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In the Banking and Regulation track, you learn about the causes of financial crises, the latest financial regulations, and how central bank decisions affect the real economy.

The programme

During your Master's you will follow 6 general courses and 4 track-specific courses. You will finish with a thesis. If you have a drive to enhance the adoption of sustainability in finance, you can participate in our Honours programme.

  • Advanced Corporate Finance
    Period 1

    This course offers you a rich blend of lectures, guest lectures from industry representatives, readings, exercises and cases in the area of corporate finance. You will cover topics such as corporate investment strategies, corporate governance, bankruptcy, equity offerings, and mergers and acquisitions, all while discussing state-of-the-art research methodologies. You will extend your theoretical framework as well as understand how these theories are implemented in the real business world.

  • Financial Markets
    Period 1

    This course provides you with a hands-on treatment of the field of market microstructure - the area of finance that studies price formation in securities markets.

  • Applied Financial Econometrics
    Period 1
    Period 2

    In this course you expand your knowledge about regression analysis applied to finance topics, a powerful tool in empirical finance for analysing empirical relationships. You will review estimation and testing of the basic linear regression model and subsequently will focus on various applications and extensions of the basic model.

  • Banking
    Period 2

    Research, analyse and discuss a wide range of topics that define the field of banking today. The particular focus will be on the recent financial crisis and its consequences. Topics include: major risks faced by banks, spot lending and asymmetric information, credit rationing, syndicated loans, off–balance sheet banking, risk management techniques such as Value-at-Risk (VaR), financial fragility, bank runs, and bank regulation.

  • Restricted-choice electives
    Period 2

    Choose 1 out of 2 courses: Derivatives or Valuation.

  • Empirical Methods in Finance
    Period 3

    In this course you will focus on the current statistical methodology used in empirical work and the practical implementation of data analysis using STATA. You will attend methodology lectures on how to use the university’s databases and tutorials in which you present and receive feedback on empirical group assignments. Also you will write a first thesis proposal.

  • Thesis seminar
    Period 4

    This course prepares you for writing your Master's thesis. It brings you up-to-date knowledge and professional skills. Also, you will learn how to acquire a critical view on your own work and that of fellow students. In the course you will develop your thesis plan as well as learn to present, discuss and referee other’s work.

  • Financial Regulation
    Period 4

    Learn about the economic foundations for financial regulation and prudential policy. This course offers you a guide to the evolving micro-prudential legislation targeting structural vulnerabilities associated with bank intermediation. You will learn to understand the formal rules, but also the spirit of novel regulatory approach, indispensable to appreciate future countercyclical policy.

  • Restricted-choice electives
    Period 4

    Choose 1 out of 3 courses: Behavioural Finance, Corporate Restructuring, Advanced Risk Management.

  • Restricted-choice electives
    Period 5

    Choose 1 out of 2 courses: Sustainable Finance or Ethics and Professional Skills in Finance.

  • Master's Thesis
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6

    The academic programme culminates in a thesis, which allows you to engage with state-of-the-art data analysis and statistical techniques. The Master’s thesis is the final requirement for your graduation. It is your chance to dive deep into a topic in your field of choice (track) that you are enthusiastic about, and allows you to do an independent research project in Finance. A professor of your track will supervise and support you in writing your thesis.

Compulsory course

Honours programme: A Sustainable Perspective on Finance

The Honours programme is designed for students with excellent analytical and leadership abilities, and a fundamental passion to enhance the adoption of sustainability in finance. It is a challenging programme and a great way to stand out for future employers. The programme must be finished in 1.5 years, and includes 3 additional courses: Sustainable Finance, Honours Course on Impact Investing, and an elective course (Corporate Governance, Advanced Investments, or Financial Regulation).

Real-life case: Run on DSB bank in October 2009 

DSB, named for its founder Dirk Scheringa, was famous in the Netherlands for its sponsorship of football champions AZ, but mostly for its cutting-edge loans, mortgages and connected insurance policies. During the Financial Crisis, it experienced a run by depositors following a call from a consumer group to pull money out of the controversial institution. The Dutch government decided against nationalising the failing bank; it was not considered too big to fail. What was the impact of DNB’s failure on its deposit holders? Did government policy help insure clients? What was the governance structure of DNB, and did that play a role in its demise? These issues and more are discussed in class.

Vera Scholten
Copyright: EB
The lecturers are very good and try to engage with the student in every way Vera Scholten - student Read Vera's full review
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