edinburgh.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (2-7-2019). Toposes for modified realizability, Facets of realizability, cachan.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (28-8-2018). Univalent polymorphism, Utrecht topology feest, Utrecht.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (6-7-2018). Two observations on intuitionistic logic and arithmetic, HIM: Workshop: Proofs and Computation, Bonn.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (5-6-2018). Univalent polymorphism, HIM: Workshop: Types, Homotopy Type theory, and Verification, Bonn.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (30-5-2018). Path categories, 4th Workshop on Categorical Algebra, Gargnano.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (19-4-2018). Homotopy type theory with explicit conversions, Workshop on mixed inductive-coinductive reasoning.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (12-4-2018). Homotopy type theory with explicit conversions, International Workshop on Computational Approaches to the Foundations of Mathematics, Munich.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (13-1-2018). Constructieve taal, KWG Wintersymposium.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (9-3-2017). Arithmetical conservation results and Goodman's Theorem, Operations, Sets and Types, Bern.
    • van den Berg, B. (speaker) (4-8-2016). Homotopy type theory via path categories, Logic Colloquium Leeds 2016.


    • van den Berg, B. (examiner) (25-10-2023). PhD defense Ned Wontner (examination).
    • van den Berg, B. (examiner) (13-9-2023). PhD defense (viva) of Sam Speight (examination).
    • van den Berg, B. (examiner) (15-5-2023). PhD defense Robert Passmann (examination).
    • van den Berg, B. (organiser) (11-5-2023 - 12-5-2023). The Strength of Weak Type Theory, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van den Berg, B. (examiner) (9-12-2022). PhD defense Jonathan Weinberger (examination).
    • van den Berg, B. (examiner) (1-9-2022). PhD defense Marlou Gijzen (examination).
    • van den Berg, B. (examiner) (11-7-2022). MSc defense Virgile Constantin (examination).
    • van den Berg, B. (organiser) (2-6-2022). Heyting Day 2022, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van den Berg, B. (examiner) (30-5-2022). PhD defense Jetze Zoethout (examination).
    • van den Berg, B. (examiner) (15-5-2022). PhD defense Cipriano Cioffo (examination).
    • van den Berg, B. (organiser) (2-5-2022). Informal workshop on Algebraic Weak Factorisation Systems, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van den Berg, B. (participant) (27-10-2021). Dutch Categories and Types Seminar, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van den Berg, B. (examiner) (1-9-2021). PhD defense (examination).
    • van den Berg, B. (examiner) (8-12-2020). PhD defense (examination).
    • van den Berg, B. (participant) (6-3-2020). Anne Troelstra Memorial Event 2020, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van den Berg, B. (other) (1-1-2020 - 1-1-2023). EC Master of Logic (other).
    • van den Berg, B. (other) (1-1-2020 - 1-8-2020). OC Wiskunde (other).
    • van den Berg, B. (participant) (28-3-2019). Leve de Logica!, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van den Berg, B. (other) (1-9-2013 - 31-12-2019). OC Wiskunde (other).


    • Uemura, T. (2021). Abstract and concrete type theories. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. Institute for Logic, Language and Computation. [details]
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