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The first live edition of De Goede Gesprekken took place in the context of the exhibition 'Cross-Pollinations: Art and the Petunia Collection' in VOX-POP. How can different fields of sciences complement and reinforce one another? FNWI dean Peter van Tienderen and FGw researchers Gaston Franssen and Kasia Lech joined dean Marieke de Goede in conversation about open mindsets, screaming plants, co-creation and the challenges of interdisciplinary work. 
Prof. dr. P.H. (Peter) van Tienderen

Executive Staff


Dr. K.K. (Kasia) Lech

Faculty of Humanities

Theatre Studies

Prof. G.E.H.I. (Gaston) Franssen

Faculty of Humanities

Capaciteitsgroep Nederlandse Letterkunde