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The study programme of the track Strategy focuses on the main strategic issues that firms face. It covers how firms establish and maintain a competitive advantage, how interaction with different stakeholders impact performance, and how they are organised internally. In the courses of the Strategy track you will interact with professors who are at the forefront of research on strategy. You will apply theory to real-world cases that either involve identifying whether firms have a path to innovation and profitability or address the design of effective and flexible organisations.

The programme

Strategy is one of the tracks of the Master's Business Administration. During your Master's you will follow 5 general courses and 3 track-specific courses. You will finish with a thesis. If you have a fundamental drive to challenge the corporate environment, you can participate in one of our Honours programmes.

  • Ethics and the Future of Business
    Period 1

    The purpose of this course is to explore the trends, core concepts, theories, and approaches of business ethics and corporate sustainability. The course is divided into a general part and a track-specific part.

  • Theories of Strategy
    Period 1

    Get familiar with fundamental theories of strategy and dive into the nature of inter-firm competition. Where should companies compete, and how? And perhaps most importantly: how do firms achieve and sustain a competitive advantage?

  • Business Seminar and Managerial Skills
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
  • Corporate Strategy and Organisation Design
    Period 2

    Learn about the different ways in which diversified firms can be efficient and effective. This course covers how firms can achieve their goals through cooperation with stakeholders and discusses the ethical implications of corporate decisions.

  • The Adaptive Organisation
    Period 2

    The times, they are always changing. Learn about how firms deal with change, especially in their business environment. The course emphasises innovation as crucial to surviving and thriving within a dynamic business environment.

  • Research Foundations & Thesis Proposal
    Period 3

    This course is meant to support you in writing you research proposal for you Master's thesis. During the course, you will learn how to change a general topic into a specific research proposal.

  • Business Seminar and Professional Skills
    Period 4
    Period 5

    To prepare you for your professional career, this course is a combination of a series of corporate guest lecturers in Royal Theatre Carré and an offering of professional skills training e.g. Presentation Skills, Programming with Python and more.

  • Restricted-choice electives: Methods-Workshops
    Period 4
  • Restricted-choice electives: Analysis-Workshop
    Period 5
  • Restricted-choice electives: Business Lab Electives
    Period 4
    Period 5

    In The Business Lab, you can choose from a wide selection of electives we call business labs. Each one is connected to a corporate partner. You will be challenged to solve real-world business issues, working in international teams and presenting your solution to the company.

  • Master's Thesis
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6

    The Master’s thesis is the final requirement for your graduation. It is your chance to dive deep into a topic that you are enthusiastic about. A professor in your field of choice (track) will supervise and support you in writing your thesis.

Compulsory course

Honours programmes

Highly motivated students can participate in the Master's Business Administration Honours programmes Sustainability or Data Driven Management. These challenging programmes are a great chance to stand out for future employers.

Real-life case: EasyGroup and the cinema market

EasyGroup, EasyJet’s parent company, has to decide whether to enter the cinema market or not. What would you advise them? Does it make sense for EasyGroup to start running a cinema chain? Do EasyGroup’s resources apply to the cinema market? This is the type of real-world strategic decisions that managers have to deal with.

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The theories we learn are challenging and give a multidimensional perspective on organisations. What I like in particular are the real-life business cases, which we work on in collaboration with well-known multinationals. Roeland van Noort - track Strategy Read about Roeland's experiences with this Master's
Frequently asked questions