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ABS assistant professor Dr. Pushpika Vishwanathan was chosen as the winner of the Van der Schroeff Award. This is the award for the best lecturer at EB in 2023. The ASE Dissertation Award for the best doctoral thesis was presented to Dr. Eva Frieda Janssens.
L to R: Yashi Tripathi, Pushpika Vishwanathan and EB Dean Roel Beetsma

The award ceremony took place during the UvA EB New Year’s Drinks event on 18 January.

Van der Schroeff Award

Vishwanathan's students praised her teaching. The jury report based on course evaluations stated: ‘…her courses are clearly structured and provide students with ample information and content. Her presentation and explanation of the course content is very thorough. This is particularly shown in the short knowledge clips she produces. The students who participated in the course have found it extremely helpful. She is also very focused on connecting with students and listening to feedback. She answers as many questions from students as possible in her weekly feedback lectures.’

In addition to the winner Dr Vishwanathan there was also recognition for the excellent teaching of the 2nd place winner Dr Bram Wouters (ASE Quantitative Economics section) and 3rd place winner Dr Giorgia Romagnoli (ASE Microeconomics section). The award was presented by Faculty Student Council chair Yashi Tripathi.

Eva Janssens
Eva Janssens

ASE Dissertation Award

The winner of the ASE Dissertation Award was Dr Eva Frieda Janssens for her dissertation Estimation and identification in macroeconomic models with incomplete markets. According to the jury, her work ‘not only enriches the academic discourse but also holds profound implications for policy formulation’. Janssens was not able to attend the event. Professor Frank Kleibergen, one of her supervisors (together with Dr Christian Stoltenberg), accepted the award on her behalf from ASE Research Institute director professor Randolph Sloof. Janssens currently works as an economist with the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington DC. She will soon be leaving this post to take up a new position as an Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan's Department of Economics.

The other nominees for the award were Dr Katharina Brütt, Dr Yun Xiao and Dr Andreas Ziegler.