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Dr. J. (Jef) Ausloos

Universitair Docent
Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Postbus 15514
    1001 NA Amsterdam
  • Publicaties


    • Dewitte, P., & Ausloos, J. (2024). Chronicling GDPR Transparency Rights in Practice: The Good, the Bad and the Challenges Ahead . International Data Privacy Law.
    • Hase, V., Ausloos, J., Boeschoten, L., Pfiffner, N., Janssen, H., Araujo, T., Carrière, T., de Vreese, C., Haßler, J., Loecherbach, F., Kmetty, Z., Möller, J., Ohme, J., Schmidbauer, E., Struminskaya, B., Trilling, D., Welbers, K., & Haim, M. (2024). Fulfilling data access obligations: How could (and should) platforms facilitate data donation studies? Internet Policy Review, 13(3). https://doi.org/10.14763/2024.3.1793


    • Ausloos, J., & Gstrein, O. (2023). Right to be Forgotten. In Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law: Oxford Public International Law
    • Seipp, T. J., Helberger, N., de Vreese, C., & Ausloos, J. (2023). Dealing with opinion power in the platform world: Why we really have to rethink media concentration law. Digital Journalism, 11(8), 1542-1567. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/21670811.2022.2161924 [details]


    • Araujo, T., Ausloos, J., van Atteveldt, W., Loecherbach, F., Moeller, J., Ohme, J., Trilling, D., van de Velde, B., de Vreese, C., & Welbers, K. (2022). OSD2F: An Open-Source Data Donation Framework. Computational Communication Research, 4(2), 372-387. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/xjk6t, https://doi.org/10.5117/CCR2022.2.001.ARAU [details]
    • Boeschoten, L., Ausloos, J., Möller, J. E., Araujo, T., & Oberski, D. L. (2022). A framework for privacy preserving digital trace data collection through data donation. Computational Communication Research, 4(2), 388-423. https://doi.org/10.5117/CCr2022.2.002.BoEs [details]
    • Giannopoulou, A., Ausloos, J., Delacroix, S., & Janssen, H. (2022). Intermediating data rights exercises: the role of legal mandates. International Data Privacy Law, 12(4), 316-331. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1093/idpl/ipac017 [details]
    • Naudts, L., Dewitte, P., & Ausloos, J. (2022). Meaningful Transparency through Data Rights: A Multidimensional Analysis. In E. Kosta, R. Leenes, & I. Kamara (Eds.), Research Handbook on EU Data Protection Law (pp. 530-571). (Research Handbooks in European Law). Edward Elgar Publishing. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800371682.00030 [details]
    • Veale, M., Binns, R., & Ausloos, J. (2022). 设计数据保护与数据主体权利之间的冲突. In 设计隐私权研究——新信息性隐私权(三) (pp. 651-684). Sun Yat-Sen University Press.




    • Ausloos, J. (2019). Het recht op gegevenswissing ('recht op vergetelheid'): Het kluwen van artikel 17 AVG ontrafeld. Tijdschrift Privacy & Persoonsgegevens, 2019(4), 6.
    • Ausloos, J., Veale, M., & Mahieu, R. (2019). Getting Data Subject Rights Right: A submission to the European Data Protection Board from international data rights academics, to inform regulatory guidance. Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law, 10(3), 283-309. https://www.jipitec.eu/issues/jipitec-10-3-2019/5031 [details]
    • Leerssen, P., Ausloos, J., Zarouali, B., Helberger, N., & de Vreese, C. H. (2019). Platform ad archives: promises and pitfalls. Internet Policy Review, 8(4). https://doi.org/10.14763/2019.4.1421 [details]


    • Ausloos, J., & Dewitte, P. (2018). Shattering one-way mirrors – data subject access rights in practice. International Data Privacy Law, 8(1), 4-28. https://doi.org/10.1093/idpl/ipy001
    • Clifford, D., & Ausloos, J. (2018). Data protection and the role of fairness. Yearbook of European Law, 37, 130-187. https://doi.org/10.1093/yel/yey004
    • Veale, M., Binns, R., & Ausloos, J. (2018). When data protection by design and data subject rights clash. International Data Privacy Law, 8(2), 105-123. https://doi.org/10.1093/idpl/ipy002


    • Ausloos, J. (2017). Book Review: Ctrl+Z: The Right to be Forgotten. By Meg Leta Jones. European Data Protection Law Review, 3(1), 138-142.
    • Ausloos, J. (2017). Vergetelheids-zaken voor de Hoven van Cassatie te België en Frankrijk - Contradictoir of Complementair? Computerrecht, 2017(1), 32-35.


