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Why study Neuroeconomics at UvA?

Access to leading experts

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You will be lectured by experts in neuroeconomics. Apart from the latest theories and models, they will teach you important data analysis and programming skills.

Excellent career prospects

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After graduation, you have an excellent job prospect at consultancy agencies, or in marketing or data science.

Challenging Honours programme

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Further develop your talents with extra courses and a real life business case. A perfect chance to stand out to future employers.

Top-ranked university

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The Amsterdam School of Economics is internationally ranked within the top-50 putting your Master’s degree on a worldwide map with interested employers.

Is Neuroeconomics for you?

  1. You want to understand how the brain is involved in making decisions across economic, social and consumer contexts.
  2. You want to study a highly interdisciplinary field that covers fundamental insights from Neuroscience, Psychology, (Behavioural) Economics, as well as programming skills.
  3. You are interested in solving societal issues with neuroeconomic research.
  4. You like working on complex cases of competition policy.
Hi, I'm Lorena! I'm a Master's student in Business Economics from Mexico. Got questions about studying at the UvA? Get in touch! Chat with Lorena
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Explore all Master's Business Economics tracks

Neuroeconomics is one of the tracks you can opt for in our Master's in Business Economics.

Facts & Figures
Degree programme
MSc Business Economics
60 ECTS ECTS, 12 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
CROHO code
Roeterseiland campus