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'I learned the importance of speaking less and listening more, asking the right questions, and being more receptive to others' viewpoints. I truly believe that my experience has led to significant personal growth, both professionally and in my private life.'
Joeri van der Wees
Joeri van der Wees

'I started the Executive MBA in 2021. The programme has been valuable in many ways, but one of the most useful aspects was undoubtedly the peer learning. During one of the projects, I was part of a team consisting of 4 students, each from a different continent, industry, and with varying levels of working experience. This diverse mix provided a unique opportunity to approach the same business case from multiple perspectives. The synergy we developed resulted in an outcome that exceeded anything we might have conceived on our own. The group work really challenged me to look beyond my own perspective and embrace diverse ways of thinking.

During the programme, I learned a lot that I can still apply in my work. Working in consultancy, modules like Change Management, Corporate Strategy and the international consultancy trip were incredibly valuable for me, as it directly related to my day-to-day work. But my main takeaways are more on myself and my own behaviour: I learned the importance of speaking less and listening more, asking the right questions, and being more receptive to others' viewpoints. I truly believe that my experience at ABS has led to significant personal growth, both professionally and in my private life.

My advice for people considering the Executive MBA would be not to take this decision lightly. It’s an amazing opportunity, but you need to be willing and able to commit significant time and resources. Also consider how the MBA aligns with your career- or life goals and development needs. It really helps to reach out to alumni via LinkedIn; I assure you that anyone you contact would be more than happy to at least reply to your message. Just like you, we were once making this decision and reached out to alumni who had previously walked this path. Make use of this network, it is truly invaluable!'