    • Ausloos, J. (2015). Forget, erase and delist, but don’t forget the broader issue. Internet Policy Review, (22).


    • Ausloos, J. (2014). Zoekmachines in Europa – gevangen tussen twee vuren? Computerrecht, 2014(6), 304-314.


    • Ausloos, J. (2012). The Right to be Forgotten - Worth Remembering? Computer Law and Security Review, 28(2), 143-152.






    • Ausloos, J. (2019). The Automation Fallacy in Determining the GDPR’s Personal Scope of Application. In Rethinking IT and IP Law: Celebrating 30 Years CiTiP (pp. 51-56 ). (KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law Series; Vol. 9). Intersentia. [details]


    • Ausloos, J., Heyman, R., Bertels, N., Pierson, J., & Valcke, P. (2018). Designing-by-Debate: A Blueprint for Responsible Data-Driven Research & Innovation: International Conference on Responsible Research and Innovation in Science, Innovation and Society (RRI-SIS2017). In F. Ferri, N. Dwyer, S. Raicevich, P. Grifoni, H. Altiok, H. T. Andersen, Y. Laouiris, & C. Silvestri (Eds.), International Conference on Responsible Research and Innovation in Science, Innovation and Society (RRI-SIS2017) (Vol. 1, pp. 47-64). (SpringerBriefs in Research and Innovation Governance). Springer.



    • Ausloos, J. (2016, Nov 18). Artikel 17: Het recht op gegevenswissing (“recht op vergetelheid”): CiTiP Studiedag.
    • Ausloos, J. (Author). (2016). The Interaction between the Rights to Object and to Erasure in the GDPR. Web publication or website https://www.law.kuleuven.be/citip/blog/gdpr-update-the-interaction-between-the-right-to-object-and-the-right-to-erasure/
    • Ausloos, J. (Author). (2016). The Personal Data Equaliser. Web publication or website, CiTiP Blog.
    • Kuczerawy, A., & Ausloos, J. (2016). From Notice-and-Takedown to Notice-and-Delist: Implementing Google Spain. Colorado Technology Law Journal, 14(2), 219-258.
    • Stalla-Bourdillon, S., Rosati, E., Kettemann, M. C., Wagner, B., Turk, K., Kuczerawy, A., Sartor, G., Polanski, P. P., Borghi, M., Tréguer, F., Dulong de Rosnay, M., Guadamuz, A., Peguera, M., Bellan, A., Lillà Montagnani, M., Tourette, A., Farrand, B., O'Dell, E., Angelopoulos, C., ... Schwemer, S. F. (2016). Open Letter to the European Commission - On the Importance of Preserving the Consistency and Integrity of the EU Acquis Relating to Content Monitoring within the Information Society. Web publication or website, SSRN. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2850483


    • Ausloos, J. (Author). (2015). CJEU is asked to rule on the ‘Right to be Forgotten’ again. Web publication or website, CiTiP Blog.
    • Kuczerawy, A., & Ausloos, J. (2015). NoC Online Intermediaries Case Studies Series: European Union and Google Spain. Interdisciplinary Center for Law & ICT, KU Leuven. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2567183
    • Valcke, P., Ausloos, J., & Van Alsenoy, B. (2015). Control-Alt-Delete: Google en het recht op vergetelheid: VRG-Alumnidag. In Recht in Beweging (pp. 137-156). Maklu.
    • Van Alsenoy, B., Verdoodt, V., Heyman, R., Wauters, E., Ausloos, J., & Acar, G. (2015). From social media service to advertising network: a critical analysis of Facebook’s Revised Policies and Terms.


