Associate Professor (emeritus) Linguistics, English Department.
Senior Researcher ACLC (Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication)
I am guest editor of a special issue of the open access journal Languages, together with Jet Van Dam. Title of the issue: Institutional Discourse and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Opportunities.
My research interests include (institutional) discourse studies, teacher education, second/foreign language learning, anthropology of education and intercultural communication.
Educational Ethnography: Everyday Practices This project aims to develop a (critical) discourse-based framework for the description and analysis of multiparty task-oriented interactions in secondary and higher education classrooms. We zoom in on dimensions of teacher and students’ behaviors that often pass under the radar of traditional research paradigms and observation categories (see also our website under construction: Competences in context).
Educational Ethnography: Teacher Education
In this project student teachers collect video data of authentic teaching/learning situations and reflect on constraints and affordances of the institutional discourses they are part of. Rather than focusing on discrete dimensions of the classroom interface we invite them to adopt a more integrated, holistic view and become researchers of their own teaching practice.
Discourses in medical settings (PhD project). This study evaluates the effect of a screening tool for psychological stress in head and neck cancer patients by analyzing discussions between patient and physician during outpatient consultations (video data; institutional data; interview data).Principal researcher: Manon van der Laaken. Completed.
Digital discourses and interdiscursivity in educational settings. This project critically examines claims about the role of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) on L2 clasrooms. Principal researchers: Anne Bannink and Rose van der Zwaard
Technology in Teacher Education. In this project we explore the constraints and affordances of digital video for reflection in preservice and inservice teacher education settings (secondary and higher education). Principal researchers: Anne Bannink and Rose van der Zwaard
Selected publications
Wood, M. & Bannink, A. (under review). Politeness strategies in chatbot customer service interactions: an exploration. Pragmatics & Society.
Bannink, A. & Kramp M. (2023). Over de rol van de tolk bij asielgehoren.
Bannink, A. & Van Dam J. (2021). Teaching via Zoom: Emergent Discourse Practices and Complex Footings in the Online/Offline Classroom Interface. Languages, 6:148. 10.3390/languages6030148
Van der Laaken, M. & Bannink, A. (2021). De discursieve constructie van emotionele problemen in het follow-up consult van hoofd-hals-kankerpatiënten. Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing, 43(2), p. 177-206.
Van der Laaken, M. & Bannink, A. (2020). Topicalizing psychosocial distress in cancer follow-up consultations. Cogent Arts & Humanities, 7(1). doi/full/10.1080/23311983.2020.1812866.
Bannink, A. & Van der Zwaard, R. (2020). Action research on remote teaching as an instrument for reflection on online and face-to-face teaching. In: Ferdig, R.E., Baumgartner, E., Hartshorne, R., Kaplan-Rakowski, R. & Mouza, C. (Eds.). Teaching, technology, and teacher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: Stories from the field. (489-493). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Van der Zwaard, R & Bannink, A. (2020). Coaching novice inservice university lecturers: From face-to-face supervision to online video tagging. In: Ferdig, R.E., Baumgartner, E., Hartshorne, R., Kaplan-Rakowski, R. & Mouza, C. (Eds.). Teaching, technology, and teacher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: Stories from the field. (521-527). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Van der Laaken, M. & Bannink, A. (2020). Openings in follow-up cancer consultations: the 'How are you?' question revisited. Discourse Studies, 22(2), 205-220.
Van der Zwaard, R. & Bannink, A. (2020). Negotiation of Meaning in Digital Task-based Language Teaching: Task Design versus Task Performance. TESOL Quarterly, 54(1), 56-89.
Van der Zwaard, R. & Bannink, A. (2019). Towards a new model of negotiated interaction in computer-mediated communication. Language Learning & Technology, 23(3), 116-135.
Bannink, A. & Albaladejo, J. (2018). The accountability interview revisited: de-constructing anti-abortion discourse in Spain. Cogent Arts & Humanities, 5(1).
Van der Zwaard, R. & Bannink, A. (2018). Reversal of participant roles in NS-NNS synchronous telecollaboration. CALICO, 35(2), 162-181. Winner CALICO Award 2018.
