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Apply on time – deadlines are approaching

Do you want to apply for the Master's in Business Administration? Make sure to submit your application before the deadline that applies to you.

Discover the tracks of the Master's Business Administration

In this Master's programme, you choose from multiple challenging tracks. All tracks are a combination of general courses and track-specific courses.

Pre-Master’s programme: online or on-campus

Our pre-Master’s programme is for ambitious students who do not yet meet the admission requirements for the Master’s programme Business Administration. Within 4 months you will have all the necessary knowledge and skills to start your Master's. You can start the pre-Master’s programme each academic year on campus in September or online in February.

February start

Start this Master’s programme in February and choose from 3 tracks; International Business, Consumer Marketing or Digital Marketing.

Hi, I'm Melisa! I'm a Master's student in Business Administration from Türkiye. Got questions about studying at the UvA? Get in touch! Chat with Melisa
Master's Business Administration in less than 2 minutes

Watch our pitch video and get a first impression of our Master's in Business Administration. Within 2 minutes you will learn more about the programme at the University of Amsterdam.

Facts & Figures
Degree programme
MSc Business Administration
Regular study programme
60 ECTS, 12 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
February, September
RIO code
Roeterseiland campus