3 June 2020
The project, funded by NWO, analyses how the interaction between prince, nobles and urban elites influenced the construction, perception, and representation of a territory. The test case is the late medieval duchy of Brabant, which still has historical and territorial significance for many people in present-day Belgium and the Netherlands. In that sense the project responds to a relevant societal question: what constitutes Brabant as a meaningful historical entity?
Damen will become part of a carefully selected community of about sixty scholars, artists and writers. He was selected by an external review process on the basis of the quality and innovative value of the research proposal. The success rate of NIAS fellowships is about ten percent.
NIAS - one of the institutes of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) –provides a physical and intellectual space for advanced research in the humanities and social sciences that is driven by curiosity and cross-discipline collaboration. It offers temporary fellowships to international and Dutch scholars. NIAS is located in Amsterdam.