Van Dam, J. & Bannink, A. (2017). The first English (EFL) lesson: initial settings or the emergence of a playful classroom culture. In: N. Bell (Ed.), Multiple Perspectives on Language Play, (245-280). Boston: Mouton de Gruyter.
Bannink, A. & Honselaar, W. (Eds.). (2016). From Variation to Iconicity. Amsterdam: Pegasus.
Van Dam, J. & Bannink, A. (2016). Bending the rules: language play, creativity and iconicity in a learners' diary. In : Bannink, A. & Honselaar, W. (Eds.), From Variation to Iconicity, 85-105. Amsterdam: Pegasus
Albaladejo, J., & Bannink, A. (2016). Negociando ideologías heterogéneas en el discurso político: Discurso Antiabortista Contemporáneo en España. Discurso & Sociedad, 10(3), 348-376.
Van der Zwaard, R. & Bannink, A. (2016). Nonoccurrence of Negotiation of Meaning in Task‐Based Synchronous Computer‐Mediated Communication. The Modern Language Journal, 100(3), 625-640.
Bannink, A. & Wentink, D. (2015). "I need to confess something"- coming out on national television. Discourse & Communication, 9(5), 1-24.
Van der Zwaard, R. & Bannink, A. (2014) Video call or chat? Negotiation of meaning and issues of face in telecollaboration, System, 44,1-12.
Bannink, A. & Van Dam, J. (2013), The first lecture: playing upon identities and modeling academic roles, Linguistics & Education, 24(4) , 556-571.
Bannink, A. & Van Dam, J. (2013), Voices, grins and laughter in the lecture room, Linguistics & Education, 24(4) , 572-584.
Bannink, A. (2010), West meets East - on the necessity of local pedagogies, Journal of Intercultural Communication, 24, 1-11.
Bannink, A.(2009), How to capture growth? - Video narratives as an instrument for assessment in teacher education, Teaching & Teacher Education, 25(2) 244-250.
Bannink, A. & Van Dam, J. (2007), Premature closure and guided reinvention: A case study in a web-based environment, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, vol. 13(6), 565-586.
Bannink, A. & Van Dam, J. (2007), Bootstrapping reflection on classroom conversations, Evaluation and Research in Education, 20(2), 81-100.
Bannink, A. & Van Dam, J. (2006), A dynamic discourse approach to classroom research, Linguistics & Education, 17(3), 283-301.
Bannink, A. (2002). Negotiating the paradoxes of spontaneous talk in advanced L2 classes. In C. Kramsch (Ed.), Language learning and language socialization: ecological perspectives (266-289) . New York: Continuum.
Bannink, A. (2001). Learning in Contexts. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Amsterdam.
Selected lectures
Using an interactive web-based environment to promote reflection and peer review in L2 teacher education, CALICO (2021)
Analogy and iconicity in a learners' school diary, 11th International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature, Brighton (2017).
NNS/NS telecollaboration in dyadic task-based SCMC: task-appropriate versus face-appropriate behaviour, New directions in telecollaboration, Dublin (2016).
On the nature of teacher expertise, TAR Colloquium, Amsterdam (2015)
Inside the IRF: structural features of multiparty classroom floors, 5th New Zealand Discourse Conference, Auckland (2015).
Unraveling discourse complexities: zooming in on affordances of educational situations, Oud Amsterdams Peil, Amsterdam (2013).
The neglected situation: Ethnography as a tool in teacher education, Ethnography of Communication: Ways forward, Omaha (2012).
Toon, taal & teken: Geesteswetenschappen in de lerarenopleiding, Opening Academisch Jaar (2010).
Together with Jet Van Dam I have developed a discourse-based framework for the analysis of task-oriented interactions at school and at the university. Competencies in Context, an electronic learning environment for university teachers, applies these theoretical notions to authentic video data: actual lectures taught by experienced teachers at the University of Amsterdam. The website is used as a teaching tool in the BKO (Basic Teacher Qualification) course of the Faculty of Humanities and is very much a work in progress.
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