    • Ausloos, J. (Author), & Van Alsenoy, B. (Author). (2014). Implementing the “right to be forgotten”: the Article 29 Working Party speaks up. Web publication or website, LSE Media Policy Project Blog.
    • Ausloos, J. (Author). (2014). European Court Rules against Google, in Favour of Right to be Forgotten. Web publication or website, LSE Media Policy Project Blog.
    • Ausloos, J., & Van Alsenoy, B. (2014). Noot onder HJEU (Grote Kamer) 13 mei 2014. Auteurs & Media, (5), 398-411.
    • Korenhof, P., Ausloos, J., Szekely, I., Ambrose, M., Sartor, G., & Leenes, R. (2014). Timing the Right to Be Forgotten: A Study into “Time” as a Factor in Deciding About Retention or Erasure of Data: CPDP. In S. Gutwirth, R. Leenes, & P. De Hert (Eds.), Reforming European Data Protection Law (pp. 171-201). (Law, Governance and Technology). Springer.
    • Kuczerawy, A. (Author), & Ausloos, J. (Author). (2014). European Court Rules against Google: “Right to be Forgotten”. Web publication or website https://www.law.kuleuven.be/citip/blog/european-court-rules-against-google-in-favour-of-right-to-be-forgotten/
    • Valcke, P., & Ausloos, J. (2014). Audiovisual Media Services 3.0: (Re)defining the Scope of European Broadcasting Law in a Converging and Connected Media Environment: PALGRAVE HANDBOOK OF EUROPEAN MEDIA POLICY. In K. Donders, C. Pauwels, & J. Loisen (Eds.), PALGRAVE HANDBOOK OF EUROPEAN MEDIA POLICY. (pp. 312-328). Palgrave. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000343215700018&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=ef845e08c439e550330acc77c7d2d848
    • Valcke, P., & Ausloos, J. (2014). Television on the Internet : Challenges for Audiovisual Media Policy in a Converging Media Environment: Policy and Marketing Strategies for Digital Media. In Y-L. Liu, & R. G. Picard (Eds.), Policy and Marketing Strategies for Digital Media (pp. 24-42). (Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture). Routledge.
    • Van Alsenoy, B. (Author), & Ausloos, J. (Author). (2014). Google’s Advisory Council Hearings: Things to Remember and Things to Forget. Web publication or website, LSE Media Policy Project Blog.
    • Van Der Sype, Y. S., & Ausloos, J. (2014, Sep). Making the Circle round: From Anakin to Luke on the virtues and vices of transparency in a near-future society.


    • Ambrose, M., & Ausloos, J. (2013). The Right to be Forgotten Across the Pond. Journal of Information Policy, 3, 1-23.


    • Graux, H., Ausloos, J., & Valcke, P. (2012). El derecho al olvido en la era de Internet: El debate sobre la privacidad y seguridad en la Red: Regulación y mercados. In J. Pérez, & E. Badía (Eds.), El debate sobre la privacidad y seguridad en la Red: Regulación y mercados (pp. 107-123). Fundación Telefónica & Editorial Ariel.
    • Graux, H., Ausloos, J., & Valcke, P. (2012). The Right to be Forgotten in the Internet Era: Amsterdam Privacy Conference. In J. Pérez, E. Badía, & R. M. Sáinz Peña (Eds.), The Debate on Privacy and Security over the Network: Regulation and Markets (pp. 93-106). Ariel.


    • Ausloos, J. (2024). Hof van Justitie legt de online reclame sector het vuur aan de schenen. 13. Case note on: Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie, 7/03/24, C-604/22, ECLI: EU:C:2024:214. Privacy & Informatie, (2), 81-82.



    • Senftleben, M. R. F., Gompel, S. J. V., Helmond, A., Schumacher, L. D., Ausloos, J., Hoboken, J. V. J. V., & Quintais, J. P. (2021). Webharvesting. (WODC rapport; No. 3142). Universiteit van Amsterdam - Instituut voor Informatierecht (IVIR). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12832/3119 [details]




    • Araujo, T., Ausloos, J., van Atteveldt, W., Loecherbach, F., Moeller, J., Ohme, J., Trilling, D., van de Velde, B., de Vreese, C., & Welbers, K. (2022). OSD2F: An Open-Source Data Donation Framework. Paper presented at the 72nd annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 26-30 May 2022, Paris, France. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/xjk6t


    • Monteiro Krebs, L., Alvarado Rodriguez, OL., Dewitte, P., Ausloos, J., Geerts, D., Naudts, L., & Verbert, K. (2019). Tell Me What You Know: GDPR Implications on Designing Transparency and Accountability for News Recommender Systems. 1-6. Abstract from CHI 2019, Glasgow.


