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'The 2 years of studying the part-time have definitely been demanding in terms of the effort and commitment required. I managed to strike a quite good balance among work, study and personal life by planning activities in advance as much as possible.'
Sara Rabizzi
Sara Rabizzi

'I decided to pursue the Executive MBA to transition into a career in management consulting. I recognised that this shift would require a significant change in terms of my skill set and knowledge requirements. Enrolling in an MBA programme seemed like the ideal preparation for such a career change.

The 2 years of studying the part-time have definitely been demanding in terms of the effort and commitment required. I managed to strike a quite good balance among work, study and personal life by planning activities in advance as much as possible, timeboxing every work and study task and finally by being vocal with my friends and my partner, whenever I needed extra help.

The Executive MBA contributed significantly to both my personal and professional growth. Firstly, it boosted my confidence, especially in pursuing a consulting career. Secondly, it provided me with solid business knowledge, which was instrumental in preparing for consulting interviews as well as the ramp up phase in my current job.

For MBA students aspiring to enter the consulting field, I offer the following advice: enrol in the UVA International Consulting trip to get a glimpse into a consultant’s life. Choose electives that are out of your comfort zone. Focus on the learning experience rather than the ease of the course. This approach is beneficial, as a career in consulting will consistently challenge you beyond your comfort zone.'