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Discover the Master's Accountancy and Control programme and tracks

In this Master's programme, you choose one of the tracks. You will experience a combination of general courses and track-specific courses. You are allowed to switch tracks after you have started in the programme. 

  • Accountancy

    In the Accountancy track, you will focus on the core questions: 'How can users rely on the information provided in financial reports?' and 'How do preparers of financial reports provide relevant information to users?'

  • Control

    In the Control track, you will focus on the core question: 'How can management accounting information help organisations to reach their goals?'

Pre-Master’s programme

If your prior education does not (completely) fit the entry requirements, this pre-Master’s is your stepping stone to getting admitted to our Master's Accountancy and Control. The programme is designed to complement your prior education. It will help you to catch up on subjects such as quantitative (research) methods.

Hi, I'm Elvira! I'm a Master's student in Accountancy and Control from China. Got questions about studying at the UvA? Get in touch! Chat with Elvira
Master's Accountancy and Control in less than 2 minutes

Are you looking for a quick introduction into the Master's Accountancy and Control? Watch our pitch video and get some great insights.

Facts & Figures
Degree programme
MSc Accountancy and Control
Regular study programme
60 ECTS, 12 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
CROHO code
Roeterseiland campus