    • Ausloos, J. (2016). Nieuwe rechten: recht van schrapping (‘droit à l’oubli’): De verordening gegevensbescherming verder ontleed/Plus en détail le Règlement général protection des données.


    • Ausloos, J., & Kuczerawy, A. (2015). From Notice-and- Takedown to Notice-and-Delist: Implementing Google Spain: Amsterdam Privacy Conference.
    • Naudts, L., & Ausloos, J. (2015). Erasing Discrimination in Data Mining. Who Would Object? Data Power Conference.
    • Van Alsenoy, B., Ausloos, J., & Kuczerawy, A. (2015). Control-Alt-Delist. Are we sure we wish to continue? Privacy Law Scholars Conference.


    • Ausloos, J. (2014). The Right to be Forgotten - It's about Time, or Is It? CPDP Conference.
    • Ausloos, J. (2014). The Right to be Forgotten in the Information Society: Symposium on the Influence of Cyberspace on Communication between Citizens.
    • Van Alsenoy, B., Ausloos, J., & Kuczerawy, A. (2014). FAQ on the Right to be Forgotten: Freedom not Fear.


    • Ausloos, J. (2013). Internet Intermediaries v the Right to be Forgotten - Time to Shoot the Messenger? The Asian Privacy Scholars Network Conference.
    • Ausloos, J. (2013). Report of the Hearing in Google v Spain: Workshop on Legal Aspects of the Right to be Forgotten.
    • Ausloos, J. (2013). Right to Erasure: Reconfiguring the Power Equilibrium over Personal Data: Privacy Law Scholars Conference.
    • Ausloos, J. (2013). Search Engines after Google Spain: Internet@Liberty or Privacy@Peril: TPRC.
    • Ausloos, J. (2013). Th Right to be Forgotten - Reconfiguring the Power Balance over Personal Data: The Asian Privacy Scholars Network Conference.
    • Van Alsenoy, B., Kuczerawy, A., & Ausloos, J. (2013). Search Engines after 'Google Spain': Internet@Liberty or Privacy@Peril?.

    Prijs / subsidie

    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie

    • Ausloos, J. (2021-). member advisory committee, European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI).



    • Ausloos, J. (editor) (2024-2030). International Data Privacy Law (Journal).
    • Ausloos, J. (editor) (2019-). Privacy & Informatie (Journal).


