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When: Wed 5 June 2024 at 15:00 – followed by drinks. | Where: University of Amsterdam (OMHP room C 2.17)  
Event details of Reimagining a Theoretical Turn in Fashion Scholarship roundtable and Special Issue launch
5 June 2024
OMHP room C 2.17

Amsterdam launch for the International Journal of Fashion Studies Special Issue, "B(l)ending Research Methods: Reimagining a Theoretical Turn in Fashion Scholarship,” co-edited by Tommy Tse, Diego Semerene, and Sophie Kurkdjian.

The event will take the shape of a roundtable with Tommy Tse, Vésma Kontere McQuillan, Marie-Aude Baronian, Misha Kavka, Christine Delhaye and Diego Semerene. We will take up questions stemming from the following contributions to the Special Issue:

“Fashion as a cultural analysis object,” Marie-Aude Baronian

“Skimming fashion, or how to read skin-deep,” Misha Kavka 

“The trans gender subject of fashion,” Diego Semerene

“Rethinking fashion review with architectural fashion analysis method,” Vésma Kontere McQuillan

“Against abstract universalisms in fashion theory: For a dialogical process of interpretation and translation,” Christine Delhaye

The  Introduction to the issue is available online:

[in person only, no streaming/recording].



Room OMHP room C 2.17
Oudemanhuispoort 4-6
1012 CN Amsterdam