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S.A. (Sebastián) Arguelles Delgado

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Programmagroep: Urban Geographies

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Postbus 15629
    1001 NC Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Engaged in rethinking the intersection between urban inequality, digital geography and Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Sebastián’s research seeks to comprehend the spatial representation of postcolonial cities on social media platforms. He is currently conducting a PhD research project titled Digital Urbanism Jamaica under the guidance of Dr. Rivke Jaffe and Dr. Wouter Van Gent. The project explores and analyzes how Jamaican and International cultural creators are producing different urban imaginaries of the postcolonial city (in this case Kingston) while constructing their digital persona in multiple platforms. His academic interest lies is bringing a spatial dimension to cultural production on Social media platforms in relationship with the normalization of spatial inequalities.

    As a digital urban geographer, Sebastián has a long relationship with urban studies, ranging from studying urban leaders in Huaycán during his bachelor in Anthropology at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú to researching the design process of an application that engages with bodegas (Mom and pop stores or nano stores) in Lima during his double master’s degree (Msc) in International Development Studies (Wageningen University & Research) and (Msc) in Digital Communication Leadership (University of Salzburg). As part of this journey Sebastián has been engaged with DespiertaLima to create citizen awareness around urban problems in Peru’s capital, as well as currently working on art related project: a poetry collection to feel postcolonial cities realities.

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