    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) (15-2-2024). DSA’s value in offering new sources of data for platform governance research, DSA and Platform Regulation Conference 2024, Amsterdam.
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) (2024). Researcher data access, Workshop on digital sovereignty, Amsterdam.
    • Ausloos, J. (invited speaker) (2-10-2023). Inzagerechten uitgelicht, Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) & Santos, C. (speaker) (7-7-2023). Meltdown of surveillance advertising in Europe, Annual IViR Summer Course in Privacy Law and Policy 2023, Amsterdam.
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) (19-6-2023). Collective Empowerment and the GDPR, Data Justice 2023, Cardiff.
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) (26-5-2023). CPDP Book Club: Economies of Virtue, CPDP 2023.
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) (3-4-2023). The Operationalisation of Data Access Rights in Platform Research/Education, Platform Governance Research Network (PlatGovNet) conference.
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) (9-3-2023). Faculty Seminar. Access to data for research: promises and tensions in recent EU digital policymaking.
    • Ausloos, J. (invited speaker) (24-2-2023). The Digital Services Act and research, Workshop on “An EU copyright & data legislative framework fit for
      research: barriers, challenges and potential measures”, Brussels.
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) (24-2-2023). Researcher Access to Platform Data, Workshop on “An EU copyright & data legislative framework fit for research: barriers, challenges and potential measures", Brussels.
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) (27-1-2023). paper pitches round, Data Protection Scholars Network Event.
    • Toh, J. (invited speaker) & Ausloos, J. (speaker) (2023). Platform workers, data rights and forms of resistance: Cases against Uber and Ola at the Amsterdam District Court, Radboud University's iHub Seminar . https://ihub.ru.nl/event/event.page?id=3XFmo998o03
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) (18-11-2022). Panel 3: Identity and Anonymity, ILPC Annual Conference 2022, London.
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) (4-11-2022). The Shapes of Transparency, Transparency and the tech sector, Boulder.
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker), Toh, J. (speaker), Veale, M. (speaker), González Fuster, G. (speaker) & Ekker, A. (speaker) (9-6-2022). Fight the Power! Data Rights and Social Justice in the Platform Economy, Re:Publica, Berlin.
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker), Giannopoulou, A. (speaker) & Toh, J. (speaker) (3-3-2022). Collective empowerment, structural injustice and the GDPR, Data Commons Workshop, Utrecht.
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) (19-8-2021). Data Rights and Platform Research, Participatory Information Technology Conference , Aarhus.
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) & Toh, J. (speaker) (7-6-2021). Data rights and platform resistance in the context of online sex work, Researching adult content creators on digital platforms
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) (28-5-2021). Transparency Rules and Data Rights for Platform Research, KU Leuven.
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) (25-4-2021). Transparency Rules and Data Rights for Platform Research, First Annual Conference of a Platform Governance Research Network .
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) & Sax, M. (speaker) (21-4-2021). IELR 4.1 pre-publication event: Lootboxes (21/04/21), Queen Mary, University of London. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeIq9EqlRIU
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) (25-3-2021). Transparency Rules and Data Rights for Platform Research, Digital Services Act Seminars. https://lsts.research.vub.be/en/20210325-1
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) (29-1-2021). Junior Academic Session II, Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1pqVGBB3nc
    • Ausloos, J. (invited speaker) (30-10-2020). Beyond the buzzwords: Putting meaningful transparency at the heart of the Digital Services Act, Online Policy Dialogue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HyAlm62VsE
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker), Araujo, T. (speaker) & Oberski, D. (speaker) (20-5-2020). A Blueprint for Digital Trace Data Collection Through Data Donation, International Communication Association (ICA), Gold Coast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FEZaYUfC9Q
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) (5-2020). Operationalising Research Access in Platform Governance, Governing Platforms Project Report: the Online Stakeholder Dialogue.
    • Clifford, D. (speaker), Ausloos, J. (speaker) & Naudts, L. (speaker) (27-1-2020). What does 'fairness' mean in (data protection) law?', ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, Barcelona. https://fat2020-tutorials.github.io/fairness-in-dp-law/
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) & Strycharz, J. (speaker) (22-1-2020). GDPR, one year after. What citizens do know and love about it?, CPDP Computers, Privacy and Data Protection conference, Brussels.
    • Sax, M. (speaker) & Ausloos, J. (speaker) (24-10-2019). From Game to Content Delivery Platform: An Investigation of Fortnite’s Manipulative Practices, Privacy Law Scholars Conference (PLSC) Europe, Amsterdam. https://www.ivir.nl/plsceurope2019/
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) (25-6-2019). Meet the Author Series: The Right to Erasure: Safeguard for Informational Self Determination in a Digital Society? (Dr. Jef Ausloos), VUB. https://brusselsprivacyhub.eu/events/25062019.html
    • Ausloos, J. (invited speaker) & Dewitte, P. (invited speaker) (6-2-2019). Shattering One-Way Mirrors. Data Subject Access Rights in Practice, 9th Annual Privacy Papers for Policymakers.
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker) (28-1-2019). Juridisch perspectief, Privacy achterhaald: eigen schuld?, Amsterdam.
    • Ausloos, J. (speaker), Kuczerawy, A. (speaker) & Dewitte, P. (speaker) (5-6-2018). Shattering One-Way Mirrors The Right of Access in Practice, Conference on the Protection of privacy law online in Poland and in Belgium, Brussels.


