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Ahmed Mansour

‘As a global Cloud Solution Architect operating in a volatile and hypercompetitive market, I wanted to pursue an MBA programme to grow my impact. I searched for a programme with the right combination of academic theory and practical applications. The UvA Executive MBA programme appealed to me the most.

The Amsterdam Business School (ABS) team provided a pleasantly smooth application experience via counselling and guidance throughout the process. They also offered me the opportunity to drop in on a class to experience the programme first-hand before enrolling. I was fascinated by the session’s delivery as it challenged my current thinking. During the class, everyone shared their unique experiences which made the lecture even more valuable. I was convinced that the UvA Executive MBA was the right choice for me.

I have only been in de programme for a few weeks, but I have already learned so much. I truly enjoy the lectures and the ongoing engagement and dialogues with my classmates on assignments. The small class size encourages voicing your opinion. The cohort is comprised of professionals from different industries. As a result, everyone examines challenges through different lenses.

The programme is challenging: it requires mastering time management and prioritization. However, a big advantage is that I can directly apply my new learnings to my work.   

After completing the MBA, I plan to maximize my impact by adding more value for customers, partners, and my team. My ambition is to seek more thought leadership opportunities to positively influence strategy and innovation on a larger scale.’