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For the development of deepfake therapy to support victim-offender dialogues to reduce PTSD symptoms in victims of sexual violence, the Achmea Victim and Society Foundation (SASS) has granted funding (for the first phase) to endorse an innovative collaboration between AI tech startup 3DUniversum (via of the Universiteit van Amsterdam and psychologists from ARQ Centrum'45, PSYTREC, Radboud University, and the National Psychotrauma Centre for Children and Youth/UMC Utrecht

While victim-offender dialogues can contribute to reducing PTSD symptoms in victims of sexual violence, it is not always possible to have an actual conversation with an offender., developed by 3DUniversum, offers deepfake technology opportunities to conduct such conversations virtually. Psychologists from ARQ Centrum'45, Psytrec, Radboud University, and the National Psychotrauma Centre for Children and Youth/UMC Utrecht, will collectively develop and evaluate a therapeutic protocol for deepfake victim-offender dialogues.