    • Ausloos, J. (organiser), González Fuster, G. (organiser) & Nouwens, M. (organiser) (9-2-2024). Teaching with Data Rights, Brussels (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ausloos, J. (participant) (24-1-2024). Privacy Camp 2024, Brussels (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ausloos, J. (participant) (2024). Workshop on the concept and regulation of data protection in Berlin, Berlin (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ausloos, J. (participant), Pereira, G. (organiser) & Joshi, d. (organiser) (2024). Critical Tech + Power Seminars. Hybrid international/interdisciplinary seminars (14/2, 29/2, 13/3) discussing works in progress (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ausloos, J. (organiser), Naudts, L. (organiser), Toh, J. (participant), Ekker, A. (participant) & Bin M Fuad, N. (participant) (8-6-2023). Discussion Event with Anton Ekker, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ausloos, J. (host) (4-2023 - 8-2023). Midas Nouwens (hosting a visitor).
    • Ausloos, J. (organiser) & de Souza, S. (organiser) (16-3-2023). Critical Perspectives on Data Access for Research, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ausloos, J. (organiser), Leerssen, P. (organiser) & van Drunen, M. (organiser) (15-3-2023). Researcher Access in the Digital Services Act, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Leerssen, P. (organiser), van Drunen, M. (organiser) & Ausloos, J. (organiser) (15-3-2023). Researcher Access in the Digital Services Act, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ausloos, J. (participant) (2023). Expert Workshop on Digital Sovereignty for Universities (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ausloos, J. (participant) (16-6-2022 - 17-6-2022). EDPS Conference on Effective Enforcement in the Digital World, Brussels (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ausloos, J. (participant) (26-5-2022 - 30-5-2022). ICA, Paris (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ausloos, J. (participant) (23-5-2022 - 25-5-2022). CPDP, Brussels (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ausloos, J. (participant) (18-5-2022 - 20-5-2022). Global Transparency Conference, Copenhagen (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ausloos, J. (participant) (28-1-2022). Data Protection Law Scholars Network Conference (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ausloos, J. (participant) (7-7-2021). OESC #SAIFE workshop on content curation and surveillance-based business models (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Giannopoulou, A. (organiser), Toh, J. (organiser) & Ausloos, J. (organiser) (10-6-2021). IASC 2021 Knowledge Commons Virtual Conference. Resisting platformised education through data rights (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ausloos, J. (participant) & Teixeria, R. (participant) (4-6-2021). Privacy Law Scholars Conference 2021. Paper discussion:The Right to Data Access: A Million-Website Comparative Analysis of GDPR and CCPA Implementations by Ross Teixeria, Gunes Acar, and (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ausloos, J. (participant) & Kaminski, M. (participant) (3-6-2021). Privacy Law Scholars Conference 2021. Paper workshop:
      How the GDPR Champions Freedom of Expression and Information
      by Jef Ausloos, discussion by Margot Kaminski (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Giannopoulou, A. (organiser), Toh, J. (organiser) & Ausloos, J. (organiser) (20-5-2021). TILTing Perspectives 2021, Tilburg . "What's Work Got To Do With It? Data Rights and Platform Resistance"
      (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ausloos, J. (participant) (2021). Digital Freedom Fund Strategy Meeting (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ausloos, J. (consultant) (2021). legal opinion on data subject rights, European Legal Support Center (consultancy).
    • Ausloos, J. (consultant) (2021). Data Future Stories, Consumer Reports (consultancy).
    • Ausloos, J. (consultant) (2021 - 2022). Rethinking Data Report, Ada Lovelace Institute (consultancy).
    • Toh, J. (organiser), Ausloos, J. (organiser) & Giannopoulou, A. (organiser) (2021). Privacy Camp (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ausloos, J. (organiser) & Mahieu, R. (organiser) (12-2020). Access Request Advocacy & Research, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ausloos, J. (participant) (11-11-2020). Achieving ‘responsible data’ in the National Data Strategy: from principles to practice (Ada Lovelace Institute) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Irion, K. (organiser), Ausloos, J. (organiser) & van Hoboken, J. V. J. (organiser) (24-10-2019 - 25-10-2019). Privacy Law Scholars Conference (PLSC) Europe, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Irion, K. (organiser), van Hoboken, J. (organiser) & Ausloos, J. (organiser) (24-10-2019 - 25-10-2019). Privacy Law Scholars Conference (PLSC) Europe, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Ausloos, J. (2018). The Right to Erasure: Safeguard for Informational Self-Determination in a Digital Society ?.



    • Ausloos, J., & Dewitte, P. (2018). Shattering One-Way Mirrors. Data Subject Access Rights in Practice. (CiTiP Working Paper Series; No. 32/2018). CiTiP. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3106632
    • Ausloos, J., Dewitte, P., Geerts, D., Valcke, P., & Zaman, B. (2018). Algorithmic Transparency and Accountability in Practice: CHI.



    • Valcke, P., & Ausloos, J. (2013). What if Television Becomes Just an App ?


    • Graux, H., Ausloos, J., & Valcke, P. (2012). The Right to be Forgotten in the Internet Era.
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