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‘The MBA programme is very well-organised and provided a richly rewarding experience for me. I definitely recommend it for experienced professionals.’
Mike Ugwoke
Mike Ugwoke

'I had long aspired to do an MBA, but personal circumstances prevented me from starting. However, at some point I realised that my professional experience became heavily tilted towards technical and people management. It was getting difficult to break out of that mould, and an MBA would definitely help here. My finance and business acumen needed a boost, which became the key driver for enrolling in an MBA programme.

Combining a demanding job with an Executive MBA was no easy feat. However, once started, one has to keep going, drawing on motivation from classmates, who were essentially in the same boat. I had to find more efficient ways to organise my work and fit in MBA classes and homework. My colleagues were very supportive when I had to decline many meetings to attend lectures. Although I practically had no weekends for myself during the study, it was definitely worth it.

The MBA programme is very well-organised and provided a richly rewarding experience for me. I definitely recommend it for experienced professionals. The lecturers were demanding and engaging, and the programme content was very relevant, blending academic and industry cases, as well as topical issues like sustainability.

The most notable areas of professional growth I observed since my graduation 2 years ago have been executive thinking and mindset, and in translating strategy into operations. I received a promotion shortly after graduation, and in a very short time I mastered the new role despite its higher level of complexity. I credit the MBA experience for this achievement and look forward to handling even more complex roles in the future.'